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Chapter 1
Once upon a time ,there lived a little girl
named Mia. Mia was a very good chef. She
can make pasta, pizza, grill chicken and
many more. But Mia did not master only one
dish : cupcakes. Mia was not a fan of dessert
therefore, she could not bake nor create
One day , there was a cooking competition in her
school. Mia wanted to participate and signed up.
Only after signing up Mia found that it was a
baking competition. Mia was surprised and
thought ” How am I suppose to bake when I don’t
know how to bake.” So’ the next day itself she
wanted to do a practice so that she could give a
good performance.
Chapter 2

The next day, Mia woke up early. She dressed in
her chef’s costume and got down. She switched
the TV on and opened her favourite baking show
‘Are You Up for A Challenge?’. Today seems to be
a baking recipe with different obstacles. Mia too
remembered about having to bake a cake for the
day. Mia also took some note about the
ingredients, time and necessary baking
After watching TV, Mia went to the kitchen. She
seems to remember that, last time she baked a
cake and destroyed half of the kitchen. Mia took
a deep breath and took out all the ingredients for
the cupcake. Mia also prepared baking mittens
and an apron to wear. After taking the
ingredients out of the shelves , Mia seemed
ready to start at last.
Fist she added cream, butter, sugar , milk,
vanilla extract ,eggs and flour. Then , she used
a whisk to mix everything together and made
the batter. She also added a little bit of
chocolate because she wanted to make
chocolate cupcakes. Mia tasted the batter, it
was so good. Mia said to herself” I think this
batch of cupcakes wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe I
would succeed this”. After mixing them nicely
Mia put them in the cupcake shaped molds.
After shifting the batter into the molds Mia took
them to the oven and heated them at 350F for
about 15 minutes. Mia set the timer for 15 minutes
and sat on the chair. This really is going to be
perfect. After they are baked I would decorate it
with icing. What a wonderful day” Mia thought. Mia
already had prepared the icing yesterday because
she thought there wouldn’t be any time.
Chapter 3

Ding…the alarm rang. Mia checked the cupcakes and
found out she has bake for another 10 minutes. Mia
placed the cupcakes in and set the timer for 10
minutes and went to her bedroom to take her recipe
book in what she writes recipes. Mia’s room was
clean but not organized so it was pretty hard to find
the book. Mia decided to organize them because they
was about 10 minutes. Mia then found her recipe
book and went downstairs. Everything was fine. Her
parents were there having breakfast. Her mum
pushed a bowl of porridge towards her while her
dad said “Something smells good! It smells like
“Yes,I’m making chocolate cupcakes today,”said Mia
“But it isn’t like last time. It’s lots better”, she added
looking at her father’s expression. “ well if you say
so.” “ Mia, today we are going to have pizza for
lunch. We’re going to that traditional Italian
restaurant on town. Make sure you’re ready. We’ll
leave in about an hour” her mum told her. If there’s
one thing Mia likes than cooking ,it’s pizza. Mia
always wanted to have pizza in that restaurant. She
was very happy. Mia straight away went to her
bedroom and dressed her best.
While Mia was choosing the perfect dress, her mom
screamed “ Mia! Mia! Come down quick ! Mia!” Mia
rushed downstairs to the kitchen where her mum
was standing. And beside her was ….. the oven.
Smoke was coming out from it and Mia’s heart sank
like a stone. Inside was her chocolate cupcakes. Mia
couldn’t control her tears. Tears were falling down
her cheek and left the kitchen. Suddenly her mum
gave a happy sound.” Mia come here and look ! Oh
Mia a wonderful thing has happened.” Mia went to
the kitchen and saw that her cupcakes were safe
and sound.
Chapter 4

The big day of the Baking Show arrived. Mia
prepared all the ingredients and added them
precisely. She also baked at the right temperature
and decorated them very well. Mia was very
nervous and worried what the judges would think of
her simple dish. She thought she hadn’t picked the
right dish because the other contestants were doing
very advanced baking. But Mia told herself,it was
only her second time and anyway she tried her best.
The judges came to Mia’s table and asked “ So,tell
me Mia. What have you baked today?” “ Well Miss
Honey, I have baked you my signature Chocolate
Chip Cupcakes. I think you may like it,” Mia replied
politely. Miss Honey took a bite and said thank you.
She then went to judge the other contestants dishes.
Emily’s was slightly overcooked and Bobby’s pie was
a bit crooked. Jenny the school’s top baker did a few
silly mistakes. The whole room bated in breath as
Miss Honey went onto the stage.
“ And the winner is Mia Weatherberry,” Miss Honey
announced. Everyone clapped hard for Mia. But only
Mia know because of her disasterous baking, she got
first prize.

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