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Teaching Philosophy

Reuben Wildeboer
EDUC 3505
Sept 29, 2022
Learners are the main focus in any classroom because, without them, you have no classroom. In
my classroom, I want students to learn about the world and be fascinated by it. I want them to
look at something and wonder “How does that work?” and “Why does that happen?”. I want to
fuel a natural curiosity for the world that we all live in. While I understand that all students
think differently, I believe that learning to think rationally and logically is important, especially
when it comes to executive function and self-regulation. I hope to support my students’
personal development by helping them manage stress and slowing their thoughts to think more
rationally and clearly. One of my goals is to have students be able to demonstrate self-
regulatory knowledge effectively. I want students to develop a sense of wonder not only about
the world but of the cosmos as well. The universe holds many secrets, and I want to aid
students on their journeys to discover them, no matter what secrets they pursue. I want
students to appreciate their own lives and recognize our lives as a gift.

Learning is difficult and it is the teacher’s duty to make it easier. Throughout my experiences in
PSI, I have found that learning doesn’t come solely from memorization and regurgitation. Some
students benefit from this style of learning, but many other students do not. I want learning to
be enjoyable and safe in my classroom where students do not fear being who they are. Having
diverse and engaging learning opportunities and assessments that build relationships between
students and between teachers and students where we all support our growth and
development to better ourselves as people. I want students to learn what it means to be a good
person in today’s society. This means different things for different students, especially those
coming from different backgrounds and cultures. Embracing these ideals would be most
beneficial for each student’s learning and understanding of the world around them.

I want to build a learning environment that is a safe place, where mistakes are encouraged and
supported so learners can grow. One of my favourite ways to do this is to use white-erase
boards where students can answer questions without fear of being pointed out for getting the
question wrong. This also works well as a form of formative assessment so I can gauge the
effectiveness of my instruction. I want students to be able to ask any question that comes to
mind, be it related to the topic being taught or not. I want to build an inquisitive community
where no question is considered dumb or silly. I want to foster curiosity and to do this, I will
answer any appropriate questions students may have, regardless if they are related to the
lesson at hand. Students should also support each other and grow together and understand
that everyone learns differently and at their own speed. Overall, an inclusive, inquisitive, and
curious environment is what I want to strive for.

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