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Definition Of acid Rain
Precipitation of less than 5.6 pH scale is called Acidic
It is formed when oxides of nitrogen and sulphur get
mixed with water vapour and then it falls as nitric and
sulphuric acid.
Sources for Acid Rain
Natural: Emission from volcanoes,biological processes on
land , lightning and the ocean also contributes.
Human: Industrial factories,energy plants and vehicles.
Sulphur and Nitogen oxides are released during
Affected Areas Due to Acid Rain
❏ The worst affected country due to acid rain is Canada
and it is having very less measures to prevent it
because there the soil consists of granite and it is
neutrally acidic in nature.
❏ Industrial and Power Plant acid rain is a major problem
in Europe,China,Russia and Western United States.
This shows that Acid rain can be major problem in
world’s most developed countries.
Effects of Acid Rain
Harmful to marine life because it increases the acidity in
water bodies,stops the hatching of eggs of many
organisms life fish.
Harmful to vegetation because it makes the soil
acidic,poisons the plants,reduces nutrients in soil and
plants and largely affects the growth of plants. It also
accelerates the weathering in metal and rock structures. It
creates respiratory,brain damage and kidney problems in
Preventive Measures for acid rain
Use less amount of energy and fuel and cleaner fuels;
Remove sulphur and nitrogen oxides from smoke before
releasing it(flue desulphurisation);Use other sources of
energy like thermal energy,solar energy,etc. ;Add
limestone to water and soil;Run dishwasher and washing
machine with full load;Avoid ac’s and less energy
efficient products;Use alternative fuels like natural gas;
Buy Eco-friendly products.
-Saying sulphates does not cause acid rain is same as
saying that smoking Does not causes cancer.
Andrew L. Lewis

Thank You Everyone

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