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Jing Liang

Reading Lesson Grade Level: 2nd

Central Focus Retelling a Story

2R2 Identify a main topic or central idea and retell key details in a text;
summarize portions of a text (RI&RL)

Learning Students will be able to retell a story by using a graphic organizer labeled
Objective beginning, middle, and end.

Materials The Bad Seed by Jory John, Smart Board, Graphic Organizer

The purpose of learning to retell a story using beginning, middle, and end is so
that students can share or explain something important in a book they’ve read.

The teacher will gather students in the meeting area. The teacher will mention all
the books we’ve read so far and how sometimes we want to share these wonderful
stories with others.

The teacher will then ask the class “How do we retell a story to others?” Have
students turn and talk to a partner. Explain to students that when we read a book
with interesting details, it’s important for us to retell. Tell students that we retell
the story using our own words.

I Do: (Mini-Lesson/Think Aloud)

The teacher will read a short paragraph to the class. After reading the text, the
Instruction teacher will briefly say what happened in the beginning, middle, and end out loud.
Then, ask students if they agree with it.
Explain to students that what I just did was retelling a story. It’s known as
beginning, middle, and end and these words help us focus on the order of events.
Tell students that when we retell a story, we share/teach/explain about something.
Also, we retell a story to show we listened and understood the story.

We Do: (Guided Practice)

As a class, the teacher will be reading The Bad Seed by Jory John. The teacher
will have a beginning, middle, and end graphic organizer on the smartboard.

Before the read aloud, explain to students that in the beginning of a story, the
characters and the setting of the book are introduced. Then, in the middle
something happens to the characters. Then, in the end the characters are different
than they were at the beginning of the story because of what took place in the

After the read aloud, the teacher will fill out the beginning, middle, and end
graphic organizer with the class.

The teacher will ask students, “What happened in the beginning to the Bad
Seed?” “After ________, what did the Bad Seed do next?” “Finally, at the
end what happened to the Bad Seed? Did the Bad Seed changed?” The
teacher will remind students to think about the character, where did the story take
place, and what was the problem in the book?

Independent Work:
Students will return to their seats. They will pick one of their level books and they
will retell the story using the beginning, middle, and end graphic organizer.

Learning Task

2-3 students will share their graphic organizers to the class. Some questions that
Closing / Debrief can be asked are, “How did you decide what to put in each box?” and “Were there
better events to put in those boxes so others can understand it better?”

Assessments - Turn and talk: “How do we retell a story to others?” (Informal)

- Asking questions during sharing, “How did you decide what to put in each
box?” and “Were there better events to put in those boxes so others can
understand better?” (Informal)
- Graphic Organizer (Formal)

- Use anchor charts for struggle learners

- Using sentence frames for struggle learners
- The book I read is _______ by _________. In the beginning,
_____________. Then, in the middle ____________. Finally, in the end


- Beginning, middle, end, characters, and setting.

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