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From: Bakht Khan

To: Assistant of Bakht Khan

Aim: Security protocols to ensure my protection

Dear Assistant,

In lieu of my statements against the power-hungry British, I fear deeply for my safety. Many
British previously viewed me to be ‘fond of English society’. However, after my action in
favour of Indian interests, they have become cold and vengeful towards me. Indian leaders
may also be vindictive due to my strong stand and importance. Therefore, I would like to
implement the following security protocols to ensure my protection:

1. To ensure all communication sent by you is encrypted, use the following cipher in all your
messages. This is a derived version of Morse Code (newly developed, unknown in India). All
my future letters will be sent to you with this cipher to ensure total secrecy.

2. I would like the presence of 2 of the most esteemed and trusted soldiers from my 14000
loyal men to be my bodyguards. They must be with me at all times, when I am not in my
residence. A trusted person must be appointed as my coachman, to ensure safe travel. The
coach must be covered in a bulletproof material. My bodyguards will carry the following
a. 2 Pattern P-53 Enfield Rifles
b. 3 bullet-proof vests
c. A metal spear with a sharpened apex

3. No person must be allowed into my estate without my consent. Although the wrestlers and
the Kathak dancers have been extremely entertaining to watch, there are rumors of them
being spies. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and we must ban all forms of
entertainment till safety is ensured.

4. A man similar in height and weight must be located and placed within my estate. He can be
used as a body double incase of an attack. Only you, and my body double must be aware of
his existence.

6. Each worker in the house must be interviewed, and background checks must be conducted.
If required, a face reader can be called. Anyone untrustworthy must be fired. Workers in the
house must not be allowed to send or receive communication to anyone outside my residence,
to avoid external influence.
7. No parcels must be accepted or opened under any circumstances without my consent. Even
after my consent, the parcel must be examined comprehensively.

8. The food vendors from which my food is being sourced must be examined, and you must
ensure they are safe. A test for common poison must be conducted before I eat my food. My
water must also be examined.

10. You will also be protected by 3 of my trusted guards to ensure your protection. Incase
you or my bodyguards are captured, you’ll must swallow a cyanide pill to avoid conceal any
information about my embassy. Any disloyalty will be punished with death.

11. An underground bunker with atleast 2 weeks of food supplies must be kept ready within a
1km vicinity from my estate.

12. A convoy of 5 horse carriages must accompany me whenever I travel.

13. A protective fortress must be built around my house as depicted below. (Not a castle, only
the walls) Soldiers equipped with Pattern P-53 Enfield Rifles and fire at any intruder. A moat
with alligators must be built around my estate. The bridge across the moat must only be
opened by my command. Any disobedience will be severely punished.

Follow all these instructions immediately and report back to me.

- .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..-
Bakht Khan

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