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Making Sense of the Boxer Codex Illustrations

De Guzman, Vivien Franchesca B. || OTGE2

1. Some anti-Boxer Codex fanatics argue that since the drawings were made a Chinese
artist, and done in the Chinese style, the illustrations cannot be considered as “reliable”
depictions of how Filipinos looked like in the 1500’s. Using your own words, defend the
fact that the Codex’s is very much reliable despite the fact that the drawings were made
by a Chinese artist.

I personally think that the anti-Boxer Codex fanatics argue that the drawings are not
considered as “reliable” due to the fact that it was created and illustrated by a Chinese
artist. Although I have a few things in mind that can help defend that what they illustrated
is very much true and reliable. First I am a Filipino. Growing up we are all taught that
this, the tattoos on their bodies are considered either as a rank or as a basis of beauty in
Philippine tribes. As we move forward with learning our own culture and history, we are
also given the chance to see or watch how they lived before provided by our teachers
during our elementary years. Given the fact that this is very accurate, there are still
people living like Apo Whang Od who does the types of tattoos seen on the illustration.
Another factor to defend my claim is that during war, Chinese businessmen went here in
our country given the fact that our country has one of the richest resources in their time.
This means that they have seen different types of people, in a tribe, or just a normal
person living here in the country. That’s why I can also tell that the illustration of us
Filipinos is very accurate. Our country is also very diverse when it comes to religion and
respects one another that is why there are several illustrations with different clothes,
doing different activities and what nots.

2. Which particular illustration caught your attention? Why do you find this illustration so
interesting or intriguing?

What illustration really struck me the most is the first one. I was shocked to see how
accurate it was because I believe that, that illustration is what summarized the Filipinos
today and in the past. I was also intrigued by the fact that this was done by a Chinese
artist and I find it overwhelming to see how he appreciated all types of people living in
the country. I also found it interesting that this person really took his time and effort into
making these illustrations for us to better appreciate people of color and race. It is also
interesting to see how the artist was able to showcase how the people lived depending on
what part of the country they are in. The illustrations showed different parts of cultures
all over the Philippines while also showing diversity.
3. What are your impressions of Visayan people in the 1590’s based on the Boxer Codex
illustrations? Explain your answer

My impressions on Visayan people in the 1590’s explains how “different” our country
used to be. Because even in the past, we are already considered slaves of our country only
if there were reliable leaders who are trying to run an honest government and lessen the
corruption. That goes for the illustration because there is one illustration labelled as
Visayan Principalia also known as the upperclassmen couple. This for me is still an
accurate illustration of how the rich are privileged and the poor are still oppressed.
Although this was a great illustration, I believe this still holds a dark history that we can’t
just ignore. I also noticed how important in the Visayan people’s outfits gold ornaments
and sashes that can represent their state of life are. Everything seemed extravagant with
regards of how Visayans looked but it is only a part of their culture.

4. What are your impressions of Tagalog people in the 1590’s based on the Boxer Codex
illustrations? Explain your answer.

My impressions on Tagalog people in the 1590 based on the Boxer Codex illustrations is
that given that they are not as extravagant and as elegant as the how the Visayan people
used to dress. Tagalog people showcased simplicity with subtle gold accessories and little
polish. Their similarities is that they both still rely on silk and skin tight dresses and tops
too. Even though they showed simplicity rather than the Visayans, Upper class Tagalog
people, specifically women who are richer in life, always carry gold around them thagt
symbolizes their wealth. It is also said that having that much gold on your neck or on
your body can determine if someone is a chief or not. In the 1590’s this was a staple
among all Filipinos since we lived and still living on tribe hierarchies.

5. How did the Boxer Codex illustrations change your views of Filipino culture before and
immediately after the arrival of the Spaniards?

My views change in a rapid speed due to the fact that somehow, our country lived
independently and somehow the country was able to feel “rich”. Before the Spaniards
came although I believe that even that our country was underdeveloped in some way
since we lived uncivilized, leaders from the past made sure to include everyone and is
really responsible in taking care of his people. Unlike when the Spaniards came,
corruption was far more evident rather than trying to save the country. Corrupt officials
are being naïve with how Spaniards woe us with sweet talks along with Americans.
Although this happened, Spaniards contributed greatly to our economy and our way of
thinking with regards of beauty standards and just how we lived. They showed us
necessary things like having to give importance to our surroundings.

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