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Received: 14 January 2022 Revised: 5 May 2022 Accepted: 16 May 2022

DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3827


Fitness homeostasis across an experimental water gradient

predicts species’ geographic range and climatic breadth

Ian S. Pearse1 | Patrick McIntyre2 | N. Ivalú Cacho3 | Sharon Y. Strauss4

U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins
Science Center, Fort Collins, Abstract
Colorado, USA Species range sizes and realized niche breadths vary tremendously.
Nature Serve, Western Regional Office, Understanding the source of this variation has been a long-term aim in evolution-
Boulder, Colorado, USA
ary ecology and is a major tool in efforts to ameliorate the impacts of changing cli-
Instituto de Biología, 3er Circuito de CU
s/n, Universidad Nacional Aut onoma de mates on species distributions. Species ranges that span a large climatic envelope
México, Copilco Coyoacan, Universidad can be achieved by a collection of specialized genotypes locally adapted to a small
Nacional Aut onoma de México, Mexico
range of conditions, by genotypes with stable fitness across variable environments,
City, Mexico
4 or a combination of these factors. We asked whether fitness expressed along a key
Center for Population Biology and
Department of Evolution and Ecology, niche axis, water availability, could explain a species’ realized niche breadth, its
University of California, Davis, geographic range and climate breadth, in 11 species from a clade of jewelflowers
California, USA
whose range sizes vary by two orders of magnitude. Specifically, we explored
Correspondence whether the range size of a species was related to the ability of genotypes (mater-
Ian S. Pearse nal families) to maintain fitness across a range of experimental water availabilities
based on 30-year historical field precipitation regimes. We operationally character-
Funding information ized fitness homeostasis through the coefficient of variation in fitness of a geno-
National Science Foundation,
type (family) across the experimental water gradient. We found that species with
Grant/Award Number: NSF-1545597
genotypes that had high fitness homeostasis, low variation in fitness over our
Handling Editor: James T. Cronin treatments, had larger climatic niche breadth and geographic range in their field
distributions. The result was robust to alternate measures of fitness homeostasis.
Our results show that the fitness homeostasis of genotypes can be a major factor
contributing to niche breadth and range size in this clade. Fitness homeostasis
can buffer species from loss of genetic diversity and under changing climates, pro-
vides time for adaptation to future conditions.

Brassicaceae, climate water deficit, comparative, drought, fundamental niche, mustards,
niche breadth, phenotypic plasticity, phylogeny, range limits, range size, realized niche,

INTRODUCTION been central to understanding where organisms live

along environmental gradients (Hutchinson, 1959;
Species vary tremendously in their range sizes, the geo- Schrodt et al., 2019; von Humboldt, 1850), and how spe-
graphic areas over which they live and the range of envi- cies evolve to live in different habitats (Cacho &
ronments in which they persist. This observation has Strauss, 2014; Darwin, 1859). A better understanding of

© 2022 The Ecological Society of America. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.

Ecology. 2022;e3827. 1 of 11
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the basis of niche breadth has become increasingly likely contributes to the overall niche breadth of a spe-
urgent because the mechanisms underlying niche cies, it is useful to differentiate these processes, both to
breadth and its evolution will determine how well and understand mechanisms of niche breadth evolution, and
how quickly species can respond to changing global envi- particularly when considering conservation approaches
ronments (Clavel et al., 2011; Colles et al., 2009). Niche for species under rapidly changing climate (Williams
breadth must be limited in some capacity, as no species is et al., 2008). For example, the consequences of loss of
able to thrive in all environments (Reznick et al., 2000), genetic diversity within a population or species with
but what causes the tremendous variation in niche regards to its geographic occurrence (i.e., range shift, con-
breadth among species is still poorly understood traction, or expansion) will be determined by the degree
(Carscadden et al., 2020; Sexton et al., 2017). to which individual-level plasticity and fitness homeosta-
Species-level niche breadth is a product of three main sis versus genetic differentiation among populations and
processes or phenomena that act at different scales individuals shapes species-level niche breadth (Sheth &
(Figure 1; Bolnick et al., 2002; Sexton et al., 2017): Angert, 2014).
(1) plasticity or fitness homeostasis, the ability of a geno- Niche breadth is closely related to the range size of
type to maintain similar fitness across a range of environ- organisms. In general, species with larger range sizes persist
ments, allows genotypes to thrive across a wide range of across a greater variety of environments (Sheth et al., 2014;
environments (Griffith & Sultan, 2012; Sides et al., 2014; Slatyer et al., 2013). Most studies exploring niche breadth
Sultan, 2001); (2) genetic variation within populations, in use correlative approaches, taking biotic or abiotic
which each genotype may persist in a subset of environ- aspects of niche, as in species distribution models, and
ments, but collections of genotypes can thrive across a using these to assign niche breadth. Others have added
wider set of environmental conditions owing to variation an experimental approach to measuring niche breadth in
among genotypes (Sheth & Angert, 2014); and (3) local key environments (Chambers & Emery, 2016; Dixon &
adaptation at the population level, in which each popula- Busch, 2017; Kelly et al., 2012; Sheth & Angert, 2014;
tion is comprised of genotypes that thrive under a limited Tittes et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2017). For some species,
number of environments (Angert et al., 2011; range size may be limited primarily by environmental
Hereford, 2009). While more than one of these factors factors like water availability or temperature (Choat

(a) (b) (c)


Range (maximum–minimum)
Environmental gradient

F I G U R E 1 Some hypothetical responses of genotypes within a population to an environmental gradient. (panel a) Solid lines reflect a
population comprised of genotypes or families that have broad niches and are stable (have high fitness homeostasis) across an
environmental gradient. Dashed lines reflect a population comprised of a collection of genotypes or families that each thrive under a
narrower set of conditions (the niche of each genotype is more specialized) and that are less stable. (panel b) Fitness homeostasis can
operationally be estimated as the opposite of the coefficient of variation (CV) in fitness of genotypes, or families, across the gradient,
schematically represented by arrows for three genotypes. Genotype a has less variation in fitness across the gradient and high fitness
homeostasis (low CV), a habitat generalist. Genotypes b and c both have lower fitness homeostasis and are specialized in some parts of the
gradient. Comparison of genotypes a and b suggest a trade-off between maximum fitness under optimal conditions and being a generalist
(panel b). Fitness homeostasis can also be measured as the range of environments over which some threshold fitness level is achieved by
each genotype (panel c); in our case, we assessed the range of water availabilities over which 70%, 80%, and 90% of peak fitness was
maintained. Genotypes with high fitness homeostasis (a) are able to maintain a threshold of fitness over a wide range of environments.
Genotype c has a narrower range of environments over which it can maintain the same threshold of fitness.
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ECOLOGY 3 of 11

et al., 2012; Dilts et al., 2015; Engelbrecht et al., 2007; “Does the fitness homeostasis of genotypes within species
Lutz et al., 2010). In these cases, performance curves measured across a range of water availability in an exper-
measured across range-limiting factors (Angert imental setting predict that same species’ geographic
et al., 2011; Huey & Stevenson, 1979) allow us to explore range size and climate occupancy across the landscape,
experimentally whether the ability of genotypes to main- or its realized niche?” This experiment addresses the
tain fitness along that environmental gradient predicts extent to which the capacity of a species to persist over a
the range of environmental conditions in which a species large range of environments is caused by individual-level
persists in nature. Interspecific comparisons of perfor- fitness homeostasis (Figure 1a, solid lines). We character-
mance curves can provide information on constraints in ize range size and climatic niche breadth across the range
the realized niche and help to explain why some species and measure fitness homeostasis across an experimental
have larger niches and range sizes than others (Tittes water gradient for 11 species within a clade of mustards
et al., 2019). native to mediterranean California. Because variation in
One metric that captures performance of genotypes niche breadth is often considered in terms of
across environments is fitness homeostasis, which is generalist–specialist trade-offs (Carscadden et al., 2020;
the ability of a genotype to maintain similar fitness across Sexton et al., 2017), we additionally ask whether there is
a range of environments (Hoffmann & Parsons, 1991; a tradeoff between maximum fitness of a species and its
Rejmanek, 2000; Sultan & Bazzaz, 1993; Woods fitness homeostasis over the same experimental water
et al., 2009). Across environments, fitness homeostasis gradient.
across environments is thought to be accompanied by
changes in gene expression underlying morphological or
physiological traits that influence fitness (Bradshaw, 1965; METHODS
Sultan, 1995; Turner et al., 2017), i.e., a reflection of plastic-
ity. The ability to maintain fitness homeostasis may also Study system
reflect non-plastic phenotypes that are successful across a
range of environments, termed “phenotypic buffering” We explore these questions using the Streptanthus (s.l.)
(e.g., Reusch, 2014). Fitness homeostasis can be used as a clade, which includes several closely related genera
measure of niche breadth at the genotypic level (Rejmanek (Caulanthus, Guillenia, Streptanthus [s.l.]) that are not
et al., 2005; Woods et al., 2009). The shape of the perfor- reciprocally monophyletic within the group (Cacho
mance curve relating fitness to an environmental gradient et al., 2014). Members of this diverse clade occupy bare
can reveal how specialized a genotype is to its environ- harsh abiotic habitats, spanning southern sandy deserts
ment. A norm of reaction of fitness plotted against environ- to northern, coarse-soiled south-facing scree slopes of
ment that is not steeply peaked indicates high fitness edaphically diverse substrates (Cacho & Strauss, 2014).
homeostasis across a range of environments (for example, Along with other diverse clades of angiosperms, these
Figure 1b, genotype a). Organisms that can maintain fit- species have been classified as Madro-Tertiary, reflecting
ness over a large range of environments have wide niche their southern biogeographic origin and affinity for hot,
breadth and are considered generalized genotypes. dry environments (Cacho & Strauss, 2014; Harrison
One potential driver of variation in fitness homeosta- et al., 2010; Raven & Axelrod, 1978). Biogeographic ori-
sis is a generalist–specialist trade-off in which species or gins are often overlooked in ecological studies, yet they
individuals with high maximum fitness in some environ- may characterize the responses of many species to envi-
ments also have lower fitness homeostasis (i.e., a ronmental variation. For example, in a diverse plant com-
narrower set of environments in which they can produce munity, species with Madro-Tertiary, hot dry origins
high fitness (Angert et al., 2011; Sexton et al., 2017). The increased in abundance over a 40-year census interval,
concept of generalist–specialist trade-offs is central to over which the climate got hotter and drier (Damschen
many theories of the evolution of niche breadth; how- et al., 2010). By incorporating deep evolutionary history,
ever, empirical tests of such trade-offs are rare, and evi- we can gain a richer understanding of niche evolution
dence for generalist–specialist trade-offs is variable and its constraints (see also Tittes et al., 2019). In addi-
among systems (Sexton et al., 2017). tion, for among-species comparisons, understanding the
Here, we use fitness homeostasis measured in an relationships between traits like range size and plasticity
experimental setting as a metric of niche breadth to ask requires understanding evolutionary constraints on those
to what extent niche breadth of individual genotypes relationships, something an explicit clade-wide perspec-
across a key environmental axis can explain the species’ tive provides. For these reasons, we focus on species
realized niche. More specifically, using a clade of mus- within the Streptanthoid Complex subclade, which are
tards that inhabit water-limited environments, we ask all located within the California Floristic Province and
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for which we have detailed understanding of their evolu- resulting in a total of 35 plants per species. These
tionary relationships and biogeographic origin (Cacho levels were chosen to represent a field-relevant range of
et al., 2014). We initially started with 15 species selected growing-season precipitation based on 30 years of precipi-
to span the environments and subclades of the tation records experienced by this group of Streptanthus
Streptanthoid Complex major clade (Cacho et al., 2014). (s.l.) species in the field. Our goal was to capture most or
Of the 15 taxa, four species had poor germination and all of the water availability niche for each species, yet also
were dropped from the analyses; thus, we ultimately used impose the same treatments across the clade. For all taxa,
11 taxa: Caulanthus coulteri, C. crassicaulis, C. inflatus, our lowest watering level was lower than the 30-year mini-
C. lasiophyllus, Streptanthus breweri, S. diversifolius, mum of the seed collection site, while our maximum treat-
S. farnsworthianus, S. glandulosus, S. hesperidis, ment was greater or equal (within 2%) to the 30-year
S. polygaloides, and S. tortuosus. The joint distributions of maximum monthly precipitation for all but two species
these species span the Mojave desert to northern (Appendix S1: Table S1). The species S. glandulosus and
California Sierra Nevada and cover a large range of S. polygaloides experienced greater maximum rainfall at
annual precipitation and temperature, with geographic least once over the 30-year period than our highest
range sizes that vary more than two orders of magnitude. watering level. Thus, our treatments largely capture and
exceed the historical water availability niche experienced
by these taxa. Water was applied to pots using a metered
Experimental measurement of fitness over drip irrigation system, and plants were grown outdoors
water levels under the increasing heat of the growing season; thus,
water availability decreased over the course of the experi-
For each species, seeds were field-collected by maternal ment for all treatments under natural warming tempera-
plants from one population approximately centrally tures, similar to spring–summer transition experienced by
located within the species’ range-wide climate water defi- plants in the field. Across the whole study, precise metered
cit (CWD) space (Appendix S1: Figure S1, see irrigation allowed plants to be arranged in a completely
Measurement of realized niche: geographic range size and randomized design. Natural precipitation was excluded
climate water deficit niche breadth for more detail on how from the experiment with a transparent roof.
CWD range was calculated). CWD is defined as the Fitness was measured as total fruit production
annual evaporative demand that exceeds available water, in annuals or total biomass in biennials. To minimize
and is a combined metric based on soil parent material, pollen limitation of annual species, all open flowers
aspect, temperature, and precipitation and that integrates were hand-pollinated with conspecific pollen using a
drainage, changes in soil moisture, energy loading, and bee stick (excised Bombus thorax) twice per week (more
climate (Flint et al., 2013). detail in Pearse et al., 2020). The species C. lasiophyllus
Seeds from each of five maternal families per species is highly autogamous, with fruits that set as the
were germinated on an outdoor mist bench at the UC small flowers open and without cross-pollination. We
Davis Orchard Park greenhouse facility starting on collected and counted fruit prior to dehiscence. Fruit
25 November 2015 in 25  50 cm planting trays. When counts were summed over the season yielding lifetime
germinants reached the cotyledon/first true leaf stage, fruit set (our estimate of fitness). Two taxa (S. tortuosus
they were transplanted to 656-ml Conetainers (Stuewe & and C. crassicaulis) were monocarpic biennials and
Sons, St. Louis, MO), filled with 1:1:1 compost:peat moss: did not flower. In these species, roots and shoots of
sand to mimic high drainage rocky or sandy conditions plants were collected at the end of the experiment
in the field, and grown in an outdoor lath house at (1 August 2016), dried at 45 C for 14 days, and weighed
ambient fall/winter growing season temperatures from to calculate total biomass. Total biomass of biennial
28 December 2015–21 January 2016. Plants that did not species is a measure of fitness, as biomass accrued in the
germinate or that died prior to 20 January 2016 were first year increases lifetime fecundity (e.g., Gross, 1981),
replaced with new germinants. Plants were not fertilized especially in monocarpic species.
and were kept well watered during germination and A polynomial function was the best fit of the
transplanting, as would be common with natural germi- fitness–water-availability relationship (see Pearse
nation in heavy winter rainstorms typical of the mediter- et al., 2020 for model selection and alternate models con-
ranean climate in California. On 22 January, plants had sidered). In a prior paper (Pearse et al., 2020), we found
produced the first true leaves, and experimental watering in the same experiment that the water level at which
began. From each of the five maternal families, seven plants accrued fitness fastest (the inflection point of the
plants were randomly assigned, one to each of seven water curves in Appendix S1: Figure S2) was highly correlated
treatments (8, 16, 60, 105, 149, 194, 239 mm/month), with the 30-year mean precipitation at the seed collection
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ECOLOGY 5 of 11

site, suggesting that our imposed watering regime was similar fitness across a range of watering levels, a mea-
field relevant. sure of fitness homeostasis (see also Woods et al., 2009).
Species with individuals that express less variation in fit-
ness (low CV) have greater fitness homeostasis
Measurement of realized niche: geographic (Schlichting & Levin, 1984; Wolfe & Mazer, 2005). To
range size and climate water deficit niche focus on within-genotype effects and to reduce variation
breadth caused by genetic diversity at the family level, we incor-
porated the effect of maternal family when calculating fit-
We assembled a comprehensive database of our species’ ness homeostasis. For each species, we calculated CV
collection locations from regional herbaria and aggre- from the residuals of fitness from a model in which fit-
gated occurrence databases. Using the these collection ness was a function of maternal family
locations, we fit a convex hull around those points (fitness  maternal family). An independent way
(convHull function in the Dismo R package) to calculate to assess fitness homeostasis is to measure the range of
range size, estimated in square kilometers (Hijmans environmental variation over which some threshold of
et al., 2017). Range size included areas in California, maximum fitness is maintained (Sheth & Angert, 2014).
Nevada, and Oregon. In our experiment, we assessed the range of water
We extracted the climatic water deficit (CWD) at availability over which fitness was maintained at three
each of these occurrence locations using a hydrologi- thresholds—70%, 80%, and 90% of maximum fitness
cally based model of CWD for California (Appendix S1: (Figure 1C; sensu Sheth & Angert, 2014).
Figure S3; Flint et al., 2013). CWD is a combined metric The latter method (range of water resulting in fitness
of temperature, precipitation, and soil properties that above a threshold) did not account for family-level varia-
together influence water availability and drought stress. tion. To assess whether family-level variation was likely
Most of our sampled populations were located near or to contribute to this analysis, we tested whether the
at the modal CWD experienced by that species across its water–fitness relationship varied among species and
range (Appendix S1: Figure S1). For each species, we among maternal genotypes within species. Using AICc,
estimated niche breadth across CWD using the ecospat we compared three models: (1) a full model in which fit-
R package (Broennimann et al., 2018), which uses a ness was determined by water amount and its interaction
kernel-density function to relate the distribution of with maternal family within species; (2) a species model
locality records and environmental variables in which fitness was determined by water amount and its
(Broennimann et al., 2012). To estimate niche breadth interaction with species (but not maternal family), and
across these estimates, we used the Bayesian HPD (3) a model in which fitness was determined by water
approach applied to the empirical values of the niche amount and species, but the water–fitness relationship
kernel density to calculate the 95% probability interval was not allowed to differ among species (Appendix S1:
of the niche from the distributions (best fits were to a Table S2). By far the best model based on AICc had fit-
single rather than multi-modal intervals) using the ness determined by water amount and its interaction
emp.hpd function in the TeachingDemos R Package with species (model [2]; Appendix S1: Table S2), indicat-
(Snow, 2016; Appendix S1: Figure S4). The range of ing that each species responds differently to variation in
most species (n = 8) were entirely within the state water, but that, within species, there was minimal varia-
of California, where CWD estimates were available. tion in the water–fitness relationship due to maternal
For the remaining three species (S. tortuosus, family.
C. lasiophyllus, and C. crassicaulis), some collection To assess the relationships between fitness homeosta-
locations were outside of California, and excluded from sis, geographic range size, and CWD niche breadth, we
CWD breadth estimates. used phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS)
models implemented in R packages ape and nlme
(Paradis et al., 2004; Pinheiro et al., 2012). We used a
Calculation of fitness homeostasis and Bayesian phylogeny of the Streptanthus (s.l.) clade
statistical analyses (Cacho et al., 2014) allowing the model to estimate phylo-
genetic signal as λ, using the function corPagel in the
Fitness variation was calculated as coefficient of variation R package ape (Paradis et al., 2004), and then rescaled
(CV) in fitness within each species, accounting for the phylogeny by λ (Revell, 2010). In two cases (presented
family-level effects (Figure 1). CV is the standard devia- in Appendix S1: Figure S5, and noted with an asterisk),
tion of a set of measurements divided by its mean; a low estimation of λ caused pathological behavior in models,
CV of fitness suggests that genotypes can maintain and λ was set to one, an assumption of Brownian motion
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6 of 11 PEARSE ET AL.

evolution. Geographic range size and maximum fitness species in which we failed to detect a fitness peak, this
measured as total fruit production were log-transformed would indicate that our estimates of fitness homeostasis
for all analyses to meet assumptions of normality and were subject to bias due to incomplete estimation of fitness
homoscedasticity. Proportion variance explained was cal- curves. The estimate of fitness homeostasis did not differ
culated as predicted R 2 using the R package rr2 between curves in which a fitness peak was observed (six
(Ives, 2019). species) versus those with increasing or flat fitness curves
We also addressed other aspects of niche breadth evo- (five species) (pGLS, t9 = 0.8, p = 0.45).
lution. We asked if maximum fitness traded off with fit-
ness homeostasis, that is, if there was a cost to being a
generalist genotype under optimal conditions using the RESULTS
PGLS framework described above. In order to test the
alternate hypothesis that greater CWD niche breadth and Do species with greater fitness homeostasis across
geographic range size are achieved by species with higher watering levels in the lathhouse, have larger geographic
fecundity in amenable environments, we used the same ranges or environmental tolerances? Species with greater
PGLS models to assess whether CWD niche breadth and fitness homeostasis within maternal families (lower CV
geographic range size were positively related to maxi- fitness) over a range of water availability had larger geo-
mum fitness achieved. In this analysis, C. lasiophyllus, graphic ranges (Figure 2; pGLS t9 = 2.62, p = 0.028).
the small-flowered selfer, was a large outlier and was They also occurred over a greater range of water avail-
removed from the analysis (but included in the figure); it ability (CWD) in nature (Figure 3; pGLS t9 = 4.35,
was also an outlier in other fitness-related analyses in our p = 0.002). Range-wide CWD niche breadth was strongly
earlier study (Pearse et al., 2020). The two perennating positively correlated with range size (Appendix S1:
species (S. tortuosus and C. crassicaulis) whose fitness Figure S6). Experimentally measured fitness homeostasis
was measured in units of biomass were excluded from over the water gradient in our lathhouse was sufficient to
analyses of maximum fitness, as fruit number and bio- explain 59% of the variation in range-wide CWD niche
mass are different units. breadth and 43% of the variation in geographic range
Next, we explored, using pGLS models as above, size. Results were robust to an alternate measure of
whether an estimate of drought resistance, and not fit- fitness homeostasis, measured as the range of water
ness homeostasis, predicted CWD breadth and geo-
graphic range size. In a prior study (Pearse et al., 2020),
we used the inflection point of the curve of fitness versus
water availability as a measure of drought resistance. The
inflection point identifies the water level at which each
species is accruing fitness at its greatest rate relative to
water availability. In our earlier study, we found this met-
ric was strongly correlated with other drought adapta-
tions, such as timing and extent of flowering phenology
(Pearse et al., 2020).
Last, because we assessed performance curves over the
same range of water conditions for all species, there was
variation in how much these levels meshed with historical
field precipitation. For all species, our minimum water
was lower than historical minimum precipitation records
from collections sites over 30 years. For maximum water
levels, our experimental levels met (three species) or
exceeded (six species) maximum historical precipitation
levels at the field sites over 30 years for nine species, and
was less than that maximum for two species. To test
whether this introduced bias into our estimates of fitness F I G U R E 2 Streptanthus (s.l.) species comprised of maternal
homeostasis or other analyses, we categorized each perfor- families that better maintain fitness (have a lower coefficient of
mance curve as having or lacking a fitness “peak” and variation [CV] of fitness) when grown across seven experimental
asked, using a pGLS model as above, whether fitness water availabilities have larger geographic ranges (phylogenetic
homeostasis was greater for species with a fitness peak. If generalized least squares regression, t9 = 2.62, p = 0.028). Note
our estimates of fitness homeostasis were larger for those log scale of y-axis.
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ECOLOGY 7 of 11

F I G U R E 3 Streptanthus (s.l.) species comprised of maternal F I G U R E 4 Streptanthus (s.l.) species with less stable fitness
families that are more stable fitness (have lower coefficient of (higher coefficient of variation [CV] fitness over watering levels)
variation [CV] in fitness) when grown experimentally across a had marginally greater maximum fitness (fruit production) at
gradient of water availability grow across a greater range of climate optimal watering level (phylogenetic generalized least squares
water deficit (CWD) across the whole species’ geographic range regression, t6 = 2.4, p = 0.07). Note that Caulanthus lasiophyllus
(phylogenetic generalized least squares regression, t9 = 4.35, (an outlier in maximum fitness due to mating systems) and the two
p = 0.002). perennating species, whose fitness was measured in units of
biomass, were removed from this analysis.

availability required to maintain fitness above a certain

threshold (70%, 80%, or 90%) of maximum fitness. Likewise, our measure of drought resistance did not pre-
The range of water required to maintain fitness above a dict range of CWD (pGLS, t9 = 1.7, p = 0.11).
threshold was negatively related to CV of fitness We tested whether the incomplete estimation of fit-
(70% maximum fitness: Pearson’s r = 0.74; 80% maxi- ness curves for some species biased estimates of fitness
mum fitness: Pearson’s r = 0.61; 90% maximum fitness: homeostasis.
Pearson’s r = 0.38) across the clade; thus, coefficient of
variation in fitness, as well as the range of water required
to maintain fitness, both capture the same relationship DISCUSSION
between fitness homeostasis and the realized niche.
In our test of costs of being a generalist, we found a Variation in the performance of genotypes, families, and
marginal trade-off between maximum fitness (fruit pro- populations across environments contributes to shaping
duction) achieved across any water level and fitness species-level niche breadth, or the realized niche
homeostasis across the gradient (CV fitness; t6 = 2.4, (Hargreaves et al., 2014; Sexton et al., 2017; Slatyer
p = 0.07, R 2 = 0.37; Figure 4), suggesting there may be et al., 2013). Geographic range limits are often set by
costs to being a habitat generalist. However, this relation- individual niche limit: conditions beyond which
ship was only apparent when excluding C. lasiophyllus, populations cannot maintain positive growth rates
whose fruit production strategy differs markedly from (Hargreaves et al., 2014). For this clade of
other species in the study, thus the overall evidence for a mediterranean-climate mustards that typically grow in
general trade-off is weak. dry, low-competition, rocky or sandy environments, we
Neither of the alternative hypotheses we considered find a direct link between the ability of plant genotypes
explained niche breadth better than CV fitness. (families) within a species to maintain fitness along a
Maximum fitness alone (total lifetime fruit production at water availability gradient as measured experimentally,
optimal water level) predicted neither CWD niche and a species’ realized niche breadth, its geographic
breadth across the range (pGLS, t7 = 1.8, p = 0.12), nor range and climatic breadth. Individual genotypes (fami-
geographic range size (pGLS, t7 = 0.8, p = 0.43). lies) within species with smaller ranges had lesser
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ability to maintain fitness, i.e., had lower fitness homeo- power to our understanding of how species occupy variable
stasis, across a range of field-relevant water availability. environments (Hargreaves et al., 2014).
We also found some support for trade-offs between spe- Our study suggests that performance curves, how fit-
cialist and generalist niches: maximum fitness traded off ness of an organism responds to the environment, predict
with fitness homeostasis. Species good at maintaining aspects of the realized niche of organisms, the range of
fitness across a broader range of water availability had environments in which they live and their geographic
marginally lower maximum fitness than species with range size. In using this approach more broadly, it will be
more variable performance across water availability important to consider the range of environments sampled
(Figures 1a and 4). across the performance curve. For example, in our study,
Other studies have linked similar measures of individ- we see a substantial decrease in fitness of all Streptanthus
ual tolerances, measured from performance curves, to a spe- species at low water. However, with high amounts of
cies’ geographic range. For example, Mimulus species with water, we see a decline in fitness in only roughly half of
broader thermal tolerances also had larger geographic Streptanthus species. This contrasts with results from per-
ranges (Angert et al., 2011). Widely distributed Acacia spe- formance curve studies of various organisms that exhibit
cies showed less variability in water- and drought-related a unimodal relationship between some abiotic variable,
leaf traits than did more narrowly restricted species typically temperature or water, and fitness (Angert
(Pohlman et al., 2005). Thus, in several systems, it has been et al., 2011; Kingsolver & Buckley, 2017; Sheth &
shown that genotypic, or in our case, maternal family-level Angert, 2014). Our experiment used field-realistic
plasticity is a good predictor of the range of conditions a watering levels that spanned very dry to very wet condi-
species occupies in the field. On the other hand, other tions for species across this clade. Our maximum
studies testing the relative importance of genetic variation watering levels met or exceeded the maximum rainfall
and fundamental niche of genotypes in determining niche rates experienced by most of the species over a 30-year
breadth show that both of these factors can contribute to interval. For two species, we might not have captured
the species-level realized niche and that their relative high water levels that caused physiological stress
importance may be species specific (Angert et al., 2011; (Appendix S1: Table S1). However, we did not see
Sheth & Angert, 2014). As a whole, individual niche declines in fitness in some species in which our maxi-
breadth as determined by individual-level or maternal mum water treatment greatly exceeded historical maxi-
family-level performance curves appears to be an impor- mum precipitation (e.g., C. inflatus and C. coulteri). It
tant component of the species-level realized niche. could be that biotic interactions like competition
Nevertheless, there are still relatively few instances in (e.g., Cacho et al., 2014) or pathogens are more important
which the niche has been quantified in this way, even if in limiting the realized niche in wetter parts of the water
performance curve studies may provide some of the most resource gradient in nature. In our study, we considered
valuable information about how an organism responds to a gradient of water availability that was greater than
a changing climate. what occupants of the field site would typically experi-
In contrast to our results, there appears to be little rela- ence, and we show that the range of water over which a
tionship between measurements of individual fitness Streptanthus genotype maintains high fitness still predicts
homeostasis measured experimentally and the realized aspects of its realized niche and range size.
niche in some taxa and different mechanisms might con- A large caveat for our results is that we only sampled
tribute to niche limits above and beyond physiological tol- one population per species; populations were selected to
erance (Sheth et al., 2020). For example, across the clade be central within the climate distribution of each species
Lasthenia, all species studied exhibited optimal perfor- (Appendix S1: Figure S1). Our study design, as a trade-off
mance under the same experimental water inundation con- to replicating at the species level, has no replication
ditions, despite occupying quite different hydrological field among populations within species. Thus, the question
niches (Tittes et al., 2019). Thus, in Lasthenia, the funda- arises how well one can infer species-level properties
mental niche as measured by individual performance was from single populations. A rejoinder to this criticism is
not closely linked to the realized field hydrological niche that, if our study populations were not representative of
and was a trait that seemed to be evolutionarily the species as a whole, it would be unlikely that we
constrained. As more studies take these approaches, a would have found the results that we did: 59% of the vari-
meta-analysis incorporating habitat type and productivity ation in range-wide CWD niche breadth and 43% of the
as well as the relative roles of genetic diversity, local adap- variation in geographic range size could be explained by
tation, and plasticity would be a next step to a more fitness homeostasis as measured in the lathhouse on the
nuanced understanding of the drivers of niche breadth and single population per species. Moreover, a qualitative
when knowledge of individual plasticity allows predictive impression of performance curves of other studies reveals
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