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A 47-year-old white male recently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction is complaining of feeling
dizzy, flushed, and lower back pain. He has taken one 50-miligram Viagra tablet by mouth 6
different times about 1 hour before sexual activity
2. A 29 year-old white female with history of (=HO) hepatits B is complaining of a thick vaginal
discharge that looks like cottage cheese. Her medication history includes Hepsera to treat hepatitis
B and Nasonex for nasal congestion
3. A 33 year-old divorced white male presently with a history of cirrhosis is complaining of nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea and drowsiness. He is currently taking two 25-miligram tablets of Aldactone
by mouth, one in the morning, and one in the evening daily, to treat water retention in abdomen
and legs. He has no known drug allergies.
4. A 56-year-old black female with a 5-year history of hypertension is complaining of a rapid heart
beat. Allergies include sulfa. She is currently smoling one pack of cigarettes a day, and has been
smoking for 36 years. Current medication history includes 25-mg of Captopril by mouth three
times daily for the last five years and 5-mg of digoxin by mouth once daily
5. The patient is complaining of abdominal pain and worsening bloody diarrhea. He states he feels
like he has the flu. He was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 3 weeks ago. He has been taking
Asacol by mouth once daily (unknown dosage). Allergies include penicillin
6. The 43-year-old white female is complaining of abdominal pain and a foul vaginal discharge. Her
last menstrual period was 2 months ago. She is on birth control pill and denies she is pregnant.
She has multiple sclerosis and is currently taking an injection of Betaseron once daily.
7. The 61-year-old patient’s chief complaint is a gout flare-up in his right toe. He states it’s tender to
the touch and very red and hot. The flare-up started 3 days ago. He’s been taking 2 Tylenol tablets
as needed. He wants to get a cortisone injection and a prescription for probenecid, which he
received the last time he had a gout attack 2 years ago.
8. The 21-year-old white female’s chief complaints are nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, and
headaches. She began taking Macrodantin capsule by mouth once a day for a period of five days
to treat urinary tract infection. Patient has no known drug allergies but other allergies include
wasps, bees, and iodine. She is on birth control pills and has been taking one tablet of Aleve as
needed for her headaches.
9. The 30-year-old black male is complaining of painful and burning urination, and penile discharge
for about one week. He has no known drug allergy but is allergic to latex. Patient had a history of
tuberculosis 5 years ago and was prescribed rifampin. Patient also has a history of sexually
transmitted diseases – gonorrhea and chlamydia. He was diagnosed 2 years ago and was
prescribed doxycycline and azithromycin. Patient does not remember dosage. Patient does not
always use condoms or practice safe sex.
10. The 26-year-old white female’s chief complaints are hair loss, trembling, and shaking. Patient was
recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and is currently taking 50 micrograms of Levoxyl by
mouth once daily. Patient has been taking Levoxyl for 2 weeks. Her last menstrual period was 3
weeks ago. She is not on birth control pill. Patient takes Tylenol for headaches as needed. She
states she cut her finger yesterday and has applied Neosporin on the cut. Allergies include sulfa,
iodine, and dog dancer.
11. The patient was brought in by her husband. He stated she was experiencing terrible pain in her
sternum and in her back and heartburn. Patient was alert and oriented. She had an endoscopy 4
days ago and was diagnosed with hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and an
inflammed esophagus. Her private medical doctor prescribed 1 teaspoon of Ranitidine in the
morning, and 1 teaspoon in the evening once daily. Past surgical history includes appendectomy
and right knee surgery. Allergies include Bactrim and cats
12. The 5-year-old well-nourished female patient was brought in by her mother. Her mother states her
daughter is tugging at her left ear, that her right eye is pink and watery, and that she is crying a
lot. Her mother has been giving her daughter 1 teaspoon of children’s Tylenol as needed. Mother
states her daughter has a history of ear infections and has had one episode of croup. Their private
medical doctor has prescibed amoxicillin to treat her ear infections. The patient’s vital signs are
normal. Patient’s social history includes parents who smoke 1-2 packs of cigarettes a day each.

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