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Enumerate five characteristics/major activities/events/tools of the human condition before the

common era.

Discovery and usage of fire to cook through chipping one flint over the other

Sharpening of stones to make a would be knife

Made simple machine such as a “Wedge”

Discovered Minerals and began forging metal works

Foundations of Religions were establish such as the worship of deities

Discovery and usage of fire to cook through chipping one flint over the other

Arguably one of the most important milestones of human development as a civilization, as the discovery
of fire allowed Meat to be cooked and eaten, cooked meat when eaten adds more protein to the body
which in turn allowed the further development of the human brain.
Enumerate five characteristics/major activities/events/tools of the human
condition in the common era

First case of man-made extinction due to conflict between different tribes

Holocene extinction (Anthropocene Extinction)

Discovery of Agriculture

Emergence of Trade

Medicine was born

Discovery of Agriculture

With the Discovery of Agriculture early humans were able to have food to sustain the population, the
times of foraging and hunting were being replaced by planting crops and raising livestock, this meant
that the early humans were able to settle down and grow in population ultimately leading to
advancements of civilization.
Based on your answers in items 3.1 and 3.2, what do you mean by "technology
as a way of revealing"?

Technology reveals what could be and what will be, from the miniscule
discoveries to the giant leaps of mankind, all these advancements add up,
from the discovery of fire which led the early human brain to develop and
grow to 20% more, then the discovery of agriculture which led the early
humans out of the nomadic way of life to settle down and grow their
civilizations, to put it simply technology as a way of revealing is the
advancement of the human development and civilization

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