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Parable of the Weeds (Mt. 13: 24-30)
1. Discuss the following
 Who do you think the Sower was?
 For me, the one who sowed good seeds is the Son of Man which is Jesus.
 Meaning of the images: Field?  Wheat? Harvest?
 The wheat represents the people of God's kingdom, while the field
represents the entire world. And the harvest indicates the end of the age.
This simply means that good and bad people will coexist on Earth.
 How did the workers and the Sower regard the growing weeds?
 The sower regarded the weeds by pulling up and burning them in the fire,
nevertheless explaining why harvest is the end of the age.
 What does the parable of the Sower convey to men living in modern times?
 The Parable of the Sower conveys a lot of things to men living in modern
times, and one of these is that the Kingdom of God will be present among
the evils of the world, and people will be separated into their eternal destiny
at the end of time.
2. Comments on this:
 Condemning the attitude (tsismis) of some towards grave sinners, adulterers,
usurers, etc.
 Condemning others for their deeds or because they are sinners, adulterers,
usurers, and so on became a natural habit as we saw them as a negative
example for the future of our children and ourselves. Each of their conduct
may have a reason why they are driven to do immoral acts and can have a
significant impact on their entire life, but we are not in the position to spread
negative information about them or criticize them because there is still
potential for realizations and progress in God's eyes. There is still hope for
them, but it is up to them to make the decision and will to do what is best for
 Judgmental Attitude toward imperfection of others. “Santa santita pero
 We are all imperfect because everyone of us is built with our own uniqueness
toward others; yet there are occasions when some people like to blunt out
their view regarding someone's imperfection or being a regular judgmental
person. I've lately been judged just because my shoes aren't brand new and
high quality, but I shrugged it off. I didn't mind that at all, but there was a part
of me that wanted to cry, perhaps because she's spoiled, and I'm simply trying
to save money while still wearing the shoes because they're still wearable. It
made me realize that we are judged not only on our actions but also on our
appearance. We should also be conscious that not everyone we meet or even
our friends are always good in front of us, as some of them may be the first to
criticize and tear you down. Decades have passed, and our surroundings have
grown and improved over time—-I hope our outlook on others will improved as

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