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Can you help me create a setting?

First, lets focus on the magic system in the

setting. In the magic system, there are 7 principles that govern what mages can do
with there abilities. The principles are as follows: Moth is the principle of
change, whimsy, unreason, secrecy, nature, and passion. It's associated with the
shedding of unnecessary things. It's followers are characterized by stealth,
erratic behavior, and agendas known only to themselves.

Lantern is the principle of unkindness, knowledge, insanity, and Divinity. It's

followers are characterized by mystically powerful dreams.

Forge is the principle of transformation, artifice, fire, and destruction. It's

followers are characterized by ingenuity, mechanical thinking, and superhuman

Edge is the principle of violence, betrayal, cunning, and pain. It's followers are
characterized by bloodlust, and often a sense of artfulness in their violence.

Winter is the principle of death, remembrance, unlife, debilitation, and beauty.

It's followers are sometimes characterized by remorseless misanthropy and sometimes
kindness through euthanasia, but are always characterized by silence.

Heart is the principle of life, preservation, protection, the drumbeat and dance
that must never cease. It is unstoppable in the face of adversity, and its
followers are often characterized by relentless cheerfulness and obsessive

Grail is the principle of desire, birth, seduction, and thirst. It's followers are
characterized by inhuman desirability and an irresistible charisma. Keep these
principles in mind when describing the things mages can do. Mages are able to
access the principles because they are born with the Gift and have received
training in the esoteric arts. Those who are Gifted, but do not receive training,
will instead develop idiosyncratic supernatural abilities, such as communicating
with animals, charming somone by looking into their eyes, or healing illness and
injury. However, the gift is not without downsides. The Gift is unnatural, and
repulsive to mundane people and animals. Mundane people and animals can sense the
Gift, even if they don't known what they are sensing exactly. They will generally
react to the presence of the mage with fear, unease, and outright aggression unless
given a very good reason not too. In order to protect themselves and others from
the negative effects of the Gift, mages often form communities or organizations
where they can learn and practice the arcane arts in a controlled and safe
environment. These communities are often hidden from the mundane world, and are
only known to those who have the Gift or who have a special interest in the
supernatural. Next, lets explo

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