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Analyze the novel: (1) point of view, (2) characters and characterization (the characteristic is telling

or showing; how characters speak; how characters think; how characters dress; the appearance of
characters, the social standing of characters, the names of characters), (3) setting (Show the setting by a
mood of characters, the personality of characters, the situation of characters)

1) the English novel is The Alchemist (English version). buy the book or print it out from the internet
2) you do not need to read all pages of the novel, but to what extent what pages you read could show
you or you can find the answers to the three questions
3) the assignment is submitted in meeting 11 (work done in 2 weeks)
4) the submission of the assignment is in the class (offline meeting)


1. Point of view: Third person

2. Characters and characterization:

Santiago (the protagonist)
He tells the story of his journey to the readers. He is a strong-willed character. He'd never
hesitate to speak if there was anything on his mind. he enjoys thinking and imagining, whereas
he is positive about his desire of traveling. He always thinks positively, takes calculated chances,
and learns from everyone he meets. And he does not look back on every decision he has made.
He brought a jacket and was always dressed simply. When working with crystal vendors, he
dresses in Arabic garb. His social status was that of a traveler. In the oasis, he also became an
The gypsy lady
She's explaining the meaning of Santiago's dream.  He spoke ingeniously and spontaneously in
his speech. She's a mysterious woman who's not sure what her purpose is.  She
sounds convincing, but she also sounds like an imposter. Her social standing is a poor astrologer 
He's telling and showing Santiago the story and encouraging him to achieve his goal. He spoke
wisely and intelligently. He is a one-of-a-kind old man who knows a lot of stuff. He was the one
who instructed and encouraged Santiago. He wore a robe and was dressed as an arab. His social
status was that of Salem's king.
She is showing her love for Santiago by patiently waiting for him to realize his dream.
She talked slowly and softly. She's a patient desert woman who believes in Santiago and
willing to wait for him to achieve his goals. She wears a veil. And dressed in Arabic garb. Her
eyes are black, and she has a pretty face. She also wears a perfume that makes Santiago
recognize her. Her social standing is that of a desert girl. 
The Alchemist
He is telling and showing the language of the world to Santiago, as well as inspiring him to
achieve his goal.
He sounded firm and authoritative in his speech. He gave Santiago a lot of advice and answered
his questions. He would be the one to give Santiago instructions, and he was the one who
persuaded Santiago to continue his journey. He also accompanied Santiago through the desert.
He was dressed in black and covered his face with a turban except for his eyes. And the
alchemist is his social standing.

3. Settings
In Andalusia is where Santiago began his journey he has a great curiosity and is very smart.
He grew up in rural Andalusia as the son of a poor farmer who wanted to wander.
In Andalusia, he traveled and felt happy.
In Tarifa, he meets a gypsy woman who interprets his dreams. He also meets the king of Salem
who gives him instructions and helps him determine his goals. Santiago here is very worried
about leaving the life of his shepherd or looking for the treasure in his dreams
Al-Fayoum oasis
This is where he meets Alchemy and Fatima. In this place, Santiago understands the language of
the world. Here he was worried about continuing his journey or staying in the oasis with Fatima,
the woman he loved. But he is convinced by the alchemy and goes on a journey together.
The Egyptian pyramid.
This is where he completes his treasure quest. Here he was robbed and found something else.
He finally understood the meaning of his journey during this time.

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