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31st CIRP
CIRP Design
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Conference 2021
2021 (CIRP
(CIRP Design
Design 2021)

A framework
framework for
for generating agile
agile methods
CIRP Design Conference, for product
May 2018, Francedevelopment
product development
A newJonas Heimicke
Heimickea,*, *, Katharina Dühr a, Madita Krügera, Gha-Leng Nga, Albert Albersa
a, a a a a
Jonasmethodology to analyze
Katharina Dührthe functional
, Madita Krüger , and Gha-Lengphysical architecture
Ng , Albert Albers of
existing products for anfax:
Institute of
of Technology,
Technology, Kaiserstrasse
Kaiserstrasse 10, product
10, 76131 Karlsruhe
family identification
Karlsruhe Germany
76131 Germany
** Corresponding
Corresponding author.
author. Tel.: +49-721-608-47251;
Tel.: +49-721-608-47251; +49-721-608-46051. E-mail address:

Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat

Abstract École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France

Increasingly, companies are integrating agile approaches in the processes of physical product development, although they may have different
for doing Tel.:are
so (e.g. +33integrating
3 87production
37 54 30; approaches in
the processes of physical product development, although they may have different
better product quality, etc.). The number of different agile approaches has also increased over
reasons for doing so (e.g. shorter production times, better product quality, etc.). The number of different agile approaches has also increased over
time. Despite
time. Despite thethe various agile approaches,
various agile approaches, it it has
has been
been shown
shown that that companies
companies in in product
product development
development have have difficulties
difficulties inin integrating
integrating these
these ap-
proaches and a change process is extremely complex. This results in the need for suitable methodological
proaches and a change process is extremely complex. This results in the need for suitable methodological support that generates situation-de-support that generates situation-de-
pendent and
and company-specific
company-specific processprocess solutions
solutions andand thus
thus addresses
addresses and and achieves
achieves different
different and
and individual
individual goals.
goals. For
For this,
this, the
the complex
complex and and com-
pany-specific adaptation of an organizational unit needs to be tailored to the needs and situation of the affected organization. This is made possible
adaptation of an organizational unit needs to be tailored to the needs and situation of the affected organization. This is made possible
by an
an individual agile-structuring process solution, which is
is generated on the
the basis of
of aa methodical support in
in the form ofof aa framework, which is
business agile-structuring
environment, the process
towards which generated
more product varietyon and basis methodical
customization supportDue
is unbroken. the
to form framework,
this development, the which
need ofis
developed in this article on
in this article on basis of current
basis of current research.
research. Based
Based on this
on this framework,
framework, process
process andauthors
authors are enabled
are enabled to generate
to To
generate an agile structuring process
agile and reconfigurable production systems emerged to cope with various products product families. designanand
agile structuring
optimize process
solutionasfor the
the organizational
forwell organizational unit
unit concerned,
concerned, which
which enables aa suitable,
enablesproductsuitable, company-specific
company-specific combination
combination of
of agile
agile and plan-driven approaches and
systems as to choose the optimal product matches, analysis methods are needed. Indeed, mostand plan-driven
of the approaches
known methods aimand
elements. By applying
By applying the framework, a specific organizational unit is given the ability to implement an appropriate degree of agility in its
analyze a product or one the framework,
product family on a specific organizational
the physical unit is
level. Different given families,
product the ability to implement
however, an appropriate
may differ degree
largely in terms of agility
of the numberinandits
development process
process through
through the generated
generated process solution. This
This reduces the
the expected difficulties of
of agile approaches in
in product development
nature of components. This fact anprocess solution.
efficient comparison reduces
and choice expected difficulties
of appropriate product agile
combinations product
for thedevelopment
and enables
and enables the organization
themethodology to react
organizationistoproposed more
react more flexibly and adaptively to unpredictable and changing situations.
system. A new to flexibly
analyze and adaptively
existing products to unpredictable
in view of their andfunctional
physical architecture. The aim is to cluster
these products
© 2021
2021 in new assembly
The Authors. Published oriented
by product
Elsevier Ltd. families for the optimization of existing assembly lines and the creation of future reconfigurable
© 2021 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. the physical
This is ansystems.
open Based
access on Datum
article under Flow
the CCChain,
BY-NC-ND licensestructure of the products is analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and
This is
is an
an open access article under the CC
CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review open access
under is article
responsibility under
performed. of thescientific
the BY-NC-ND
acommittee license
hybrid functional
of the (
31st CIRPphysical
Design architecture
2021. (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
Peer-review under responsibility
under product
responsibility of
of the
the scientific
scientific committee
committee of
of the 31st
the to
31st CIRP
CIRP Design
Design Conference
Conference 2021
2021 and product designers. An illustrative
similarity between
Agile Development;
Keywords: Agile families
Development; Adapting by providing
Adapting Agility;
Agility; Productdesign support
Product Development;
Development; Process both, production
Process Optimization; Agile system planners
Agile Transition
example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. AnOptimization;
industrial case study on two product families of steering columns of
thyssenkrupp Presta France is then carried out to give a first industrial evaluation of the proposed approach.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introductionunder responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Design Conference
applicable to product2018. development [7] [8]. Product develop-
1. Introduction applicable to product development [7] [8]. Product develop-
ment inin particular
particular is is characterized
characterized by by aa high
high complexity,
complexity, dy- dy-
Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification
A shortening of product life cycles and
A shortening of product life cycles and increase of the im- increase of the im- namic
namic and uncertainty [4], which increases the desire
and uncertainty [4], which increases the desire for
for more
portance of of time
time to to market
market duedue toto digitalization
digitalization can can bebe observed
observed agility
agility [9]
[9] and
and inin this
this context
context an an agile
agile transition.
transition. Since
Since the
the pur-
[1]. Furthermore, a trend towards individualized
[1]. Furthermore, a trend towards individualized products has products has poses
poses that are pursued with the use of agile approaches and
that are pursued with the use of agile approaches and the
1.been observed
observed in
been in recent
recent years,
years, asas aa result
result ofof the
the goal
goal ofof increas-
increas- areas
the of
of of application
range are
product and individual,
are individual, the
the agile
characteristics agile transition must
manufactured must
ing customer
customer benefit
benefit [2].[2]. The
The desire
desire forfor agility
agility results
results from
from the the also
also be
be individual
individual [10].
[10]. In this context, the main challenge in
assembled in this system.
changing development environment [3] and the challenges de- In
In order
order to
to support
support the
the process
process of identifying individual aims,
Due todevelopment
the fast environment
development[3] and in the challenges
domain de- of modelling and analysis is now of notidentifying
only to cope individual aims,
with single
scribed above.
scribed above. In In order to meet these challenges, companies which
which are
are to
to be
be pursued
pursued with
with the
the use
use of
of agile
agile approaches
approaches and
communication andorderan to meet these
ongoing trendchallenges,
of digitizationcompanies and products, a limited product range or existing product families,
implement agile
agile methods
methods into
into their
their development
development processes
processes [4].
[4]. the
the development
development of
of a
a suitable
suitable situation-
situation- and
and demand-oriented
digitalization, manufacturing enterprises are facing important but also
agile to be able to aanalyze
methodology, and to
systematic is compare
in to define
But the
the implementation
challenges implementation
in today’s of
of agility involves
involves an
market an extensive
extensive change
a continuing agile
new methodology,
product families. a It
can be is presented
observed that in this
this article.
process in organizations [5]. An agile transition comprises the structures
structures the creation
the creation of an individual
of an inindividual agile methodology,
process in
change of
towards reduction
agile transition
product as development
well as the
roles and
re- product
which isisfamilies are regrouped
appropriate for the functionuse
the respective
respective ofagile methodology,
case andor features.
and thus in-
shortened of organizational
product lifecycles.behavior
In as
addition,well as
there the
is roles
an and
increasing re- which
However, appropriate
assembly for
oriented product use
families case
are hardly thus
sponsibilities of the people
of the peoplebeing involved
involved [6], thus
[6],same the
thus the change of the creases the probability of sustainably embedding
creases the probability of sustainably embedding agility in the agility the
structural of customization, at the timechange of the
in a global On the product
development family
processes of level, products companies.
manufacturing differ mainly in two
structural andand process
process organization
organization of of aa company.
company. development processes of manufacturing companies.
However, with competitors all over the world. This trend, main characteristics: (i) the number of components and (ii) the
However, the the majority
majority of of agile
agile approaches
approaches originates
originates from from
software is inducing the development from macro to micro type of components (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronical).
software development,
development, which which is is whywhy theythey are are notnot easily
markets, results in diminished lot sizes due to augmenting Classical methodologies considering mainly single products
(high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or solitary, already existing product families analyze the
To cope © 2021
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Theaugmenting Published
by Elsevier
as well
Ltd. to be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
This is
is an
an open
open access
access article
article under
under the
the CC
BY-NC-ND license
license (
Peer-review possible
under optimization
responsibility of the potentials
scientific in
committee the
of the existing
31st CIRP causes
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 31st CIRP Design Conference 2021
Design difficulties
Conference 2021
regarding an efficient definition and
production system, it is important to have a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
2212-8271 © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an©open
2212-8271 2017access article Published
The Authors. under theby CC BY-NC-ND
Elsevier B.V. license (
Peer-review under responsibility
responsibility of the
of the scientific
scientific committee
committee of theof28th
the CIRP
31st CIRP
DesignDesign Conference
Conference 2018. 2021.
Jonas Heimicke et al. / Procedia CIRP 100 (2021) 786–791 787
2 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2021) 000–000

2. Literature Background the challenges of a pure implementation of agile approaches in

the development of mechatronic systems [17].
2.1. Agile product development
2.2. ASD – Agile System Design
Companies operating in the field of (physical) product de-
velopment, which we focus on in this paper, increasingly use As described, there are problems with the introduction of
agile approaches in their processes in order to be able to react existing agile approaches to the development of mechatronic
to unexpected and expected changes in the dynamic context of systems. Therefore, an approach is needed that implements ag-
product development [4]. “Agility - based on the system triple ile approaches starting from the culture in mechatronic system
approach - is the ability of an operating system to continuously development [18]. For this purpose, the approach of ASD - Ag-
check and question the validity of a project plan with regard to ile System Design according to ALBERS has been developed
the planning stability of the elements of the system triad and, in based on more than 20 years of application oriented product
the case of an unplanned information constellation, to adapt development research [19]. The agile values and principles re-
the sequence of synthesis and analysis activities according to lated to the development of mechatronic systems are defined in
the situation and requirements, thereby specifically increasing the ASD approach by nine basic principles, which are applied
the benefits for customers, users and providers.” [8] by selected methods [20]. The structures in mechatronic system
In particular approaches like Scrum are applied to increase development are considered in order to integrate flexibility at
the agility of operation systems. Scrum is a project manage- appropriate points. Accordingly, ASD - Agile System Design
ment method that focuses on the course of the project. Within pursues the goal of enabling a practicable combination of struc-
the method there are different artifacts and activities [11] as turing and agile elements. [20] Based on observation of real and
well as the three defined roles: Product Owner, Development successful development projects [18] this approach serves as
Team and Scrum Master [12]. In addition, the project is struc- methodological guideline for development teams in the devel-
tured in the form of sprints (development cycles of several opment of mechatronic systems [20]. An important element of
weeks) [13]. Based on the sprints a product is incrementally the ASD is the universal problem-solving method SPALTEN
developed that ultimately fulfills the customer's wishes in the [21], which can serve to structure an individual and situation-
best possible way. During each sprint, a potentially shippable specific problem solving e.g. agile transformation [18]. SPAL-
increment is generated, tested and evaluated in order to be used TEN is a German acronym for the seven problem solving ac-
for further development in the next sprint by adding further in- tivities the process is divided into [21]: 1. Situation Analysis
crements. The self-organizing Scrum teams work with a high (Situationsanalyse), 2. Problem Containment
degree of autonomy and responsibility as well as cross-func- (Problemeingrenzung), 3. Alternative Solutions (Alternative
tionally, while the Product Owner defines the aims of the de- Lösungen), 4. Selection of Solutions (Lösungsauswahl), 5.
velopment together with relevant stakeholders. Based on the Consequence Analysis (Tragweitenanalyse), 6. Make Decision
aims (user perspectives) and a prioritization of these, a product and Implement (Entscheiden und Umsetzen), 7. Recapitulate
backlog is created, which is iteratively processed in the sprints and Learn (Nachbereiten und Lernen).
and leads to a finished product by meeting all requirements in This process is universally applicable and can be character-
the product backlog. The Product Owner and the team are ized as a dynamic, fractal and case-oriented problem-solving
trained by the Scrum Master during the development process process [21]. Another central element in ASD is the product
so that Scrum is applied skillfully. Additionally, he supports profile [22]. It is the model of a bundle of benefits. Within it,
the team and protects it from external impediments. [12] intended provider, customer and user benefits are made acces-
However, several problems arise when introducing agile ap- sible in order to carry out a validation during product develop-
proaches in a non-software environment [14]. In their study, ment. In addition, it serves as a basis for the development of
ATZBERGER ET AL. [4] have identified different challenges with new product generations and their validation, since it roughly
regard to the agile development of physical products. In partic- describes a product, e.g. by means of essential characteristics
ular, these include a common understanding or view of agile and functions. [22] By using a validated product profile and in
development of physical products, including the establishment conjunction with appropriate marketing and sales strategies,
of the right mindset. In addition, different restrictions pose a the probability of market success is increased [23].
great challenge. In particular, time restrictions due to waiting
or manufacturing times and physical restrictions such as phys- 2.3. Agile adaption of organizational units
ical limitations or splitting into appropriate increments present
agile development with great challenges. In addition to this, In order to be able to cope with the increasing dynamics in
conflicts of a social nature also result, such as the loss of power product development and to be able use agile elements in de-
of the managers, the feeling of being overstrained or the chal- velopment, an adaption of organizational units may be neces-
lenge of no longer climbing classical career paths. [4] Accord- sary. In particular, it must be ensured that the persons involved
ingly, for a sustainable establishment, the cultural change of the are not overwhelmed and a subsequent adaptation of the imple-
organization must also be considered [10]. Agile principles are mented agile approaches is avoided. Therefore, DIEBOLD ET AL.
often introduced based on general assumptions [15]. As prom- describe a step-by-step transformation towards the right degree
ising results in initial studies have shown [16], traditional ap- of agility as necessary. Especially the interaction of technical
proaches are extended by agile approaches in order to minimize and cultural agility, which influence each other, is crucial in
this process. [10] Accordingly, the roles and responsibilities of
the people involved as well as the organizational behavior need
788 Jonas Heimicke et al. / Procedia CIRP 100 (2021) 786–791
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2021) 000–000 3

to be changed [24]. Therefore, the agile development is based from development departments of different companies. Based
on a holistic way of thinking rather than individual tools or on this, the framework was developed. For this purpose, the re-
practices [25]. The agile mindset must be spread throughout the spective problem-solving activities were supported by selected
entire company in order to be successful as an agile organiza- methods in order to support the individual development of agile
tion [9]. In addition to the change in corporate culture, an agile process adaptations within the overall framework.
organizational structure is important, but this does not require
the entire organization to be agile. Although some structures 4. Results
facilitate the implementation of agility. [26] The biggest chal-
lenge here is the exchange of information between agile and 4.1. Profile for the Framework to adapting Agility
plan-controlled parts within an organization [27].
To adapt an organization towards agility, the focus must be Through a literature research, the requirements, conditions
on the unique and sophisticated interaction of operational, stra- and contents of the framework were derived and collected in
tegic or cultural aspects. To achieve this, existing practices, the methodological profile. Agile approaches are increasingly
models, tools and frameworks need to be complemented by an used in the development of mechatronic systems, but these
agile transformation context, within the context of effective have their origin in software development and are based, for
change management. [28] Change management is used to example, on an incremental understanding, which does not
structure and control a planned organizational change process. meet the requirements of mechatronic system development and
In order to implement it effectively, situational requirements creates new challenges (see DIEBOLD ET AL. [10]).
must be considered. The goal is to increase the ability of a com- Accordingly, the agile approaches cannot easily be adopted
pany to solve problems, in order to react faster and more flexi- in physical product development. In summary, companies in
bly to new requirements. According to INVERSINI [29], during the development of mechatronic systems lack the ability to use
the change process, selected change principles should not be a suitable method to make existing processes so flexible that
rigidly adhered to, but it should be possible to act in a demand- development risk and customer integration are adequately inte-
oriented and flexible way. [29] This seems particularly im- grated. This leads to the demand for individual, company-spe-
portant in an agile environment, especially with regard to the cific methodical support to implement a suitable degree of agil-
insight from various sources that agile methods are best intro- ity in the processes. Consequently, certain requirements result
duced using "an agile way of implementing agility" [30] [31]. for such methodical support. In particular, it should serve to
Furthermore, it should be considered that each change process support a user in introducing a suitable degree of agility into
of a company is unique and individual [32], i.e. each agile the organizational and operational structure by identifying a sit-
transformation must be individually designed [33]. uation- and demand-oriented, suitable combination of flexible
Situation- and Demand-oriented Implementation of Agility
3. Aim of Research
We need a methodology that supports the process developer in identifying the individual situation in the

There is a variety of agile approaches and research has been development context with regard to the goals that are to be achieved with agile working and in generating a
customized process solution so that an appropriate level of agility is introduced into the development

established in this area for several years now. Nevertheless,


companies face various challenges in physical product devel- Initial Method Description
Characteristics: in logical order when identifying the targets
opment when they try to introduce agility. To meet these chal- Development of solutions and introduction of these
Based on the ASD - Agile System Design
lenges, change must be implemented at different organizational Main functions: by identifying the appropriate combination of flexible and structuring elements to
introduce an appropriate degree of agility into the organizational and operational structure

levels with different specific goals. Since there is no general Consisting of elements of KaSPro and other selected elements of agile product development

approach to establish a suitable combination of structuring and Reference System Use Cases
flexible elements for each individual company, companies are Agile and plan-driven approaches
Methods, ways of thinking and
Agile Transition
Introduction of agile elements into the existing processes of manufacturing

faced with the challenge of effectively and successfully imple-

processes of PGE companies or companies in mechatronic systems development
SPALTEN Comprehensive further development of development processes

menting an appropriate level of agility. For this reason, the goal

ASD basic principles
Concept of Resolution level

of this article is to develop a generally applicable methodolog- Supplier Benefits (IPEK) Person Concerned Benefits User Benefits

ical support that enables situation- and demand-oriented action USP: Offering customized agility
Providing a method that enables
Targeted optimization of
development processes using
Creation of the necessary
structures while at the same

and the introduction of a suitable degree of agility. Therefore, a procedure that is universally
suitable for transferring newly
individual optimization criteria
Individual process solution that
time providing the necessary
procedural freedom

a method in form of a framework will be developed which gen-

developed elements into addresses specific needs Human-centered framework
practice Sustainable integration of agility supports synthesis and analysis
activities of developers
erates individual agile-structuring process solutions. The fol-
Further development of the into processes
interaction of the KaSPro Resource-efficient product depending on their needs
elements development to increase Possibility to gain the
lowing research questions are answered in this article: customer value in the
necessary knowledge, to
make the next relevant
1. What are the requirements for a method to introduce agil- decision

ity into the processes of mechatronic system development Competitive Context

Companies lack the possibility to make the existing process more flexible
through a suitable method in order to adequately integrate developer risk
according to the situation and needs?
Design Thinking
Cooper‘s agile stage gate hybrid and customer integration
Further adaptations and Existing approaches, e.g. based on incremental understanding analogous to
2. How is a methodology designed that enables a situation- hybrid approaches
software development, do not meet the requirements of mechatronics
system development, which leads to new challenges

and need-based development of agile-structuring process

Validation of the Framework through
solutions in the development of mechatronic systems? Continuous application of the framework also in different maturity levels (user study)
Exchange with researchers regarding methodology

In order to answer the research questions, a literature search Verification within the method's existing relationships between methodical elements, factors, fields of action and
ASD basic principles

was conducted with the aim of understanding the context of Boundary Conditions / Restrictions
product development, the agile product development and the Structures through structural and process organization of the company
Employment law, internal guidelines

adaption of organizational units. The extracted information was Guidelines from the specific area of application
Organizational guidelines

condensed in a method profile and discussed in a workshop Available resources

with 10 product development researchers and 4 employees Fig. 1. Method profile following ALBERS ET AL. [22]
Jonas Heimicke et al. / Procedia CIRP 100 (2021) 786–791 789
4 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2021) 000–000

and structuring elements. The method should support the iden- individual degree of agility. With the ABMT the essential as-
tification of goals, the development of process solutions and pects of each step are represented. It is divided into input, de-
their introduction in a logical sequence, based on the problem- scription of the activity, methods and output. In particular, each
solving process SPALTEN. The contents of the method should output represents the input of the following step. In the follow-
be based on the ASD – Agile System Design and other selected ing, the specific steps of the framework are described. (cf. Fig-
elements of agile product development. Altogether the method ure 2)
can use different agile and plan-driven approaches as a refer- Situation Analysis: The Situation analysis is designed to
ence. The method can be applied in different levels of context help the user gain an understanding of his situation within the
(see Level of Resolution [34]). company, but also of the situation on the market and in compe-
To ensure a successful transformation towards more agile tition. Based on the desire to become more agile and a resulting
working and to support the user in the best possible way, the vague potential for improvement, the application of the frame-
company-specific restrictions must be considered. In this re- work can be started based on the project initiation. Thereby the
gard, the structures of the company's structural and process or- user should gain a precise understanding of the company-spe-
ganization, as well as labor law and internal guidelines must be cific ACTUAL situation, especially of the current agile capa-
identified and implemented. Furthermore, guidelines from the bilities, the structural and process organization. In the course of
specific area of application and organizational guidelines must this, it is important that the user identifies possible information
be integrated and the available resources must be considered.
deficits with regard to his situation and solves these deficits
With the help of the framework, the user can create necessary
through research. In addition, it is especially important that the
structures, but at the same time create necessary process-related
user understands the reasons why the company should be
freedom, always considering the individual, specific use case.
Moreover, the human-centered framework supports the synthe- adapted or why (more) agility should be implemented. In the
sis and analysis activities of the developers as required. situation analysis, an as-is analysis provides methodological
In addition to the user benefit, the use of the framework also support for the user in order to finally gain an understanding of
results in a benefit for the persons concerned. In contrast to the the corresponding organizational structure and to define the ex-
users who actively apply the framework and are entrusted with plicit goals that are to be achieved through agile working.
the development of the structural and process organization of Problem Containment: On the basis of the information ob-
the affected organizational unit (mainly process developers), tained previously, the understanding, the explicit objectives
the affected persons are only affected by the process solution and an initial idea about a possible improvement potential, the
that is generated and implemented using the framework. This core of the optimization potential can be identified. Influencing
includes all persons who are involved in the process and are factors are identified that are particularly relevant from the us-
part of the affected organizational unit. These affected persons er's point of view in order to derive the individual system of
benefit from the targeted, individual optimization of the devel- objectives (the target state) for the process solution to be gen-
opment processes and the individual process solution, which is erated. Two methods can be used for support. On the one hand
tailored to the specific needs. The sustainable integration of a target-actual comparison and on the other hand a methodol-
agility in the processes supports and is beneficial for all persons ogy to align the change towards agile working [18]. This sec-
involved in the process and enables resource-efficient product ond methodology serves as a tool to calculate a weighting of
development, which leads to an increase in customer value in the ASD principles, support the selection of fields of actions
the market. This benefit, an agility that is individually adapted (3-5 out of 30 [18]) and factors (20 out of 225 [18]), from which
to the company-specific needs and the company-specific situa- the system of objectives can then be derived. Factors and fields
tion, is so far unique. By providing appropriate methods, the of action are related to the individual optimization potentials,
framework enables an approach that universally allows newly
while based on this the ASD principles are determined and or-
developed elements to be transferred into practice. The rela-
dered and display the direction of optimization. The results of
tionships described in this section are summarized in the
this method and the target-actual comparison are finally com-
Method Profile in Figure 1.
bined in the system of objectives to the process solution.
Search for Alternative Solutions: The basis for the search
4.2. Framework for development of specific agile methods
for alternative solution proposals is on the one hand the need,
The basic structure of the developed framework is based on based on the ACTUAL situation of the company, to achieve a
the framework of a Systematic approach for strategic potential target state defined in the previous step and on the other hand
identification [35] by MARTHALER ET AL. Each step of the pro- relevant factors that have been identified to introduce more
cess forms a separate column in the framework, resulting in agility at suitable points. In addition to capturing, analyzing and
seven columns, which are structured by the activity-based mod- documenting in order to be able to fall back on another process
eling technique (ABMT). By running through the individual solution if necessary, all ideas should be concretized. Thereby
steps, the user is enabled to identify his individual aims and the relevant criteria, which can be suggested by a tool as well
requirements (System of Objectives) regarding the agile method as by the user, are considered tool-supported. This tool is used
to be developed. Tool-supported, several process models as to perform a calculation based on the specific relevant criteria
well as methods and practices are suggested, which fulfill the and to identify and propose suitable methods and practices for
individual aims in the created system of objectives. These ele- the specific application. For this purpose, the fields of action,
ments come from a collection and evaluation of a huge number the relevant factors and the weighting of the ASD basic princi-
of agile and plan-driven frameworks, methods and practices. ples from the step of problem definition are evaluated with the
[36] The suggested selection of elements is the base for gener- help of an algorithm. The tool then proposes three superordi-
ating an individual process solution, which realizes an nate process models (out of 15) for the macro level and five
790 Jonas Heimicke et al. / Procedia CIRP 100 (2021) 786–791
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Situation Problem Alternative Selection of Consequence Make Decision Recapitulate and

S x
P Containment
A Solutions
L Solutions
T Analysis
E and Implement
N Learn

Vaguely identified Need to overcome the Proposals of alternative Process solutions Knowledge about:
Situation describing
potential for improvement delta between ACTUAL process solutions • Method development
Information Overview of opportunities,

and TARGET state Selected process solution • Method application

Desire to become more Initial presentation ACTUAL organizational risks and measures • The quality of the
agile System of objectives form Suitability estimation
regarding possible Description of the results generated by
Project initiation improvement potentials Relevant factors Regimentation methodological elements the process solution
Description of the Activity

Identification of
Explain the ACTUAL opportunities and risks If premises or other
situation of structural and Identify the core of the Determine relevant depending on the Make a decision on findings change during
Capture, analyze,
process organization problem and define the decision criteria organizational form and solution implementation the process, the process
problem to be solved proposed methods Plan resources can be repeated from the
Identify information On the basis of these,
Make all ideas concrete relevant step
deficits and solve them if Identify relevant select which Estimation regarding the Plan and implement
possible influencing factors View relevant criteria methodological elements changeability of the Further develop the
introduction of the
using a tool are suitable process solution** framework for the
Understand reasons for Derive system of method/methodology
the need for adjustment objectives derive appropriate individual application

Lessons learned

Individual ranking SPALTEN:

comparison, Tool to consider all Collection and
ACTUAL analysis of approach of the Creation of an individual
relevant criteria and to ASD Innovationcoaching implementation of best
structural and process Methodology for aligning methodical elements catalog of measures to
calculate methods and Karlsruhe Teaching practices in the
organization the change towards more depending on the input by minimize risks and realize
practices Model for Product application of the agile
agile working* the user opportunities
Engineering process solution

Survey of success
Understanding of Defined system of Potential alternative Resolution of the tendency in the
Selected process
structural and process objectives to the process process solutions Overview of opportunities implementation of the application of the process

organization solution: consisting of methods, and risks and measures agile process solution solution***
1. Fields of action methodologies and Estimation regarding the derived from them
Explicit goals to be 2. Factors suitability of the process Implementation plan Evaluation of the
practices for support in (with focus on the
achieved by using more 3. Weighted ASD the respective fields of solution in the organizational form) Implemented process procedure during the
agility principles action organizational form solution development of the
process solution
* multilevel procedure for prioritizing agile principles, explained in detail in the paper Alignment of the change to agile through method-supported evaluation of agile principles in physical product development
** if the initial situation changes
*** short term: in short cyclical intervals after the introduction (2-4 weeks), measurement of KPIs; medium term: collection of KPIs after project end; long term: after 2-3 times implementation of corresponding projects or quarterly

Fig. 2. Framework for a situation- and demand-oriented implementation of agility

agile practices (out of 145) per selected field of action. The re- appropriate. At the end of this step, the user is thus provided
sults are proposed in the form of various process solutions, with an overview of the opportunities and risks of implement-
from which the user can choose one in the next step. [36] ing the selected agile process solution and the measures derived
Selection of Solutions: Based on the proposed alternative from it with regard to his specific use case.
process solutions, the user selects in this step one of these pro- Make Decision and Implement: In this step, a decision on
cess solutions to be implemented later. Considering the current the implementation of the selected process solution is made on
form of organization and the company-specific regulations, de- the basis of the opportunities, risks and measures identified in
cision criteria (e.g. complexity of the system in development, the previous steps. Once the decision for implementation has
existing process models) are determined. These are used to ex- been made, resources and implementation are planned in order
amine which process solution or which methodological ele- to actually implement the selected process solution. For the
ments are particularly suitable for the transformation of the cur- process of decision making and implementation the problem
rent organizational form towards a more agile work. As me- solving process SPALTEN can be used again complemented
thodical support for this, an approach is used which classifies by other methods. Once this step is completed, there is not only
the methodical elements in an individual ranking depending on a decision to implement the selected agile-structuring process
the input, i.e. the selected fields of action, factors and criteria, solution, but also an implementation plan.
by the user. Finally, depending on the ranking resulting from Recapitulate and Learn: In this step, the insights and
the specific application, the user selects one of the proposed knowledge about method development, method application and
process solutions (he chooses 1 process model and several agile the quality of the results generated by the process solution are
methodological elements), which is then examined more used to adapt the developed and implemented process solution
closely and finally implemented in the following steps. if necessary and to further develop the framework both in gen-
Consequence Analysis: The consequence analysis deter- eral and for individual applications. An adaptation of the pro-
mines the scope of the selected process solution in terms of the cess solution only takes place in case of changed premises or
implementation effort and the risk in relation to the ACTUAL other insights gained during the course of the process that make
state of the organizational form. The opportunities and risks in an adaptation necessary. The entire process, i.e. the application
relation to the proposed methods and organizational form are of the framework, is run through again from the respective af-
determined. Based on the identified opportunities and risks as fected step until no further changes are necessary. Various
well as the assessment regarding the changeability of the pro- methods can be used to check for an adaptation, e.g. lessons
cess solution, additional measures are derived. For these activ- learned or an individual collection and implementation of best
ities a SWOT analysis is used, which is linked to a method that practices in the application of the agile process solution. The
creates an individual catalog of measures to minimize the risks learning is repeated and serves to ascertain the success ten-
and realize the opportunities. In this step the user determines dency resulting from the application of the process solution.
that a transformation towards more agile working on the basis
of the selected process solution is promising, feasible and
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