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Name: Mohamed Ashraf hosny

Id: 89439

As2 cs481
Q 1:

1. A

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. B

Q 2:

D: Supervised learning => is a methodology that uses labeled data to learn the relationship

function) between the input to a system and its corresponding output

Unsupervised learning=>is a methodology that uses the similarities within a collection of

unlabeled data

to inferthe structural relationship of such a data.

Accordingly, supervised learning can be used only with labeled data for classification or
regression tasks,

while unsupervised learning is used to cluster unlabeled data into natural groups according
to their similarities.

E: Bayes theorem : describes the probability of event , based in knowledge if conditions that
might be Related to the event and one of its many applications is statistical inference.

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