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Cats are domestic animals. They are small in size.

Their bodies are covered with

smooth fur. They have two mesmerizing eyes, two highly sensitive ears, four legs,
whiskers under their nose and a long tail.

Cats are of three kinds, namely- farm cats, house cats and feral cats. House cats
are petted by many people all across the globe. Cats are considered sacred in some
traditions and cultures like the Japanese culture. Cats are very witty animals.
They are very skilful hunters of rats, snakes, etc. Cats are very lazy pets, they
sleep for long hours in a day and they are friendly to people they trust. Cats are
not very social animals. Its offspring is called a “kitten”.

Cats belong to the same family of tiger and panthers. Cats feed on both vegetables
and animals and are, therefore, omnivores. Cats are very beautiful animals and
they’re a favourite of many people.

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