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Coordinate Graph

In graphing a coordinate graph is a grid with x axes and y axes crossing

through the center and the intersecting point is marked by a dot.

Coordinate Axes:
On a graph-paper the two mutually drawn perpendicular straight lines X’OX and
YOY’, intersecting each other at the point O. These perpendicular straight lines are
known as coordinate axes. 

The line X’OX is called the x-axis and the line YOY’ is called the y-axis, while the
point 0 is called the origin. 

The plane of the graph paper containing both the coordinate axes (x-axes and y-
axes) is called the Cartesian plane.


On right-hand side of the y-axis, every end-point of a square on the x-axis,

represents a positive integer, as shown in the figure. 

On left-hand side of the y-axis, every end-point of a square on the x-axis,

represents a negative integer, as shown in the figure. 

Above the x-axis, every end-point of a square on the y-axis, represents a

positive integer, as shown in the figure. 

Below the x-axis, every end-point of a square on the y-axis,, represents a

negative integer, as shown in the figure. 

All Four Quadrants

Learn all four quadrants of a coordinate system.

The plane of the graph paper is divided into four regions by the coordinate axes
and the four regions are called quadrants.

What are the Quadrants in the Coordinate Plane?


● The region XOY is called the I quadrant.

In first quadrant, both x and y co-ordinate are positive.

● The region X’OY’ is called the II quadrant.

In second quadrant x co-ordinate is negative and y co-ordinate is positive.

● The region X’OY’ is called the III quadrant.

In third quadrant both x and y co-ordinate are negative.

● The region XOY’ is called the IV quadrant.

In fourth quadrant x co-ordinate is positive and y co-ordinate is negative.

According to the quadrants the signs of the co-ordinate of a point are of the

(+, +) in the first quadrant

(-, +) in the second quadrant

(-, -) in the third quadrant

(+, -) in the fourth quadrant

The table will help us to remember the region of the quadrants and theirs
signs of coordinates.

       Region             Quadrant        Signs of Coordinates   

XOY I (+, +)
YOX’ II (-, +)
X’OY’ III (-, -)
Y’OX IV (+, -)

Signs of Coordinates
Here we will learn about the signs of coordinates.

X′OX−→−−−X′OX→ and Y′OY−→−−−Y′OY→ represent the co-ordinate axes.

The ray OX−→−OX→ is taken as positive x-axis. So, any distance
along OX−→−OX→ will be taken as positive and the ray OX′−→−OX′→ is taken
as negative x-axis. So, any distance move along OX′−→−OX′→ will be taken as
Similarly, ray OY−→−OY→ taken as positive y-axis. So, the distance moved
along OY−→−OY→ will be taken as positive and OY′−→−OY′→ is taken as
negative y-axis. So, the distance moved along OY′−→−OY′→ will be taken as

So, In Quadrant I, x > 0, y > 0

In Quadrant II, x < 0, y > 0

In Quadrant III, x < 0, y < 0

In Quadrant IV, x > 0, y < 0


The graph will help us to understand the convention of the signs of


(i) The co-ordinates of any point lies in the first quadrant have both the
abscissa and ordinate are positive i.e. (+, +).

(ii) The co-ordinates of any point lies in the second quadrant have the
abscissa negative and ordinate positive i.e. (-, +).

(iii) The co-ordinates of any point lies in the third quadrant have both the
abscissa and ordinate are negative i.e. (-, -).

(iv) The co-ordinates of any point lies in the fourth quadrant have the
abscissa positive and ordinate negative i.e. (+, -).

Ordered pair of a Coordinate System

To know the ordered pair of a coordinate system let us recall the coordinate

We represent a point in a plane by ordered pairs of real numbers called the

Cartesian co-ordinates.  To determine the position of a point in a plane we
draw two mutually perpendicular straight lines XOX’ and YOY’.

XOX’ is called the x-axis which is a horizontal line.

YOY’ is called the y-axis which is a vertical line.

Point O is called the origin.

Ordered pair: 

Whenever we write the co-ordinates of a point, first we write the x- co-ordinate, and
then we write the y-co-ordinate. Suppose a and b is a pair of two numbers which is
listed in a specific order then the co-ordinates (a, b) are called the ordered pair.

Thus, in (a, b) we notice a is at the first place so it is known as x- co-
ordinate and b at the second place so it is known as y- co-ordinate. 

In an order pair, if the order of the numbers is changed then it represents a

different point,

Hence, (a, b) ≠ (b, a)

Thus, (5, 4) ≠ (4, 5) 

Examples of ordered pair of a coordinate system:

1. In an ordered pair (3, 5): x co-ordinate is 3 and y co-ordinate is 5

But in an ordered pair (5, 3) x co-ordinate is 5 and y co-ordinate is 3

So, we observe that (3, 5) and (5, 3) represent different points.

2. In an ordered pair (7, 2) x co-ordinate is 7 and y co-ordinate is 2

But in an ordered pair (2, 7) x co-ordinate is 2 and y co-ordinate is 7

So, we observe that (7, 2) and (2, 7) represent different points.


The co-ordinate of the origin are (0, 0) i.e., its x co-ordinate is 0 and its y co-
ordinate is also 0.

Plot Ordered Pairs

How to plot ordered pairs in an exact quadrant on a graph paper?
The method of plotting a point on the graph paper, if its co-ordinates are known to us.  to
know the method of plotting the ordered pairs on the graph paper.

The examples will help us to draw or construct co-ordinate graph in exact


Plot each of the following points on a graph paper: 

(i) A (5, 2) 

(ii) B (-2, 4) 

(iii) C (-4, -6) 

(iv) D (4, -3) 


Let X'OX and YOY' be the coordinate axes.


(i) A (5, 2)

Co-ordinates of the point A are (5, 2); both  abscissa and ordinate are positive so
the point A (5, 2) lies in the first quadrant. On x-axis, take 5 units to the right of the
y-axis and then on the y-axis, take 2 units above the x-axis.

Therefore, we get the point A (5, 2).

(ii) B (-2, 4)

Co-ordinates of the point B are (-2, 4); the abscissa of the point is negative and the
ordinate of the point is positive so the point B (-2, 4) lies in the second  quadrant.
On the x-axis, take 2 units to the left of the y-axis and then on the y-axis, take 4
units above the x-axis.

Therefore, we get the point B (-2, 4).

(iii) C (-4, -6)

Co-ordinates of the point C are (-4, -6); both  abscissa and ordinate are negative so
the point C (-4, -6) lies in the third quadrant.  On the x-axis, take 4 units to the left
of the y-axis and then on the y-axis, take 6 units below the x-axis.

Therefore, we get the point C (-4, -6).

(iv) D (4, -3)

Co-ordinates of the point D are (4, -3); the abscissa of the point is positive and the
ordinate of the point is negative so the point D (4, -3) lies in the fourth  quadrant. 
On the x-axis take 4 units to the right of the y-axis and then on the y-axis, take 3
units below the x-axis.

Therefore, we get the point D (4, -3).

Coordinates of a Point
How to determine coordinates of a point?

On a graph paper draw X'OX and YOY'. Here X'OX and YOY’ be the two
coordinate axes. 


Then mark a point on the graph and name the point as P such that P is at the
perpendicular distance of a units from the y-axis and again similarly b units from
the x-axis. Then, we denote that the coordinates of P are P(a, b)

From the above discussion, a is called the abscissa or x-coordinate of P and b

is called the ordinate or y-coordinate of P. 
Examples to get coordinates of a point:

1. In the adjoining figure, to find the co-ordinate of point P the distance of P
from y-axis is 2 units and the distance of P from x axis is 3 units.


Therefore the co-ordinates of point P are (2, 3).

2. In the adjoining figure, to find the co-ordinate of point P the distance of P
from y-axis is 5 units and the distance of P from x axis is 5 units.

Therefore the co-ordinates of point P are (5, 5).

3. In the adjoining figure, to find the co-ordinate of point P the distance of P
from y-axis is 7 units and the distance of P from x axis is 4 units.

Therefore the co-ordinates of point P are (7, 4).

4. In the adjoining figure, to find the co-ordinate of point P the distance of P
from y-axis is 0 units and the distance of P from x axis is 0 units.


Therefore the co-ordinates of point P are (0, 0).

5. In the adjoining figure, to find the co-ordinate of point P the distance of P
from y-axis is 0 units and the distance of P from x axis is 3 units.

Therefore the co-ordinates of point P are (0, 3).

6. In the adjoining figure, to find the co-ordinate of point P the distance of P from y-
axis is 6 units and the distance of P from x axis is 0 units.

Therefore the co-ordinates of point P are (6, 0).

Find the Coordinates of a Point

How to find the coordinates of a point on the coordinate graph paper?

In the adjoining figure, for locating the coordinates of a point draw XOX' and YOY' are co-
ordinate axes.


To locate the position of point P, we draw a perpendicular from P on X'OX, i.e., PT ┴ XOX'

So, the co-ordinate of point P are (OT, PT).

Example to find the coordinates of a point:         

1. In the adjoining figure, XOX' and YOY' are the co-ordinate axes. Find out the coordinates
of point A, B, C and D.



To locate the position of point A, draw AQ ┴ X'OX.

Then the co-ordinate of point A are (OQ, QA) i.e., A (5, 2). These points lie in the I quadrant.

To locate the position of point B, draw BP ┴ X'OX.

Then the co-ordinate of point B are (OP, PB) i.e., B (-3, 4). These points lie in the II quadrant.

To locate the position of point C, draw CS ┴ X'OX.

Then the co-ordinate of point C are (OS, SC), i.e., C (-4, -2). These points lie in the III quadrant.

 To locate the position of point D, draw DR ┴ X'OX.

Then the co-ordinate of point D are (OR, RD) i.e., D (3, -2). These points lie in the IV quadrant.
2. In the adjoining figure, XOX' and YOY' are the co-ordinate axes. Find out the coordinates
of point P, Q, R, S, T and U. Also write the abscissa and ordinate in each case. 



To locate the position of point Q:

Point Q is the I quadrant where abscissa and ordinate both are positive.

Perpendicular distance of Q from y-axis is 4 units.

So, x-co-ordinate of Q is 4.

Perpendicular distance of Q from x-axis is 3 units.

So, y-co-ordinate of Q is 3.

Therefore, co-ordinate of Q are (4, 3).

To locate the position of point P:

Point P is the II quadrant where abscissa is negative and ordinate is positive.

Perpendicular distance of P from y-axis is 2 units.

So, x-co-ordinate of P is -2

Perpendicular distance of P from x-axis is 5 units.

So, y-co-ordinate of P is 5

Therefore, co-ordinate of P are (-2, 5)

To locate the position of point S:

Point S is the III quadrant where abscissa and ordinate both are negative.

Perpendicular distance of S from y-axis is 4 units.

So, x-co-ordinate of S is -4.

Perpendicular distance of S from x-axis is 1 unit.

So, y-co-ordinate of S is -1.

Therefore, co-ordinate of S are (-4, -1)

To locate the position of point R:

Point R is the IV quadrant where abscissa is positive and ordinate is negative.

Perpendicular distance of R from y-axis is 2 units.

So, x-co-ordinate of R is 2

Perpendicular distance of R from x-axis is 4 units.

So, y-co-ordinate of R is -4

Therefore, co-ordinate of R are (2, -4)

To locate the position of point T:

Point T is in the positive x-axis. We know, that the co-ordinate of a point on x-axis are of the
form (x, 0)

 Perpendicular distance of T from y-axis is 2 units.

So, x-co-ordinate of T is 2

Perpendicular distance of T from x-axis is 0 unit.

So, y-co-ordinate of T is 0

Therefore, co-ordinate of T are (2, 0)

To locate the position of point U:

Point U is in the negative y-axis. We know, that the co-ordinate of a point on y-axis are of the
form (0, y)

Perpendicular distance of U from y-axis is 0 units.

So, x-co-ordinate of U is 0

Perpendicular distance of U from x-axis is 4 units.

So, y-co-ordinate of U is -4

Therefore, co-ordinate of U are (0, -4)

Coordinates of a Point in a Plane

How to determine the coordinates of a point in a plane?

XOX′−→−−−XOX′→ and YOY′−→−−−YOY′→ represent the co-ordinate axes. P

be a point in the plane of the graph paper.
Draw PM¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯PM¯ ┴ YOY′−→−−−YOY′→ and PN¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯PN¯ ┴ XOX′−→−−
Length of ON¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ON¯ is called the x- co-ordinate or abscissa of point P.
Here ON¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ON¯ = 2 units.
Length of OM¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯OM¯ is called the y-co-ordinate or ordinate of P.
Here OM¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯OM¯ = 4 units.

Thus, the co-ordinates of point P are (2, 4) which is called an ordered


So, the positions of the coordinates of a point in a plane cannot be

interchanged as (4, 2).

Remember, if the distance of P from y-axis is ‘a’ and units the distance of P from the
x-axis is ‘b’ units then the co-ordinates of point P are (a, b) where a denotes the x-
co-ordinate or abscissa and b denotes the y-co-ordinate or ordinate.

Thus, we can define abscissa as distance of P from y-axis and ordinate as the

distance of P from x-axis.

Point on x-axis: If we take any point on x-axis, then the distance of this point from
x-axis is zero i.e., y-co-ordinate of every point on x-axis is zero.
Therefore, the co-ordinates of a point on x-axis are of the form (x, 0)

Point on y-axis: If we take any point on y-axis, then the distance of this point from
y-axis is zero i.e., x-co-ordinate of every point on y-axis is zero.

Therefore, the co-ordinates of a point on y-axis are of the form (0, y).

Plot Points on Coordinate Graph

Example to plot points on a coordinate graph paper:    

1. Plot point P(2, 4) on the graph.


On the graph paper X'OX and Y'OY are indicated as x-axis and y-axis
respectively. Length of one sides of the square (i.e. 1 div) is taken as unit.

In point P(2, 4) we observe that both the co-ordinates are positive so they

will lie in the first quadrant.

Count 2 units along x-axis to the right of origin. Draw a line BA ┴ XOX'.

Now, count 4 units along y-axis upward. Draw line CD ┴ YOY'.

Both these lines intersect at point P.


Therefore, the co-ordinates of point P are (2, 4).

2. Plot point M(-5, -3) on the graph.


On the graph paper X'OX and Y'OY are indicated as x-axis and y-axis
respectively. Length of one sides of the square (i.e. 1 div) is taken as unit.

In point M(-5, -3) we observe that both the co-ordinates i.e. abscissa (-5)
and ordinate (-3) are negative so they will lie in the third quadrant.

Count 5 units along x-axis to the left of origin. Draw a line QP ┴ X'OX.

Now, count 3 units along y-axis downward. Draw line RS ┴ Y'OY.

Both these lines intersect at point M.


Therefore, the co-ordinates of point M are (-5, -3).


Any point on x-axis: The co-ordinates of any point on the x-axis are of the
form (x, 0).

Therefore the y co-ordinate of every point on x axis is zero.

For example: (2, 0), (7, 0), (5, 0), (-2, 0), (-7, 0), (-2, 0) are the points
which lie on x –axis.

Any point on y-axis: The co-ordinates of any point on the y-axis are of the
form (0, y).

Therefore the x co-ordinate of every point on y axis is zero.

For example: (0, 1), (0, 4), (0, 6), (0, -1), (0, -4), (0, -6) are the points
which lie on y-axis.

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