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The CICM was founded In 1862 by a Belgian priest, Rev. Theophile Verbist, that was
meant for the evangelization of China. The Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (CICM) is
also known as the Scheut Mission. The congregation was born not knowing exactly what lay
ahead. Their only assurance was their missionary zeal and God’s providence.
In the winter of 1865, Fr. Verbist with four zealous companions arrived in inner
Mongolia, that immense territory north of the Great Wall, which was entrusted to the fledgling
congregation by Rome, and where they immediately began organizing small Christian
communities. The founding fathers never imagined that many would follow their footsteps
notwithstanding the cost of traveling by sea and in the hinterlands of China Three years later on
Feb. 23, 1868, Fr. Verbist died of typhoid fever at the age of 45. His foundation, however, grew
into the worldwide presence it is today. Originally a Belgian Foundation, CICM has grown into
an international religious missionary congregation of men from different races, colors and
nationalities who are dedicated to universal brotherhood.

2. People are separated because of their difference of belief or race. There are certain
distinctions that separates us from other people. Although we are distinctive in every way, the
actions and contributions that the CICM congregations have achieved tells us what unity can do
to the entire world. The grace of the Almighty God is for everyone, and the CICM makes Him
well-known in reachable parts of the world by helping the poor and evangelizing the people.

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