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September Narrative

Since marketing is a course that emphasises commerce, you will learn about a lot more
than just creative. You'll discover how to create spending plans, locate potential clients,
penetrate foreign marketplaces, and select prices or earnings. I learned a lot about marketing
from the first orientation on September 2 to the last session on September 30. Every day that
the marketing lessons were delivered, my understanding grew. Even though I have experience
in the business world, marketing has shown me that I still need to significantly develop in order
to fit in with this field of study. I also discovered that it's acceptable to appear to be in need of
money and to be excessively tight with money, contrary to my previous beliefs. In today's
world, it's important to be realistic, and we should consider each individual to be either money
or the face of money. Everyone has the potential to become your customer, so you should treat
everyone with kindness and competence, especially future consumers. You should not pass
judgement on anyone and should recognise the potential for profit in everyone. Since
connecting with customers is the key to everything in the marketing world, you should learn
how to master it. When you start communicating with the other person, you'll realise that
connecting has begun; that's when the connection will grow. My goal is to become wealthy and
successful, so I want to gain experience in the field and learn everything I can about it. I think
taking a marketing course will help me get closer to achieving my goal. And I've been looking
forwards since I was a young child, and I'll keep doing so as long as I keep believing that I'll be
wealthy and successful one day. Needing to learn more is normal; we should be open-minded
and increase our knowledge. To accomplish your goals, it is crucial to have faith and confidence
in yourself.

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