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Day 1

How to Write a
Sales Page That Converts
Welcome to the Sale Every Day Challenge powered by Gumroad!

By the end of this challenge, you’ll have a compelling sales page that converts, a funnel
that will consistently get you sales, a free bonus to incentivize sales, a strategy for
running an effective sale and so much more.

We’re going to jump right in with building the foundation for the rest of the challenge by
writing your new sales page.

The best sales pages offer a transformation. They describe a problem and a solution.
They don’t jump right into why you should buy the product or why the product is great.

They focus on the customer’s problems first. By focusing on your customer first and how
you can provide value to them, you capture their attention right away.

The first thing you need to do is figure out your customers' pain points.

Identify The Pain Points

This is one of the most forgotten steps when writing a sales page but also, one of the
most important. If you don’t know your customers problems, you can’t craft a
compelling transformation or solution.

If you don’t know who you’re talking to, you can’t write sales copy that will convert.
You need to understand exactly what problems your customers have.

Without knowing the problem, you can’t adequately describe the solution.

You need to speak with your audience and find out their pain points. One of the best
ways to do this is by sending a survey to your email list and creating a customer
persona. A customer persona is a representation of who you want as a customer.
Here’s a great article on creating a customer persona.

If you don’t have an email list, you can create a Twitter or Facebook poll as well.
However you do it, find a way to speak to a few customers about their problems. You
can even post on the Gumroad Circle community and ask for some feedback.

For instance, if your audience wants to learn how to code, maybe they might have
difficulty finding where they should start and what resources to focus on. Whatever
it is, write down a list of 3-5 of their most important problems that your product
can solve.

Share the Solution

Now that you’ve found your audience's pain points, you need to craft the perfect

Spoiler alert: Your product is the solution. They just don’t know it yet!

But you need to create a compelling value proposition that will convert viewers to
sales. This should be a short sentence that focuses on the most important problem
your customers have. Here’s a list where you can find 32 value propositions
examples to help you brainstorm.

A few ideas to get you started:

• How will your customer’s lives be easier with your product?

How will it help them?

• Will your customer be more successful, or credible after they purchase your
product? Will it help them take the next steps in their career?

• Will it help save them money or time? If so, how much might it save them in
time or money? Will it save them a significant amount of time?

• Where will your customer be in a year?

Write down a few answers to these questions. Start thinking about how you can
craft these answers into a great tagline to capture the interest of a potential
customer. You might want to try Headlime for free and build some pretty
convincing headlines for your product.

And finally, let’s discuss how you can turn a view to your website into a new
customer by sharing content.

Share Your Content

One of the easiest ways to gain a sale is to show how much value you’re providing.
And you can do that by sharing a brief outline of everything in your product.

Is your product 75+ pages or 4+ hours of video? Showcase that to your sales page.
Do you walk them step by step through solving a major pain point? Share the title
of each module.

Sharing an overview of all the content you will cover will also help you avoid
refunds because customers will know exactly what they’re buying. Of course, this
doesn’t mean that you give away all your secret sauce! But it does mean that you
should create a table of contents or a brief outline of everything you’ll cover.

Finally, you need to update your sales page with your new. Don’t worry about
testimonials and reviews for now. We’re going to focus on those later in the Sale
Every Day Challenge.

Action Items

• Join the Circle Community on Gumroad here. Introduce yourself in the

#introductions space and share a link to your product so we can take a look.
We’ll use the Circle community for the rest of the challenge so you can get
feedback from the Gumroad team and the other creators.

• Write out your new sales page copy for your product.

• Share a link to your new sales page in the #feedback section in the
#SaleEveryDay space. Give feedback to two other creators. You’ll learn a lot and
might even get a few new ideas by reviewing their work. If you don’t have a
product page yet, you can share a link to a Google doc (but make sure you make
it visible to anyone with the link).

• Share on social media that you’re starting the #SaleEveryDay Challenge. This
will help you stay accountable because you’ll have created a public
commitment. Posting in the Gumroad Circle once per day and sharing your
status updates will also help you successfully complete the challenge and stay
on track.

Day 2

Why You Need To Provide

Value for Free Before A Sale
Think about the last ebook or video course you bought online. Most likely, you
bought the product because you felt you knew the creator or they had provided value
to you.

Selling products successfully means building a relationship with your customers. Your
customers want to feel as if they know you and that you’ve helped them in some
small way.

One of the easiest ways to do this is giving away great free content. By helping your
customers for free,

Today, you’re going to create something to give away for free. And don’t worry! This
can be something small. You can write a blog post, record a short video, or create a
small PDF guide. But focus on giving away value.

If your product focuses on helping someone learn more about budgeting, perhaps
you can create a small video on how they can take a small step today towards a better
budget. If your product will be teaching them how to use a graphic design tool, create
a blog post teaching them how to create their first small design using that tool.

And make sharing value online something you do consistently. If you can write 1-2
blog posts per month or create a short video, customers will watch or read your
content, feel like they know you and eventually purchase your product.

Get started creating some free (and quick) content! Hint, you save time and make one
small portion of your product free. If you have an ebook, publish one of the sections
as a blog post. If you have a video course, upload one module to YouTube.

Action Items

• Post your status update in the Gumroad Circle Community. Share what you
worked on today and what you’re going to give away for free.

• After you’ve created your new free content, share it online! We want to see you
share it on social media with the hashtag #SaleEveryDay.

Day 3

Why Your Customers

Aren’t Buying
There are five main reasons why your customers aren’t buying.

1. Lack of credibility. We focused on this yesterday when we created something to

give away for free.
2. Your sales page doesn’t convert into sales. We worked on this day one in the
challenge by crafting a new sales page.
3. You haven’t created urgency for the customers to make a purchase (We’ll work
on #3 and #4 later in the challenge).
4. You don’t share your offer enough online.

And the last reason that you don’t get the sales you want is because you don’t have
customer testimonials.

Today, we’re going to focus on how you can get some great customer testimonials
and add them to your Gumroad sales page.

There are two main types of testimonials. One, testimonials from customers. And
two, testimonials from an industry expert. An industry expert is someone fairly well
known in the topic related to your product.

In an ideal world, you would have both. A few testimonials from actual customers
and a testimonial from an industry

But.. How can you get testimonials?

How to Get a Testimonial From An Industry Expert

The easiest way to get a testimonial from an industry expert is to start sending out cold
emails. Think about 3-5 fairly well known experts and do some research.

Focus on them right away in the email. Mention a blog post of there’s that you love or a
video they created that had an impact on your life. And ask if they could take a look at
your product. You’d be surprised how many people want to help you succeed online.

How to Find Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials can be as easy as finding tweets or facebook posts about your
product. Or you might ask your customers for a testimonial directly.

But try to offer value if you ask for a testimonial directly from a customer. Share some
new content you’ve created or a bonus module in your product and share that you’re
looking for a few short sentences about the product.

Action Items

• Add your new testimonials to your Gumroad product page.

• Post your status update to the Gumroad Circle community and share what you
worked on today.

• Bonus points: Send an email to your existing customers sharing the free content
you created on day two and add a P.S. at the end of the email asking if they’ve
enjoyed your product so far and if they can leave a 5-star review on Gumroad.

Day 4

Running a Successful
Sale and the Bonus That
Will Sell Your Product
Today, we’re going to discuss how you can run a great sale, and how you can get more
sales on Gumroad through creating a bonus module.

Build Your Customer Loyalty with a Bonus Module

Have you ever been in the checkout to buy a product and you saw that the business
was giving away something for free with purchase? Did this incentivize you? Have you
ever spent just $5 more at checkout because you didn’t want to lose out on some cool

Perceived value is important. If a customer thinks your product is valuable and has
some incredible free bonuses, they won’t hesitate to open their wallet. Not to
mention, always giving away free bonuses to your customers will build loyalty.

No matter what your product might be, a free bonus will help you reach your sales

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Bonus Video: If you have an ebook or course, consider creating a bonus video that
teaches something valuable to your customers that is related to your product. This
can be an extremely powerful and quick way to create value for your customers.

Workshop: At Gumroad, we love to run free workshops for our creators. Sometimes
they expand on a topic from our challenges and sometimes we do a long Q&A where
we answer as many questions as we can in an hour. You can even run a Q&A session
right after as well.

Community Access: At Gumroad, we offer Circle access for Gumroad creators. You
might offer Circle, Slack, or Discord. This is more involved over time because you will
have to maintain the community but it can be a great way to make your customers
feel appreciated. Your customers can interact with you and each other which is a huge
bonus. Customers will start to share knowledge with each other and create an
engaged community.

Group Calls: Many Gumroad creators offer access to group calls for a certain amount
of time. They can join the call and discuss any pain points they might have and ask
questions from you.

Workbook: If you have an online course, a workbook can be a great way for your
students to stay engaged and take notes. Be creative with this. You can create this on
Canva for free as well!

Expert Interviews: Including an expert interview in your product can add credibility.
You’ll have to reach out to a few people and ask them for the interview and potentially
record the interview or transcribe the interview.

Free 1-1 Session: Offering 1-1 time is a great idea for a more expensive product, but
it’s probably not feasible for an inexpensive product as you might quickly run out of
time. Use this sparingly.

Printable PDF, Wallpaper or Checklist: This is an easy but fun one! Use your
imagination. Be creative. You can create the ten tools a graphic designer needs to
learn PDF, or inspirational wallpaper for becoming a musician after they take your
course on learning guitar.

Now that you have your bonus material ready, let’s discuss how you can use it and a
few other strategies to create a successful sale.

Running a Successful Sale on Gumroad
Running a sale can feel uncomfortable to some creators. You’re putting your product
and offer out there for the world to see. But once you’re making a living full-time as a
Gumroad creator, the discomfort will disappear.

But if you don’t put your offer out there? No one will see it. And if potential customers
don’t see your offer, you won’t make any sales.

The biggest barrier to running a sale is usually promoting the offer! So, let’s get past
that. Your challenge is to run a sale in the next 48 hours.

Here are a few tips you can use to make it a successful one:

Give Your Bonus Module Away (At the Right Time)

You’ve created a great bonus module and now you should incentivize a sale with it.
During your Gumroad sale, offer your bonus module to customers who purchase
during the sale.

Anticipation is key. Show your customers how awesome your bonus module is and
how much they’ll be missing out if they don’t purchase now.

Incentivize the Sale

Most sales have an end date, right? Yours should as well. Build incentives into your
sale by running limited sales frequently. Offer the next twenty copies for 25% off or a
50% off coupon for the next two hours.

The key is to actually close the sale.

If your customer feels that you’re always running a sale that never ends, you won’t
have any credibility. Remember to regularly close your sales and stick to your word.

Offer a Discount
Pricing is difficult. Ideally, you’ve done some experimentation and found a great price
for your product that lets your customers walk away feeling like they snagged a deal
while you also felt you were paid fairly for your time.

There isn’t one definitive guide to pricing. What works for you, might not work for
someone else.

Here are some strategies we suggest in the 14 Day Product Guide:
• Discount for purchases within X amount of time during a sale

• Discount for a certain amount of copies while they’re available (and this is very easy
to do on Gumroad as well! Just put a limit on the coupon in your product page).

• Discount for pre-ordering, then regular price on launch day.

• Discount for purchases within the first x days of your launch.

• Discounted price for version 1. Price goes up when version 2 is released.

And be honest. Don’t price your product higher right before a sale.

Ready? Plan your next sale. You don’t have to run it right now but try to run a sale in
the next two days and see how it goes. Running regular sales will help get your offer
out there to potential customers.

Action Items

• Share your status update for today on Circle. Make sure you post about what bonus
module you’ll be adding and what it will include. Are you creating a workbook? A free
bonus video? A printable PDF that they can put on their walls? Community access?

• Now that you know more about running a successful sale, run one sale! On day 5,
we’re going to learn about how you can create a sales calendar and regularly drive
traffic to your offer while you sleep.

Day 5

How You Can Drive

Traffic To Your Product
Today, we’re going to discuss how you can start driving regular traffic to your
product. There are a few ways you can keep your product selling even while you
sleep. Let’s get started!

Find your channel

What works for one Gumroad creator in one niche might not work for you. You need to
find where your customers spend their time online. Some creators might be able to
carve out a great niche on YouTube while others will find more success in niche
forums or Twitter or Facebook groups.

If your target customers on YouTube, start creating videos that will help them with a
pain point they have. Regularly link to your product in the video description.

If you create dog training courses and your customers are on a dog forum, go there
and start posting quality content.

Wherever your audience is, don’t aim to start posting sales ads there. Focus on finding
where they spend their time online and adding value. Sharing value regularly online
will reap benefits for years to come.

Keep Your Email List Warm

Another way to make sure your product keeps selling is to share your offer regularly to
your email subscribers. But you don’t want to constantly send the offer through email
because it will make your customers feel like they’re just a dollar sign.

You want to provide value through email regularly. And this doesn’t have to be
difficult! Are you creating blog posts or working on a new product? Share your blog
posts first with your email list. Creating a new video? Share it to your subscribers
before posting it online.

By keeping your email list warm, you keep your subscribers interested and opening
your emails. Focus on regularly providing value through emails and training your
subscribers to open your emails over time.

Keep Your Email List Warm
Another way to make sure your product keeps selling is to share your offer regularly to
your email subscribers. But you don’t want to constantly send the offer through email
because it will make your customers feel like they’re just a dollar sign.

You want to provide value through email regularly. And this doesn’t have to be
difficult! Are you creating blog posts or working on a new product? Share your blog
posts first with your email list. Creating a new video? Share it to your subscribers
before posting it online.

By keeping your email list warm, you keep your subscribers interested and opening
your emails. Focus on regularly providing value through emails and training your
subscribers to open your emails over time.

Blog Regularly
Blogging can be an extremely powerful way to get your message out there. Blog posts
can be posted online once but bring traffic forevermore to your website and Gumroad
products. Ideally, these posts will be evergreen content.

Create a Sales and Content Calendar

By sharing your offer consistently online, you’ll be one step closer to quitting your day
job and becoming a full time Gumroad creator. If you aren’t regularly sharing your
offer and creating online,

Try to create a schedule for the next three months for sales and content. Here are
some action items to get you started:
• Commit to a sales calendar for three months. Grab a calendar and plan out at least 8
sales in the next three months.

• Make a plan for what content you want to start creating regularly. This might be a
series of blog posts that you’ll share twice a month. Perhaps you might create a new
weekly YouTube video or post to a forum where your customers gather online. You’re
more likely to achieve your goals if you write this down so grab a planner and create a
rough outline for your next three months of content.

• Create a plan for how often you’ll post online and be sharing your offer. If your
audience is on Twitter, can you commit to tweeting valuable tweets three times a day?
If your audience is on a Facebook group, can you plan to post there a few times a week?

Remember, if you’re not finding ways to be seen online, your customers won’t know
about your offer. If you can commit to a plan for the next three months to get your
offer out there, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a full time Gumroad creator.

Action Items

• Create a rough outline for your content plan and rough sales outline for the next three
months. Share on Circle what your dream sales amount would be in the next three
months and your plan for the next 30 days to start reaching it.

• Find three places where your audience spends their time and create a plan to share
content there at least 3 times a week.

• Promote your offer online! Find one place where you can share valuable content today
and share what you did with other creators in the Status Updates space in Circle.


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