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ANC-NCAA Dayaw Episode 1: "Lupa, Kagubatan, Karagatan" (Inspiring, Challenging

The Dayaw is hosted and conceptualized by Senator Loren Legarda (2015). It shows how
the Philippines truly has a very diverse and interesting culture, the presence of those natural
resources is a great blessing for us. Natural resources are those valuable materials found in our
environment. A good example would be what I saw in the video, the Lupa, Kagubatan, and
Karagatan.". Moreover, the video also shows two indigenous communities. Mainly, from
Palawan and Ifugao, who discuss how they cherish the forest and the environment and how this
regard has resulted in the wise use of natural resources.

Regarding the documentary, I was astounded to see what a truly beautiful and resource-
rich country the Philippines is. They demonstrate how they enrich the vibrant culture of the
Philippines to ensure the survival of every Filipino. Furthermore, the video has been made clear
to the audience how highly the forest and the environment are regarded by native people, and
how their careful management of natural resources is a result of their reverence for their
ecosystem. They were able to use their property for survival, and even more importantly, they
were able to continue their legacy for the benefit of the following generation. Additionally, I was
amazed by the video's depiction of our forefathers' boat-building methods. They can travel, trade,
and live underwater because of the boat. And through that, I can really understand how
meticulously our ancestors considered how they could construct it in the most traditional manner
as possible. I just hope that all Filipinos would learn about this method of conserving our lands
so that in the future we can still have these natural resources.

In conclusion, I would urge many Filipinos to watch the Dayaw Episode. Because it
shows how the Philippines is very rich in natural resources. Also, it teaches us how to protect our
natural resources so that we can use them when we need them. Indeed, it is difficult to sustain.
However, we must consider how our ancestors did everything to achieve it. I believe it should
not be our ancestors only, we as Filipinos must take care of our own natural resources, not only
our ancestors. It has given me pleasure to have a better "Philippines" that all of us can proudly
talk about without the fear of being disparaged after watching the first episode of Dayaw instilled
more patriotism in my heart and soul.

ANC - NCCA Dayaw Episode 2: “Mito, Kuwento, Musika” (The Indigenous Imagination)

Indigenous people's talents and creative imaginations are showcased in Episode 2 of

Dayaw. They demonstrate the critical role that these individuals play in shaping our cultures,
rituals, and beliefs. Also, the three GAMABA honorees Samaon Sulaiman, a master of the
kudyapi, Masino Intaray, a chanter of the Palawan epic, and Ginaw Bilog, a poet and expert in
the Hanunuo Mangyan syllabary, are also honored in this episode for their talents and creative
quality. I noticed that the second episode is more about the piece of music or chats that were
produced by our ancestors.

Moreover, It really enlightened me of the Hudhud Chants of the Ifugaos and the
Darangen of the Maranao. And to be honest it was my first time to hear that. I was amazed how
older people teach young generations to preserve our culture. Furthermore, a variety of musical
instruments that were employed in the past and are still in use today were also displayed in the
documentary. I've learned to appreciate our own culture by watching this documentary. Prior to
supporting other cultures, it strikes me that we first need to consider our own culture. Because it
is evident that today's youth are more interested in modern music. I do believe that Filipinos can
learn from this documentary to value and embrace their own cultures and traditions.
Additionally, my reaction regarding those three GAMABA Awardee must be applauded by all
Filipinos because their passion and hardships is really amazing. I also remember a quote by
Senator Loren Legarda, "Nature Creates, Man Imagines, and Man Creates" stuck in my mind,
and it is an incredibly good quote. Because Filipinos have incredibly creative minds and can
make things from scratch. We can proudly preserve our original cultures thanks to this

To sum up, this episode demonstrates how indigenous people are concerned with
preserving the national culture, which includes music, chants, instruments, and much more. After
watching the video, I understood how crucial it was to protect Filipino identity, particularly
given the world's ongoing technological advancement. By utilizing what the contemporary world
has to offer as it is widely utilized, we should promote our own culture. This documentary makes
us proud, and lets us preserve our native cultures. Last but not least, this documentary is
incredibly informative for every Filipino because it includes all the cultures that we have and that
we should cherish.

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