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Dear Sister,

How are you? I hope you’ll doing great. I have started writing letters to you
now. I will talk about my current life’s situations and some funny jokes.
By the way, my computer has shifted from Puri Ma’s room to mine. I am really
happy to have my computer back to me as astonishing as it was before.
Unfortunately, the Wi-Fi is not on yet. A person will come to put a longer wire
across the terrace towards my room’s window from Puri Ma’s, then it’ll start
functioning as it was before.
To be honest, I thought deeply and realized that she is not made for me.
Sometimes she just supports her friends and dooms our boys like a ghost, I
mean she tells everything to ma’am. I mean what the f**k, boys never say so
then why girls do? Even every girls are getting respect of faculties and here
boys are playing Holi with water in front of class when teacher is present right
there! Also, when 4 boys makes mistake out of 5, then that one person will be
counted into them as round off so that the teacher could say “All boys.” instead
of “Expect that every boy”. After all, I do sometimes feel good about her but
nowadays, I 60% don’t give a shit and 40% loves her. I don’t know, I just want
to focus on my workout. To be a Successful Man.
Nowadays school has got very strict with the uniform rules of the school. They
are charging extra money if do not do so for a single day. It’s like 50 bucks for
each thing, for example no oil, no shoes, no socks or no parent sign, then they’ll
charge you 50 bucks each.
Now it’s time for some Jokes:
1. What will you call a person with no body and nose
Ans. No-body-nose
2. Did you know that 10+10 = 11+11
Ans. 10+10 is twenty. And 11+11 is twenty too.
Btw, this is it for today, good night, I am feeling dizzy and sleepy. I think I
have to go to bed now. I’ll keep you sending my letters and I hopes you
enjoyed this one.

Your Loveliest Cousin,

Jash Gojiya

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