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II./33-34 1. of
2. of;
4. to; on
5. in
6. out of
7. with
8. to
9. for
10. to; for
11. to; for; for

a) 1. Do you like to go shopping?
Yes, I like to go shopping.
2. Which is the largest department store in Bucharest?
The largest department store in Bucharest is Carefour.
3. Is there a lady's ready-made clothing department in
this store?
Yes, there is.
4. What floor is it on?
It’s on the third floor.
5. What goods are on display in this counter?
Bags, socks and much more are displayed on the counter.
6. What did Mary need?
Mary needed a frock.
b) 1. Ce fel de costum vrea Maria sa cumpere?
Maria vrea sa cumpere un costum de stofa sare si piper.
2. Unde l-a incercat?
Ea l-a incercat in cabina de proba.
3. De ce altceva mai avea nevoie Maria?
Ea mai avea nevoie de o rochie.
4. I s-a potrivit rochia Mariei?
Rochia I s-a potrivit.
5. Ii place lui George noua rochie a Mariei?
Da, ii place.
6. Sunt magazinele aglomerate cand iti faci
Da, sunt aglomerate.
7. La ce ora se inchid magazinele?
Magazinele se inchid la ora 21.

1. should
2. will
3. shall
4. should
5. would
6. would
7. would; would
8. should
9. would
10. would
11. would
12. should
13. should
14. would; will

A little boy entered a shop and asked the shopman how
much would he have to pay for ten pounds of sugar, two
pounds of coffe and three pounds of butter. The
shopman took a piece of paper and a pencil, wrote
something down and answered to the boy that he would
have to pay four dollars and sixty cents. Then the boy
asked the shopman how much change would he give the
boy if thew boy gave him five dollars. The shopman
answered him that he would give him 40 cents. The boy
thanked him and said that he didn’t want to buy
anything. That questions were his homework for the next
day and he couldn’t do it himself.

a) 1. This year I will not be able to go abroad because I
have finished my vacation.
2. I really need this book; couldn't you lend it to me for a
few days?
3. Follow my advice and don't buy this dress because it
doesn't fit you: it's loose for you, the color is a bit flashy,
and besided that, to my mind, the cup is old-fashioned;
you'd better take the pale green one.
4. I would rather take a tight skirt than a pleated one;
pleated skirts are no longer fashionable now.
b) 1. It would have been proper to have come home
earlier; I needed your help.
2. I might stop by you around 6 o'clock, but I'm not sure
3. This dress should be your size; why don't you want to
0buy it?
4. Do I have to return your book yet tomorrow? No, no
need. You can keep it as long as you want.
5. Am I allowed to open the window? No, you're not
allowed. It is too cold and you may catch a cold.
6. Can I come see you tomorrow at 10 o'clock?

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