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1- First give Local anesthesia

2- Rubber dam
3- High speed with round bur
4- After this , using manual files with irrigation ( in a cup half cholorox – half water ) endo scale
and gates glidden.

K file square in shape

H file round in shape

Reamer triangle in shape

endo scale: doctor use this to determine canal length.
U have to write this in patient notes to remember it for next visit

gates Glidden from 1-6

5. during filing with endo file we use EDTA (put EDTA in plastic slab)

6. between each file irrigation with cholorox (sodium hypochlorite with water).

7. take X-ray with file to determine working length, also we can use endo motor to determine working

8. if not finish the visit put non-setting calcium hydroxide, cotton then temporary filling: take it with
spatula small amount only)

9. to continue RCT:

Open cavity again with round bur, high speed to removed Temporary filling and cotton)

10. continue filling and irrigation.

11. after finish filling, use saline in syringe for final use and then use paper points to dry the canals

12. take final x-ray with gutta percha

13. For final filling you need (endo scale, Gutta percha of different sizes, viopaste with slab, cotton
rolls, flame and condenser)

14. mix sealer ( viopaste) and put gutta percha at the at the scale t measure the length and curve it
and then put it at the end of sealer.

15. put in the canal. at the end heat the condenser with flame , so doctor can cut the Gutta percha

16. for final filling it depends on doctor wish to close tooth in same visit or close it next time with

17. sometimes , you have to put post after Root canal

Post : is using to strengthening the weaken tooth

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