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Name: Shax

Motivation: Do the Sources bidding

Critter Type: Demon
Attributes: Str 7 Dex 9 Con 7 Int 4 Per 6 Will 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 20 Combat 20 Brains 16
Life Points: 120
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Armor 20, Energy Ball (level 2), Increased Life Points, Regeneration
(constitution points per round) Teleport (via wind), Wind Storm

Name: Score: Damage: Notes:
Dodge 20 -- Defense Action
Energy Ball 18 70 Fire

Shax is the personal assassin of the Source, who was sent to kill a doctor who had
done to much good. He not only succeeded in killing the doctor, but he also killed Prue
destroying to Charmed threat, or so the Source thought. After Prue's funeral it became
evident that there was a forth sister who could reconstitute the Charmed ones. Shax was
sent to kill her before she was able to join Piper and Pheobe. He was unsuccessful in
killing Paige and was eventually destroyed.
Shax is a devastatingly effective assassin, relentless and unkillable by standard
means. Any attack that reduces him to zero life forces him to dissipate into the wind,
well in this form he regenerates as normal and is able to return to demonic form when he
is fully healed. The only way to destroy Shax permanently is with a Power of Three Spell
(a spell cast specifically by all three of the Charmed Ones). Shax can also take on the
form of a Wind Storm (a small twister), this allows him to kick up dirt, leaves and other
small objects in a 20 foot radius, hindering vision (-2 to all perception roles in the
effected area). He is also able to destroy fragile things, such as glass, well in this form.

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