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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1. He’s the man ___ son plays football for Manchester City.

A.Whose B. whom C. which D. who

2. There’s a man behind us. I think we are ____ following _> being vp2 : thì HTTD

A. be followed B. being followed C. followed D. following

3. The faster Thanh walks, ____

A. more tired B. the more tired he gets

C. he gets tired D. he gets more tired

4. I saw a terrible accident while I ____ on the beach.

A. am walking B. walked C. was walking D. were walking

5. When I was a child, I used ____ of being an astronaut.

A. to dream B. to dreaming C. dreaming D. dreamt

6. Remember ____ the flowers while we are away.

A. to water B. water C. watering D. watered

7. Let’s go dancing, ____?

A. shall we B. will we C. do we D. should we

8. You should have a dictionary to _____ the words that you don’t know their meanings.

A. look for ( tìm kiếm ) B. look up ( TRA CỨU) C. look into ( điều tra ) D.
look after ( chăm sóc )

9. The last time I met her was ____ quá khứ - hiện tại – tương lai

A. since two weeks B. for two weeks C. until two weeks D. two weeks ago

10. If anybody ____ a question, I am ready to listen and answer. Đk loại 0: cả 2 vế đều ở htđ

A. having B. to have C. have D. has

11. Tuan : “ Why do you want those old stamps?” / Minh: “ Because I want to be a stamp ____”

A. collection ( n) : sự sưu tầm B. collector C. collect ( v ) D. collecting


Actor => danh tử chỉ người

12. Mary : “ What’s your city famous ____?” / Son: “ People admire conical hats made in my city”

A. to B. with C. of D. for

13. The fog prevents the train ____ running.

A. from B. for C. with D. to

- S + prevent + O + from + Ving : ngăn chặn ai làm gì

= avoid Ving : tránh …

14. ____ her mother was sick, she went out all day and night.

A. Because B. so C. since D. Although

15. It was _____ wonderful music that I went straight out and bought the record.

(a) ( N)

A. too B.such C. very D. so

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