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One of the first thing we're gonna study today is HRM a.k.a. Human Resources Management.

Let’s learn
a bit about the origin. A few decades ago, the terms “human resources” did not exist, however, its
concept had taken shape since the 19th century, during the industrial revolution. The society at the time
concluded that people were crucial to the success of an organization. The idea was that the well-being
of employees led to perfect work; without healthy workers, the organization would not survive. At the
time, all the elements of HRM – recruitment, compensation and training were done by individual
departments. They were all separated. Nowadays, as society develops, jobs require higher levels of
knowledge and skill, people realize that if they want to work effectively, they need something (or
someone) to make sure every employee is happy with what they’re doing. As a result, the terms “human
resources” and Human resources management were created.

Human resources management play the role of recruiting and training professionals, eventually
assigning them to proper roles where they can be useful to the business. Behind every successful
organization is a good team of working professionals dedicated to their craft and to the advancement of
the company’s goals and interests. For example, by excellently recruited and managed the resources,
Marvel Studio has survived the crisis, becoming one of the most successful film companies nowadays.

That’s all for HRM. Now moving on to the next section.

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