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Quiz 9.

I. Answer the following questions using the selling key


1. How will you manage an irate customer?

When clients have issues I need to remain calm and have a
gentle tone of voice. I don’t want to take it personally
because the customer is not angry with me the customer is
angry because they are not satisfied with the products.

2. Is customer always right?

For me is no, the customer sometimes is wrong and the
employee must have a knowledge on there company to
have a good solutions on every customer concerns.

3. How will you define quality customer service?

The meaning of quality service to me is when the employee
help the customer on there issues and make them satisfied
on what services you provide and make sure that the
customer will not call again because of another issue.

4. What will you do if your customer is shouting on you?

I would think that is a normal reaction to a angry person
because of the services that the company’s provide so I’m
gonna do is just always calm down, be patient and also
still respect the customer last is assist the customer.

5. How will you handle an abusive customer?

If ever I experience that I will tell that to my supervisor and
I’ll let him talk to the customer.

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