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Self-Care plan

Physical self-care


.Eat healthy foods

.Drink lots of water

.Sleep early

Psychological self-care
.Focus on your present life

.Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings

.Reflect on life experiences

.Express what you feel in a healthy way

.Detoxify at least once a week

Emotional self-care
.Write down what you feel

.Try journaling

.Set boundaries

.Stay connected to your support system

.Limit your exposure to social media

Spirit self-care
.Always remember to pray

.Read the bible

.Start your day with devotion

.Listening to worship songs

.Attend Sunday services

Relationship Self-care
.Nurture your friendship

.Spend time with the people you love

.Disconnect with toxic families, relationship and friends

.Have some 'me' time

.Express gratitude

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