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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Thesis Statement on Acid Rain

Crafting a thesis statement is often considered a formidable task, especially when dealing with
complex and intricate topics like acid rain. This environmental issue requires an in-depth
understanding of scientific, ecological, and social aspects, making the process of creating a coherent
and impactful thesis statement quite challenging.

Understanding the scientific complexities surrounding acid rain and its multifaceted impact on the
environment demands extensive research and analysis. Scholars and students alike find themselves
delving into a myriad of scientific literature, conducting experiments, and analyzing data to
comprehend the intricate processes involved. This intricate groundwork is crucial for formulating a
thesis statement that accurately captures the essence of the acid rain phenomenon.

Additionally, addressing the ecological implications of acid rain necessitates a comprehensive

exploration of its effects on ecosystems, wildlife, and vegetation. The interconnectedness of these
elements further adds to the complexity of developing a concise and well-articulated thesis
statement. Juggling between various ecological dimensions requires a keen eye for detail and an
ability to synthesize information effectively.

Social aspects related to acid rain, such as the impact on human health and societal responses to the
issue, further contribute to the intricacies of crafting a thesis statement. Analyzing the social
implications involves delving into public policies, community perspectives, and the role of
governmental bodies, adding another layer of complexity to the research process.

In light of these challenges, students and researchers may find it beneficial to seek assistance from
specialized services like ⇒ ⇔. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in
environmental sciences and related fields, ⇒ ⇔ can provide valuable support in
formulating a thesis statement that meets the rigorous standards of academic excellence. By
entrusting the task to professionals, individuals can focus on the critical aspects of their research
while ensuring the final thesis statement is both compelling and thoroughly researched.

For those navigating the intricate landscape of acid rain research, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a
reliable resource to streamline the thesis writing process. With a commitment to quality and a team of
experts ready to assist, this platform offers a valuable solution for individuals aiming to produce a
thesis statement that truly encapsulates the complexities of the acid rain phenomenon.
Approximately 20,000 tonnes of emissions from the United Kingdom have blown across to countries
such as Norway and Sweden. Some of the most common health problems are breathing problems,
nervous system problems, and lung problems. People who have asthma are more affected when there
is an increase of acid pollution. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. If you
inhale carbon dioxide, since it is toxic, it can cause you to breathe more than usual, unconsciousness,
and other serious health problems. Carbon monoxide is released by burning gasoline, oil, and wood.
Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. In addition after the first few runs we started
marking the allocated point every 10 seconds with a marker pen as we found this was easier to
collect the results instead of trying to figure out the amount upside down. Tons of sulfur dioxide
emitted into the atmosphere resulting from chemical reactions turn into weak acid solution. All the
results of a month have been recorded and also have been averaged. Consequently, the acidic
environment requires a condition when 10-7 Read. The air basin, water, and soil in the areas of large
industrial centers often contain toxic substances that significantly exceed the permissible level. The
controlled variables in this experiment: the temperature of the water, the time we process the
experiment, the size of the Carassius auratus, the amount of Carassius auratus, the amount of food
given and the surrounding light intensity, and surrounding voice intensity the experiment is
processed. Acid rain is a type of acid deposition, which can appear in many forms. Like rain, sleet,
snow or fog that has become more acidic than normal. Effects can be gill irritation and difficulty in
regulation of blood sugar levels. The reaction that takes place in the atmosphere oxidizes SO2 to
become SO3 but because SO2 does not spontaneously react with O2 it is being oxidized with NO2.
The results were each taken whenever it was raining in the Munich area. Acid rain also causes the
corrosion of water pipes. Wet deposition of acid occurs when rain, snow, fog etc are formed from
acids such as nitric and sulphuric acid when gases in the atmosphere react with water as outlined
previously. Statues and buildings start to decay and our countries memories and artifacts decay too.
By far, the most common cause of acid rain is sulphur dioxide which makes up 70% of acid rain
formation with the various oxides of nitrogen being responsible for the remaining 30%. Acid rain
also destroys metals and stone building materials. The generation of electric power produces more
pollution than any other industry in the United States. What is Acid Rain?. Acid rain is rain that has
been made acidic by certain pollutants in the air. These gases can be reduced by using a different
energy source apart from fossil fuel in cars and power plants, an example for this would be solar
power, wind or water power which are all being ventured already but have not yet been standardized
due to the early stages of these methods of gaining energy. Sulphur dioxide and oxide and therefore
the principal chemicals for acid precipitation. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released into
the air by burning gasoline, wood, coal, or natural gas, solvents, paints, glues, and other products that
are used at work or home. The most important oxidation reactions are with, and. Reductions in soil
pH can prevent the growth of germinating seeds and the growth of young seedlings. Luckily we did
not get any outliers apart from the unsuccessful results at the beginning of our experiment. These
industries must reduce their SO2 emissions by roughly 10 million tons annually and their NOX
emissions by 2 million tons annually, by the year 2000 (3). This pH level is not affecting the buildings
in Munich like the Town Hall significantly.
Coal, oil, and gasoline are also some of the most common causes of all the pollutants. Most water,
including drinking water, has a neutral pH that exists between 6.5-8.5, but acid rain has a pH level
lower than this and ranges from 4-5 on average. Acid rain can cause the leaves of plants and trees to
become discolored and fall off. Increasing amounts of acidity in soil can mobilise aluminium ions
which are normally present in the form of insoluble, non-toxic aluminium hydroxide. It is now
common in many places for rain to be ten to seventy times more acidic than unpolluted rain. All the
fish in 140 lakes in Minnesota have been killed, and the salmon and trout populations of Norway’s
major rivers have been severely reduced because of the increased acidity of the water. Acid rain was
first reported in Manchester, England, which was an important city during the Industrial Revolution.
The results of acidification on the top soil can lead to reduced intake of water and nutrients, damage
to fine root hairs and decomposition slowed down thus less nutrients for plants. Automobiles release
harmful smoke into the air, which causes acid rain. The Effects Of Acid Rain Environmental Sciences
Essay. A Good Four-Paragraph Essay Example About Acid Rain. Due to prevailing winds, eastern
regions are more affected by acid rain as emissions travel thousands of miles from where originally
produced, thus creating social and political problems as well. Also fitting catalytic convertors to
older cars would help with the reduction of emissions, especially in developing countries, where the
use of older cars is prevalent. What is Acid Rain?. Acid Rain is rainfall that is contaminated with
pollution, causing it to have high levels of acid (low pH). Therefore, it is very important to know
what causes acid rain, its effects, and what might be done about it. One major way is to reduce the
amount of trips you take in your car. There are many things we can do to reduce the problems of acid
pollution. However, the acid rain nowadays is different; the principle origin has shifted to human
activities. These rather dense gases alone can cause breathing difficulties if allowed to accumulate in
the atmosphere (5). Here, a lime or limestone slurry is injected into the stacks and reacts with the SO
2 to produce sulphate compounds. Effects can be gill irritation and difficulty in regulation of blood
sugar levels. Acid rain is also a global problem, as emissions from one region can cause acid rain in
another region.There are a number of ways to reduce acid rain. The oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur
are blown away by the wind along with the dust particle. We had a few limits on our method because
we only had a certain amount of time so we could not make the method very accurate, also because
of the amount of people and how much water we were using, it took us a while to start the next run
as we had to wait for the water and acid. Carbon dioxide is released by burning coal, oil, and natural
gas. The global environmental crisis is the result of the complex industrial and agricultural activities
of modern civilization. In the current paper we are going to discuss the phenomenon of acid rain and
its effects on nature and humanity. Many living and non-living systems become harmed and
damaged as a result of acid rain. All of those factors may affect the egg production and the death of
Carassius auratus. HAPS can cause serious health problems like cancer, birth defects, nervous system
problems, and deaths that are all due to people accidentally letting them go into the air.
It can damage plants, reduce visibility, and contaminate water sources. More than 65% of trees in the
UK have been affected this way. The decline of trees in areas such as Scandinavia and Brazil have
resulted in the leaching of vital nutrients as there is no canopy to protect the undergrowth. The gases
combine with water vapour in clouds to form sulphuric and nitric acids. The bark is also affected
which leaves the trees more susceptible to the elements. Urban areas are often more vulnerable due to
higher levels of automobile exhaust. It also can influence humans since the acid goes into fruits,
vegetables and animals. Acid rain also destroys metals and stone building materials. Hence the
infertile soil has resulted in this decline of plant growth in these areas. As a result, the industrial
revolution gave birth to the creation of air pollution. Finally, the issues of acid rain and air pollution
should be among the worldwide big projects that require everyone to reach the Sustainable
Development Goals. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for
their writing assignments. In the United States, 67% of SO 2 emission comes from electric utilities.
On sea life, acid rain damages all the plants and animals living inside a body of water. Circulatory
shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. Report this Document
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now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 15 Search inside document. There are airborne pollutants
that cause acid precipitation for instance sulfur and nitrogen. It then gets washed into the lakes,
where it poisons the fish. 3. BUILDING - Acid rain attacks buildings and metal structures. Possibly,
the increase can be accounted for by the increase of harmful emissions contributing to acid rain and
the increase in environmental damage to lakes. Then, we will start our observation for three months.
The short term effects of acid rain on buildings are not that significant where as the long term effects
can be devastating. In addition, it has a major impact on old buildings which are made of softer and
less sturdy materials causing them to erode and finally collapse if the acid rain puts too much strain
on them. In addition, collaborations between the scientific and policy communities can be
considered as a useful instrument. Acid precipitation affects agriculture by the way how it alters the
composition of the soil. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic
Shock an. It can also be explained as the minimum energy necessary for a specific chemical reaction
to occur. It occurs when particles and gases stick to the ground, plants and other surfaces. They
choose the earth’s surface after coming down within the sort of precipitation. Another source of error
could be from the collection of the rainwater. Two examples of acid pollution deterioration are the
Parthenon in Athens, Greece, and the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
The dependent variable is the amount of egg produced and the number of deaths of Carassius
auratus. To understand the effects of deforestation one must know the reason and the. The alkalinity
of aqueous solution is determined by the presence of hydroxyl ions OH- and is characterized by a
concentration of OH ions. Therefore, each individual can also reduce their contribution. Acid rain
can occur far from the source of the emissions, and it can be transported by wind and rain. People
can help stop acid rain by not polluting the air. Acid precipitation also causes water pipes’ corrosion,
which further leads to leaching of heavy metals like iron, lead and copper into the beverage. Sulfur
dioxide can harm vegetation, harm metals, and cause lung problems, which include breathing
problems and permanent lung damage. The metabolism and decomposition of lakes and other
waterways also become affected and become slowed. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock
Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. We know that air is an important element of our
environment. But it. We also could have concentrated more and moved books and bags out of the
way so any spillages did not affect them. To conclude different acidity’s effect on the life of aquatic
species, our group need to compare between Carassius auratus in different pH conditions, so
controlled variables are needed. This method has seen great success, including acidic lakes in Wales
where the pH was raided from pH 5 to pH 7. More efficient engines or vehicles powered using
natural gas, battery-power or fuel cells can be more cost-effective. When PMs mix with air particles
and get breathed in, they get stuck in the lung tissue. To reduce the rate at which the pH of the rain
decreases we have to reduce the pollution which is the main reason for acid rain. In the current paper
we are going to discuss the phenomenon of acid rain and its effects on nature and humanity. The
only precaution that we will take against acid precipitation has a check at the emission of oxides of
Nitrogen and sulphur. We repeated this whole process of getting the marble chips and acid, emptying
and cleaning the equipment 3 times for every concentration of acid until we got a total of 18
successful results. Acid rain has effects on aquatic environments, animals, plants, soil, global
warming, vegetation cover, monuments, buildings, and health. Here, particle and gases such as NO x
and SO 2 stick to the ground, trees and buildings. Removing lead from petrol and fitting scrubbers
to power station chimneys can reduce levels drastically. Aquatic plant life was also successfully
introduced which caused many species of invertebrates to repopulate. A deficiency in these nutrients
can result in poor root and stem growth, posing a threat to future plant and forest growth. Adding
lime repairs damages but is not a permanent solution. But in many places in the world even where
you live, rain has become a menace. Many living and non-living systems become harmed and
damaged as a result of acid rain. What is Acid Rain?. Acid rain is rain that has been made acidic by
certain pollutants in the air. One of the most direct effects of acid rain is on aquatic ecosystems. Acid
rain is the term given to increased acidity of rain due to the effects of gases (from industrial and
natural processes) which dissolve in rainwater to form various acids.
Acid rains containing solutes of sulfuric and nitric acids cause serious damage to nature, because soil,
water, vegetation, animals, and people become their victims. Gases that are released by burning of
fossil fuels, among others, are composed from dioxins of sulfur and nitrogen. If the overall acidic
buildup is high enough it can change the overall level of acidity in the body of water and this could
kill of the prey of the fish or even the fish themselves of the Ph level is low enough. If you inhale
carbon dioxide, since it is toxic, it can cause you to breathe more than usual, unconsciousness, and
other serious health problems. Carbon monoxide is released by burning gasoline, oil, and wood. For
example, leaded fuel now costs more than unleaded. As a result, the southern part of China where
heavy industries are present has suffered from acidic precipitation with a pH value lower than 4.5 for
more than ten years. This is because winds can carry the pollution over a significant distance thus
causing acid rain occurring even in regions where pollution is low or not at all present. For each
sample collect at least 300 mL of rainwater. It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals,
and infrastructure through the process of wet deposition. It s beautiful, until you realize there s
nothing growing on the rocks. Long Essay On Acid Rain 500 Words In English Long Essay on Acid
Rain is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock
Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. The air basin, water, and soil in the areas of large
industrial centers often contain toxic substances that significantly exceed the permissible level. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. There they can cause
increased respiratory disease and lung damage. The acidic discharge takes place in two ways: wet
and dry. Anything above 7 is classed as being an alkaline or base and anything below pH 7 is acidic.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
The acidity of rain in parts of Europe and North America has dramatically increased over the past
few decades. Problem Statement In 1992, executives at the Southern Company have three years to
formulate a robust and complex strategy that will involve massive capital outlay and. As I was
diluting the acid into the specific concentration I first had to make enough 0.4M acid for three runs
so by following the table I made 100ml of 0.4M hydrochloric acid. In the middle of the Appalachian
Mountains, over 1,300 streams are afflicted (Hart, John B.A., 1997). Acid rain has made the lakes
and streams unbearable by three important ways: lowering pH levels; decreasing acid-neutralizing
capacity (ANC); and increasing aluminum concentrations (Driscoll, C.T., 2001). Trees are also
harmed by acid rain. Acid rain formed mainly by the emission of SO and NO from different sources
and impact on our environmental climate change. Also, aluminium ions can prevent root growth and
stop the uptake of calcium from the soil. The pH value of normal rainwater is around 5.7, giving it an
acidic nature. I learnt the process that results in the formation of acid rain generally begins with
emissions into the atmosphere, which consists of gasses like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.
Because of the connections between the many fish, plants, and. But in many places in the world
even where you live, rain has become a menace. In Germany, the forests are believed to be dying
because acid rain is harming them. Among all the environmental pollutions, acid rain appeared as a
primary concern since the late 1970s and continued to be more severe in 2010s. If this is true then
this will show me that the rate of dissolving limestone increases as well.
Luckily we did not get any outliers apart from the unsuccessful results at the beginning of our
experiment. It occurs when particles and gases stick to the ground, plants and other surfaces. This
article summarizes the problems in various environmental aspects and reviews the progress report of
US EPA (2013). Trees derive their nutrition primarily from element ions such as calcium, magnesium
and potassium that have dissolved from rocks into the soil. Higher acidity levels may also cause
other toxic metals to go from the insoluble to the soluble ion forms in the same way as aluminium.
According to Casper, Acid Rain can be prevented in the future by switching to sources of energy
that emit low levels of carbon. This combination of toxic metals may also adversely affect the
growth of soil bacteria, mosses, algae, fungi, earthworms and other organisms in the soil. Although
acid rain was discovered in 1852, it was not until the late 1960s that scientists began to study this
topic. The pH of acid rain ranges between pH 5-3 with most acidic deposition ranging between pH
5.0-4.3. They choose the earth’s surface after coming down within the sort of precipitation. It needs
to minimize the pollution produced by mankind to the levels that the nature can cope with it on its
own. It is also believed that afforestation can accelerate the release of acids and poisonous metals
into the water. In the recent decades, environmental contamination and the breakouts of related
diseases have become more common. Long Essay On Acid Rain 500 Words In English Long Essay
on Acid Rain is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. For those power stations which
do produce electricity by these means, the use of flue gas desulphurisation units (FGDs) to remove
sulphur containing gasses is another way to reduce acidic deposition. Single celled plants and algae in
lakes also suffer from increased acid levels, with numbers dropping off quickly once the pH goes
below 5, and by the time the pH gets down to 4.5, virtually everything is dead. Tons of sulfur
dioxide emitted into the atmosphere resulting from chemical reactions turn into weak acid solution.
If you inhale carbon dioxide, since it is toxic, it can cause you to breathe more than usual,
unconsciousness, and other serious health problems. Carbon monoxide is released by burning
gasoline, oil, and wood. The level of energy needed to activate the reaction can be lowered by using
a catalyst. Acid Rain essay is one of the most common types given as an assignment to students of
different levels. Of course the readings of any other equipment could have been faulty too for
example pipetting the solutions could have lead to a wrong result due to misreading the pipette.
Rainfall usually has a pH of 5, which suggests that it is naturally acidic(1). So, the independent
variable is the pH value of water. In the Adirondack Mountains of New York Sates, a quarter of the
lakes and ponds are acidic, and many have lost their brook trout and other fish. We did this for 70
seconds and then finally read the results and jotted them down onto a table. This method has seen
great success, including acidic lakes in Wales where the pH was raided from pH 5 to pH 7. There are
many things we can do to reduce the problems of acid pollution. Problem Statement In 1992,
executives at the Southern Company have three years to formulate a robust and complex strategy
that will involve massive capital outlay and. Thus, acid rain’s damage to an aquatic system will
eventually impact our living quality.

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