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Geography Emilio Alexander Figueras Medina 1*

In which area of the municipality do you feel most in danger?

-In the center of the city.

-In the center zone.
-In anapra.
- In the south area.
What ti me of day do you feel most insecure?

-In the night

- In the early morning.
-In the night.
- In the afternoon.
Why do you think that Juarez is one of the most dangerous citi es in the world?

-I think because Juarez is a frontier.

-I think because we are a city that have connection with other country.
-I think because we don’t have many security.
- I think because we have a lot of cartels.
Did you experience any assault or crime?

-Yes, one time in the street, a person steals me.

-Thanks god no.
-Yes, In a shop.
Would you change citi es because of crime?


-No, because Juarez have a lot of job opportunities.

-Yes, because where I live we have a lot of crimes.

-No, because I have all my family here.

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