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Jonathan Valle Gallardo


What I was able to find in my brief investigation was that on the page of the
Government of Mexico there is a text that writes about the care of the elderly.
This government page tells us the following.
“The daily difficulties faced by older adults are the physical deterioration derived from
the natural aging process, associated with the presence of one or more diseases
and the lifestyle of the individual, which can cause them to be unable to function on
their own. the most elementary activities of day to day.
Home care for the elderly or people in a situation of dependency has been growing
in recent decades, which is why it is positioned as the main scenario in which
attention is paid to this sector, considering the family as a fundamental element to
achieve it. It is estimated that the vast majority of those who provide it are women.
Some of the daily activities that the elderly finds it difficult to perform are going up
and down the stairs, grooming, getting dressed, leaving the house, adherence to a
therapeutic treatment, using the telephone, cooking, cleaning the house, moving
around home, wash clothes and eat.”
Most of the elderly are usually cared for by their family or by institutions in charge of
caring for them.
Very few older adults usually have a job and can take care of themselves, but that
does not mean that they do not exist, there are older people who cannot take care
of themselves and do not have any relatives to take care of them, which is why there
are some organizations that take care of them. get a better life for those people who
couldn't get a pension, government care, etc.
In my opinion it is true that sons should take care of their parents who are already
older adults who can no longer take care of themselves. In addition, the nursing
homes also seem good to me, when sons or those who are in charge of caring for
the elderly do not have time to take care of them themselves, although you always
have to make sure that it is of good quality.
Although I think it's always better to take care of them ourselves, so we can spend
more time with them together.
I also agree with the support they give to older adults who no longer can work and
have no one to care for them.
Although I also know of cases where there are people who should no longer be
working but continue to work because they do not receive any support and do not
have family members to support them, I think that in this case we should try to help
them, every time we see an elderly person in these circumstances.

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