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Supporting Sentences

Task 1: Read and sequence the following sentences into a correct order of the paragraph “A Great
Tourist Destination”

1. Although New York and Boston attract millions of tourists, one of the best cities to visit in the
eastern United States is Washington, D.C. (the Topic Sentence)
2. The Smithsonian Institution is a large group of museums that offer excellent opprotunities to
learn about everything from natural history to aerospace.
3. There is also a tour of The White House, which is the home of the President of the United States.
4. First, Washington has some of the most interesting landmarks in the country.
5. Washington, does not have a large number of visitors that New York and Boston has, but this
important city is one of the best destonations for tourists.
6. Finally, Georgetown is a history area in the northwest part of Washington that has shopping,
restaurants, and entertainment for the whole family.
7. Second, Washington has wonderful museums that are free to visit.
8. There are several memorials to early U.S Preseidents, including the Lincoln Memorial, the
Jerfersson Memorial, and the Washington Monument.

Task 2: Read the supporting sentences of “A Great Tourist Destination” and identify their goals

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