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Virtual School Assignment

C. Skills
Write about an advertisement. Choose one of the following topics,
or make up your own: Make the ad interesting with colorful
illustrations. (pictures) (Make in Google docs)
● A new pet store is opening
● You want to sell your old bike
● A stereo store is having a sale
● You are offering a special trip or tour
● A new movie is about to open

Even though you are not writing a paragraph, you should use the steps in the writing
1. Pre write: Jot down the main idea of your ad. Then list some details that will
attract the attention of your readers. Write any information your readers will need
to take advantage of the ad. Organize and plan ideas.
2. First Draft: Use your notes to write the first draft of your ad. Use words and
phrases that will attract attention. Include some complete sentences. Make the ad
3. Review and Revise: Read your ad. Have you kept to the point? Did you add or
change any word or phrase to make the ad sound more interesting? Have you
included all the necessary information? Can you add more interesting details?
Does something not belong? Is the main idea of your ad clear? Review your work
Second Draft: Rewrite your ad including all of the changes you made in the
revising stage. Check your spelling and punctuation.
4. Publish: Make a neat final copy of your ad. Then share in google docs.
Due at the end of class.
Instructions for Making a good ad:
● Create a catchy headline
● Include five brief lines about the product you are selling--do NOT include
paragraphs of unbroken text
● Make sure to include details that will attract buyers' attention
● Use bold, eye-catching images
● Use bright, contrasting colors and easily readable type
● Make sure to proofread

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