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Conflict and Negotiation Individual Script

Rep. Vignesh: Good morning, Senators, and Mr. Zuckerberg. This is a one-of-a-kind
hearing to address Facebook-related problems, and the topics we will discuss range from
data privacy and security to consumer protection.
How will you safeguard users' data? How will you let users know about the upcoming
changes? And how do you anticipate stopping bad behaviour so that you won't have to deal
with it for months or years? In many ways, you, Mr. Zuckerberg, the business you started,
and the story you've created exemplify the American Dream. Many individuals have been
motivated by what you've done.
You have a duty to make sure that your vision does not result in a privacy nightmare for the
millions of people who use Facebook, and it is your job to do it.

Mark Zuckerberg: We have top-notch security safeguards in place when you use
Facebook to help protect you and your data. Your action (such as updating your status or
sending a message) is encrypted, or transformed into code, so that no one else can view it
without your permission. Even We provide tools to help you find and remove malware from
your computer if you mistakenly click on a spammy article. Unless you authorise it, we won't
share your personal information.

Rep. Vignesh: I used the relatively harmless example of communicating with my mates on
Facebook and mentioning that I loved a certain type of chocolate when we were talking
about it yesterday. I then suddenly start getting advertisements for chocolate. What if I don't
want to hear any more commercials?
Your COO, Ms. Sandberg, stated on the NBC "Today Show" that Facebook users who do
not want their personal information used for advertising may have to pay for that protection.
You'll have to pay for it.
Are you really considering charging Facebook users for choosing not to use their data?

Mark Zuckerberg: Senator, customers now have a say in how their data is used to
advertise products. Therefore, you can block third-party information if you don't want your
adverts to be targeted using all of the data we have at our disposal.
While some consumers dislike advertisements in general, we found that they hate irrelevant
adverts the most. Although there is some unease about using information to make
advertising more pertinent, our community as a whole believes that consumers would rather
have us present pertinent information there than not.
Therefore, we offer the control you're referencing to. It is used by some people. The majority
of Facebook users do not use it.

Rep. Vignesh: We are now concluded with the hearing for today. We are very grateful for
Mr. Zuckerberg's time and patience as he spoke to the Senate about these sensitive topics. I
hope individuals and organisations exercise caution in their actions and make sure they are
in keeping with the law and the respect that the government demands. This concludes the
Senate hearing.

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