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A tour of Durango, Tour to the 7 temples

Mexico The visit of the Seven Temples is

a tradition of Spanish origin that
has become part of the main
activities of Holy Week. Durango,
a city full of traditions, in this
annual commemoration seeks to
reflect the Passion, Death and
Resurrection of Christ.
Holy Week is rich in
representations alluding to the
passages that Jesus of Nazareth
lived before being Crucified. It
begins on Palm Sunday and ends
on Easter Sunday. The most
important days of Holy Week are
those formed by the so-called
Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday
and Good Friday,
commemorating the death of
Christ; Holy Saturday, Christ in
the tomb, and Easter Sunday of
the Resurrection.
On Holy Thursday begins the visit
of the 7 Temples. The route
symbolizes the passage of Jesus
Before being crucified, he returned to Pilate's beginning in the Upper Room to
palace, where he was scourged and crowned the Garden of Gethsemane.
with thorns, where he incarnated and From there he continued to the
condemned himself to death. Finally his way of house of Annas; where he was
the cross to Mount Calvary carrying the cross interrogated and received a cruel
on which he would be crucified. slap. Then in Caiaphas, where he
In Durango the 7 temples visited are: was spat on and suffered serious
TEMPLE SAN MARTIN DE PORRES. injuries. Then he arrived with the
TEMPLE OF SANTA ANA. Roman Governor Pontius Pilate,
TEMPLE AND ALTAR OF SAN AGUSTIN. where he was accused by the
SAN MIGUEL TEMPLE. Jews with false testimonies.
THE CATHEDRAL MINOR BASILICA OF THE Punished was taken to the palace
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. of King Herod, where he was
TEMPLE SAN JUANITA DE LOS LAGOS. wronged by him and all his

Luis Eduardo Sida Gurrola, English level 2

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