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HTML - 1

1) What all tags are covered inside a head element?

2) What are HTML elements?
3) What are HTML attributes?
4) How do you specify a tag in HTML?
5) Why do we declare doctype? Is doctype mandatory in HTML5? 
6) What are block level elements?
7) What are inline elements?
8) Write a code to Make a block level element to inline and inline to block level
9) What is responsive web design?
10) Task - Create a basic webpage using All Semantic Tags

HTML – 2

1) What is a file path? how do you link external files into your document?
2) Specify form elements and attributes.
3) What is the specification of the required attribute in forms?
4) Create a ordered list, unordered and description list.
5) Create a form


1) Create a table
2) What is the purpose of using an iframe?
3) what are audio and video elements used for? Create both of them using html5.
4) What is Canvas in HTML 5?
5) What is SVG? 

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