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This assignment it comprises or needed to cover the treatment of criminals and theories of
punishment but we will assist our task in accordance with the instruction given or on the
question concerned by supporting the question with relevant authorities.

Penology is the study of punishment and treatment of offenders. that is to say penology is the
study of punishment focus on what should be punished the offenders and degree of punishment
shall be imposed to the offenders and on how the offenders shall be treated.

In fact, of that the penology is the sub branch of criminology deals with custody, treatment,
prevention and finally control of crime, according to the classic school of criminology the pre
pounders of this theory believe that the criminals are measuring the crime between the pleasure
and pain and the punishment can be deterrent to the crime if the punishment is proportional to
the crime. But in accordance with Article 13


But in Neo classical theory of criminology says that the criminal must treated in the matters of
punishment should fit the individualism of the offender by looking at the mental state of offender
on committed a crime.



Are originated in the word deter as a justification for punishment based discourage or
prevented by instilling in potential criminals a fear of punishing consequences .in
deterrence their categories into two the specific deterrence and general deterrence.
Specific deterrence the aim of these theory is to deter the particular offender who
receives the sentences from offending again example when A been charge with rape and
been sentenced of that offence which he committed so in specific it prevent that person
to commit another offence but also in general deterrence it prevent the whole society to
commit that offence. therefore in deterrence not only to prevents the wrongdoers from
doing a wrong but also to make him an example for others .
Means to change the offender into a valuable person in which is given education which
helps him to gain skill and knowledge that could help him or her to complete in the job
market when he is out from the prison. the aim of these theory is to encourage the
offender to abstain from criminal behavior in the future by providing him the social
educational, or vocational training.


These theory means to remove an offender from the society making it physically
impossible for him or her to commit further crimes against the public while serving a
sentence. or refer to restriction of individual freedom and liberty that would normally in
the society.

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