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Violent Video Games to Violent Crimes?

Violent Video Games to Violent Crimes?

Jake Anderson
Salt Lake Community College
Violent Video Games to Violent Crimes?

Violent Video Games to Violent Crimes?

This paper will discuss the crime rates due to violent video games. While there are mixed

opinions and insufficient research on this topic, violent video games do not directly correlate to

violent crime. In the article “Do Violent Video Games Lead to Violence?” by Phillip Boffey

(paragraph 1) states: “There was insufficient research on whether violent video games cause

lethal violence. Studies have also shown that video game use is associated with a decrease in

empathy and other socially desirable behavior.” While this issue needs more research, I picked

this topic because I occasionally will play first person shooter video games when I have

downtime, and I believe they do not directly cause violent crimes in mentally healthy


I think this topic is quite prevalent in today's world, online gaming has become a main source of

entertainment for many people. Many of these games include violent aspects such as shooting,

fighting, and dark themes. Violent video games are sought after much like an action movie, for

the thrill and adrenaline you get when playing. My hypothesis would be tested by examining

those who play violent video games, and people who do not. We could then measure the crime

rates in these two categories. While this may seem simple at first, there are some limitations.

Studying a criminal who committed a violent crime and knowing whether they played a violent

game could be difficult. Knowing exactly what game they played, what mental state they are in,

and if addiction of any kind to the game was involved are all elements to be considered. Another

important aspect when considering this hypothesis is the age of the criminal. Video games are

common in young teens who are not yet fully developed. This could play a role in how the
Violent Video Games to Violent Crimes?

violent games influence their behavior. Teenagers are more susceptible to addiction. The article

titled “Are Teens More Prone to Addiction” (paragraph 3) states: “The brain of an adolescent is

one that is experiencing a renovation. The brain is shifting from the state of a dependent child to

one that has matured and is better prepared to leave home. Dopamine—also known as the “feel

good” chemical—is secreted in higher amounts in teenagers than in adults.” Violent video games

can be addictive, releasing dopamine in the brain. Dark violent themes may cause violent

thoughts in the early teen years of kids. On the other hand, in a stable and controlled

environment video games are harmless. There is no direct evidence to prove violent crimes are

caused by violent video games. Violent crimes have so much more behind them. Mental health,

upbringing, gang activity, drug and substance abuse and more have a much bigger impact on

violent crime rate than video games. While it could be difficult to pinpoint solid data on

criminals and video games, the idea is simple enough for other researchers to preform follow-on

studies to better understand the argument. Multiple studies and different hypotheses could be

applied to this argument, and many ways of research can be used.

In conclusion, violent video games do not directly cause violent crimes. There are many

possibilities to consider when dealing with intention behind violent crimes. Violent video games

cannot be completely blamed. My hypothesis would need to evaluate criminals who play violent

video games, and those who don’t. The basic idea of violent video games to violent crimes is

easy for researchers to build off and share ideas. I think using the scientific method,

incorporating previous knowledge and educated predictions based off of data, this “insufficient

research” topic could be explained.

Violent Video Games to Violent Crimes?


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