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1. It refers to the rate of speed in a composition. It may be fast or slow.
A. Tempo B. Texture C. Harmony D. Timbre

2. Which of the following indicates the speed of the beat with a tickling sound and are adjustable to
a rate of 40 to 208 beats/minute?

A. Xylophone B. Metronome C. Beat Reader D. Homophone

3. Which of the following is a single melodic line without accompaniment? It signifies only one
voice and usually sung in unison.
A. Polyphonic B. Monophonic C. Homophonic D. Metronome
4. It is the color of sound produced by the voice and different instruments.
A. Form B. Timbre C. Dynamics D. Musical Symbol
5. It is the degree of loudness and softness of sound. Dynamic marks are written
above or below the notes that are to be played loud or soft.
A. Form B. Timbre C. Dynamics D. Musical
6. Instruments that are plucked or bowed and are often referred to as the
"backbone" of the orchestra.
A. String Instruments C. Brass Instruments
B. Woodwind Instruments D. Percussion Instruments
7. __________ produce music when musicians blow the mouthpiece.
A. String Instruments C. Brass Instruments
B. Woodwind Instruments D. Percussion Instruments
8. This dynamic sound means loud.
A. p B. f C. pp D. ff
9. What musical symbol is placed at the left most part of the staff?

A. Crescendo B. Musical Clef C. Decrescendo D. Musical Notation

10. It refers to the rate of speed in a musical composition.

A. Dynamics B. Pitch C. Tempo D. Speed
11. It is a tempo change from a slow gradual change to a faster tempo.
A. Accelerando (accel.) C. Lento
B. Ritardando (rit.) D. Presto

12. In the key of C, the following are the primary chords used in songs except ____.
A. B major B. C major C. F major D. G major

13. What do you call the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which creates a
sense of completeness?
A. Hue B. Unity C. Intensity D. Balance
14. When a line is closed, it becomes a ______________. It can be geometric (using straight
lines), or organic (free formed). This type of element is flat.
A. Unity B. Form C. Shape D. Emphasis
15. Which of the following is not an element of art?
A. Line B. Shape C. Space D. Contrast
16. What are the two different types of shape?
A. A square and a circle C. A triangle and a cloud
B. Organic and geometric D. A shape that has a name and a shape
that doesn't
17. Which statement is not true about sculpture?
A. An image or artwork is created by means of drawing only.
B. Any material capable of being shaped in three dimensions can be used in sculpting.
C. Sculpture is an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-
dimensional art objects.
D. Materials may be carved, modeled, molded, cast, welded, stitched, assembled, or
otherwise, shaped and combined.
18. These are like tabs and are often placed on an editor header and give access to options.
A. Context Buttons C. Controls
B. Editor D. Panels
19. What is the element of art that is made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity?
A. Line B. Space C. Shape D. Color
20. What is the lightness and darkness of a color?
A. Art B. Hue C. Tone D. Science
21. What is the process of creating art by transferring an image or design from a source to
another material?
A. Art B. Photography C. Printmaking D. Digital Printing
22. It is arranging the elements in a piece so that there is an equality from one side to the
A. Balance B. Emphasis C. Harmony D. Unity
23. Taking the parts of a piece of art and unifying them into something better as a whole.
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Pattern D. Unity
24. A principle of art may be shown using complementary colors or emphasizing differences
using the light and dark colors.
A. Contrast B. Emphasis C. Pattern D. Unity
25. Field of art that has to do with the communication of some specific message to
a group of people using words and pictures.
A. Computer B. Graphic Design C. Layout D. Poster

26. It is an activity where you move your body in time with the music?
A. Strength B. Fitness C. Dance D. Endurance
27. How can dancing make you fit?
A. It can help you to improve posture. C. It makes you lonely.
B. It worsen the energy on your body. D. Stamina and flexibility decreased.
28. All of the following are facts about dancing except one.
A. It makes your brain work. C. It develops your bones.
B. It makes your body become weak. D. It gives you flexibility.
29. It is an activity where you move your body in time with the music?
A. Strength B. Fitness C. Dance D. Endurance
30. _______ display cultural values, artistic features, and social function of the Region
where they came from.
A. Modern dances C. Folk dances
B. Tribal Dances D. Ethnic dances
31. Creative dances has branched out and divided into two kinds. The ____________.
A. Modern dance and Ballroom dance.
B. Street dance and Folk dance.
C. Modern dance and Traditional dance.
D. Traditional dance and Interpretative dance.
32. What kind of Non-locomotor that move continuously from one point to the other.
A. Bend or Flex B. Lift, Raise C. Swing D. Twist
33. This type of dance translates feelings and emotions of human conditions, situations, or
fantasies into movement and dramatic expressions.
A. Folk Dance B. Ballet C. Basic Dance Step D.
34. The following are locomotor skills in dancing except _____.
A. walking B. running C. twisting D. hopping

35. When your body move around a wide axis, which fitness is improved?
A. coordination B. flexibility C. balance D. endurance
36. Which of the following is not belong to the Skills Related Components?
A. Flexibility B. Speed C. Agility D.
37. What kind of games include stealing objects, running, jumping and crossing over?
A. invasion games B. target games C. striking games D. net

38. This is a natural way of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil called
A. Recycling C. Waste Disposal
B. Reducing and Reusing D. Composting
39. The following are components of consumer health.
A. health information C. health product
B. health services D. all of the above
40. Bleaching soaps are examples of ____.
A. food B. medicines C. cleaning agents D.
personal care
41. A ____ is a person who advises on matters of food and nutrition impacts on health.
A. dermatologist B. nutritionist C. ophthalmologist D. pharmacist
42. We can draw health information from _____.
A. scientists B. police officers C. fire men D.
43. Consumer health helps you exercise consumer’s ______.
A. rights B. obligations C. time D. money
44. The following are components of consumer health.
A. health information C. health product
B. health services D. all of the above
45. Bleaching soaps are examples of ____.
A. food B. medicines C. cleaning agents D.
personal care
46. A ____ is a person who advises on matters of food and nutrition impacts on health.
A. dermatologist B. nutritionist C. ophthalmologist D. pharmacist
47. We can draw health information from _____.
A. scientists B. police officers C. fire men D.
48. A parasite infestation of the skin caused by microscopic mites that burrow into the skin.
A. Cholera B. Scabies C. Pneumonia D. Virus
49. A bacterial infection throughout the intestinal tract which causes diarrhea.
A. Cholera B. Scabies C. Pneumonia D. Virus
50. An acute respiratory infection due to poor environmental sanitation.
A. Flu B. Common Cold C. Sore throat D. Pneumonia

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