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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, requiring extensive research, critical thinking, and the

ability to articulate your ideas effectively. The difficulty often lies in the depth of understanding
required for the chosen topic, the need to synthesize information from various sources, and the
adherence to academic standards and guidelines.

When tackling a coursework assignment on a complex topic like the European Union (EU), it is
essential to delve into the intricacies of EU policies, institutions, and historical context. This may
involve navigating through a vast amount of information, analyzing legal documents, and
understanding the political and economic dynamics at play.

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viable option. One platform that you might consider is ⇒ ⇔, which offers support
in crafting academic papers.

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If you find yourself overwhelmed with the complexity of your EU coursework, consider reaching
out to reputable academic support services, discussing your concerns with your instructors, or
seeking guidance from your peers. Remember that the learning process is an essential part of
education, and the skills developed during coursework preparation contribute significantly to your
academic growth.
Enhancement of unity Europe wide to help in tackling water management issues in Europe:
originally, each nation concentrated on managing their own environmental and water issues with less
consideration given to the effects of the individual policies on other nations. It includes negotiation
with a number of firms by the procuring entity in promoting efficient competition. However, opening
procurement markets give value for money, goods, and services gain access. By introducing the
Euro, not only has the countries taken advantage of what has been discussed above but also become
unified. This was specifically frustrating for the European parliament which had been a more active
proponent of the EU obligation against racism. Additionally, states kept their veto power over key
domestic issues such as taxation and social policy. The commitment of the EU was to achieve a 20%
greenhouse emission reduction by 2020 from the levels in of the 1990. Members are joined together
and bound by treaties signifying their participation within the larger EU political framework. Articles
Blogs, interviews, stories, and other content curated by our Outreach team. VThe Integrity of
Centralized Procurement Processes in Italy: What Do Data about the Management of National
Frame Contracts Tell Us? V. There was an unnecessary prolonging of the recessionary period in the
1990 and 1992. Europe as a model was consistently a political agenda motivated by political choices
and objectives (Milward, 2005). But basically, economic integration usually fulfils political goals.
Big Deal?” (2002) 2 Journal of Public Procurement 187. The Model law does not stimulate dealing
with factors and, therefore, the review bodies practice discretion. The directive also faced hostility in
Poland and Denmark. The open tendering was used in the procurement process for goods and
construction works, and the competitive negotiations were used in the procurement process for good
urgently required. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The basic reason behind the lack of popularity is the
specificity of some segments of the population. It also decreases the value of assets in one place or
another, creating huge problems for the individual who hopes to sell used assets. Leiden University
has a campus in Leiden and The Hague, with 7 faculties, 47 Bachelor Programmes, 79 Master
Programmes and nearly 30,000 students. Those who took part in the debate utilized existing research,
assigned new research or assumed this role on their own. Every day, in fact, European citizens enjoy
freedoms that would not have been at their disposal were it not for the Union, and are at the same
time subject to rules and regulations that have been established by it. If you are a law student then
you can purchase our European Union (EU) Law Question and Answer book via the amazon
platform. The member states act as a unified economic body and their macro and micro implications
and choices are termed and analyzed as one. Additional concerns included the potential ascension of
Turkey into the ranks of the EU. All these members work individually in their respective nations as
well as in unity in the formulation and implementation of the European Union of Water Management
Associations (EUWMA) policies. In 1973, the following countries joined the european union,
Denmark, the United Kingdom and Ireland. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. By
tracing the history of EU’s integration efforts, it would be possible to determine the extent of EU’s
political and economic integration.
However, the European court of justice has put a lot of pressure on a number of member states who
failed to comply with its directives. This shows that where there is corruption bids are given to less
qualified firms. This deters future bids by such qualified firms. If corruption is reduced, value for
money increases, governments are required to follow strict rules of highest standards. Government’s
Evolving Policy and Practice”, Ch. 8 in S. Arrowsmith and M. Trybus. The motto of the EU is “unity
in diversity” and collective bargaining, negotiation and a plurality of opinion are attributes of today’s
EU. The procuring entity may apply for an automatic suspension where it is applied to an
independent body or in a court of law.19. The procuring entity exercises discretion in suspension
matters in proceeding when a challenge is being heard. S. Arrowsmith, “National and International
Perspectives on the Regulation of. While the governments provide the necessary resources for
formulation and implementation, the European Union oversees the effectiveness of the policy. The
government plays a role in the provision of resources necessary for the implementation of the
policies. Considerations are given whether suppliers can obtain damages due to violations and how
they are to be calculated. The term liberty is taken to carry two meanings according to the european
act. International Journal of Business and Management, 12 (3), 49-61. Wang, C. (2014). Accounting
standards harmonization and financial statement comparability: Evidence from transnational
information transfer. Davies (eds.), Public Procurement Global Revolution (London: Kluwer Law.
We discuss both a legal and a policy perspective on transposition, which provide rather different
perspectives on this work. However, the reason for analysing the process of integration from the
point of view of different, and usually opposing, theoretical approaches appears to be as important
nowadays as it was during the decisive discussion between federalists and functionalists (Schiek,
2012). By this procedure, naturally the national governments than have to act slave to the policies set
up by the central bank of the European Union and thus have to follow it blindly. This also
underpinned the necessitated urgent response from the EU institutions which analysts believe was a
crucial factor for quick adoption of the directive. Will Serbia, the largest state of the former
Yugoslavia, regain the favor of Western Europe and one day become a full-fledged member of the
european union. With the policy at hand, however, nations are keener on their activities as there are
monitory bodies that hold nations responsible for avoidable mistakes. First however lets first
mention the euro and the European Monetary Union. Value for money and other objectives creates a
conflict with another objective of equal treatment and transparency. This option lets you see all
course materials, submit required assessments, and get a final grade. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. In spite of worries surrounding increased integration, particularly in the
political and social fields, the Treaty of Amsterdam put in place measures for the EU to safeguard the
rights of European citizens continent-wide. These guards against abuse and errors of commercial
judgment especially in audits. Furthermore, in the last decades, people’s identity has been
increasingly influenced by their sense of belonging or not belonging to the Union, ultimately
resulting in complex and multiple identity affiliations. Access to lectures and assignments depends
on your type of enrollment. The proposal also envisaged 80% award to sectors that are not likely to
cause a leakage but which can have a decline of about 30% by 2020. The previous law was an
important international platform in matters of procumbent law reforms. The Commission in the year
2004 agreed that the 199 Law Module benefited due to new reflected practices especially those from
electronic communications in matters of public procurement. Ogai, Margaret N. Public procurement
practices and development of MSEs in Kenya: case of roads sector. Diss. University of Nairobi,
2014. Henceforth, the decision making process took place in a consultative manner, isolating the
process behind the close doors of the council thus keep away from the interference.
This would deprive the challenger their right to remedies. Such policies include promoting economic
development that is supported by SMEs especially when international commitment is allowed.
Aggrieved suppliers usually forward their cases to an administrative review. Also as all the countries
share the inflation rate too, there were no worries of their respective currencies loosing value as they
moved across the borders. Samuel Akinola Eluyefa Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The historical analysis
starts from the end of the Second World War. It aims at assisting formulation by State in
procurement law in modern times. Every day, in fact, European citizens enjoy freedoms that would
not have been at their disposal were it not for the Union, and are at the same time subject to rules
and regulations that have been established by it. This integration was strengthened through the
implementation of three institutional pillars: 1) European Communities; 2) Common Foreign and
Security Policy (CFSP), and 3) police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters as well as the
acceptance of a single currency, the Euro (Almond et al. 466-8). In addition to the three pillars, the
acceptance of the Euro as an official currency of members of the so-called “Eurozone” strengthened
economic bonds between member states. Big Deal?” (2002) 2 Journal of Public Procurement 187.
This systematic approach to the analysis of the political and economic integration of the EU enables
greater understanding of reality. Earlier declarations and unanimous reaction after election in
Australia made it very perilous for any government to exhibit inconsistency in the adoption of the
anti-discriminatory legislation. Simultaneously, a group of legal experts from these groups of
activists formed Start Line Group (SLG). This necessitates methodical ways of studying evolving
patterns of relations. The European Union of Water Management Associations (EUWMA) come
together to formulate the policies. S. Kelman, Procurement and Public Management (Washington:
AEI Press 1990). Wood, S. and Quaisser, W. The New European Union: Confronting the Challenges
of Integration. By the year 2007, complete implementation of the directive was still not yet achieved
and additional set of formal appeals from the EU commission was sent to 14 members to fully
implement the directive. There is also the publication of notice before solicitation of tenders.
Arlington, VA: Pew Center on Global Climate Change. External actors were mainly the NGO’s, who
provided the design for the policy and technical know-how while the internal actors were mainly the
EU parliament and the commission.EU member states were given 3 years to realign their legislations
with the EU directive. Such complaints and grievances are issued to the procuring entities an
independent body and the courts of law. One of the issues that attracted great concern especially in
UK was the protection of the immigrants linked to immigration policies of the individual member
states. For instance one of the requirements of this directive is the setting up of an autonomous body
to encourage and promote equality, assist victims and oversee development. Throughout its
membership, many politicians, the media or the wider public expressed scepticism or even hostility
towards the EU. A court can only take action when permissible violations of rights are brought to its
attention by authentic actors. The discussion focuses primarily on the impact of the political and
economic changes in Eastern and Central Europe during the 1990s on European integration. The
generic court also can review cases especially against the state. Value for money and other objectives
creates a conflict with another objective of equal treatment and transparency. Smith, F. (2010). The
Emissions Trading Scheme: EU Leadership, Problems and Decision-Making.
By issuing the Euro, the countries have brought a mega giant competitor to the already dominating
currencies of the Unites States of America and Japan. It also allows the inclusion of a statement in
procumbent where Article 28(3), where records must be, presented8. In term of quality, there are
practical considerations for open tendering is acceptable of low bids in competition even though they
may not achieve value for money. The European Union considered it wise to make common the
requirements of water management all over Europe (Richter et al 2001, p. 720). Democracy,
negotiation, and collective decision-making through multilateralism are all inherent attributes of the
modern EU. Maastricht laid the blue print for the implementation of the Euro, further strengthening
pan-European Attitudes across the continent. UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2005 8 S, Hix, “The political
system of the European Union”. External actors were mainly the NGO’s, who provided the design
for the policy and technical know-how while the internal actors were mainly the EU parliament and
the commission.EU member states were given 3 years to realign their legislations with the EU
directive. Procurement methods ways in which states use such systems for procurement in promoting
the domestic industry2. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to
purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. Each and every stakeholder
mentioned herein has a role to play in the execution of the policy of Water Management.
Enhancement of unity Europe wide to help in tackling water management issues in Europe:
originally, each nation concentrated on managing their own environmental and water issues with less
consideration given to the effects of the individual policies on other nations. About Modules
Recommendations Testimonials Reviews Browse Social Sciences Governance and Society EU
policy and implementation: making Europe work. Furthermore, attention is given to the involvement
of regional and local governments in the implementation of European policy within member states,
which provides yet another challenge to European policy implementation. However, the cost of
transaction eventually reduced the amounts of revenue generation and profits and left them less
motives and inclinations to trade. How can EU policy, but also the policy process be redesigned.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. However, several
years after this clause was added in the gender equality directive it opened arguments in many
countries whether to establish a joint or separate bodies encasing several discriminatory issues.
Download Free PDF View PDF The pressures which led to the emergence of the principle of
supremacy of EU Law the tensions which this (the principle of supremacy) has given rise to. In the
case of the European Union; I t has indeed gained a lot! The Law Module that deals with Public
Procurement deals with principles and procedures that are purposed to achieve value for money and
goes ahead to avoid any violations that may arise in the process of procurement. The EU is a
multilateral organization which operates on the basis of negotiation between member states and relies
on collective decision-making to achieve its ends. This contribution claims that the Court faces
similar interpretative challenges to those encountered by domestic judges. If you only want to read
and view the course content, you can audit the course for free. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This acted more what as
incentives and motivations to the laid back and lazy potential business men and women to trade
between the countries. Davies (eds.), Public Procurement Global Revolution (London: Kluwer Law.
The collapse of the communist regime allowed, and pushed, the states involved to modify their
economic and political structure completely (Cini, 2007). The European Union represents democracy
at work and recent treaties obligating all members to abide by common standards in the political and
social realms affirm a common standard among the states of Europe. They go further to argue that,
this narrow predictability results from both prices vagueness in the market for emission allowances
and from systemic uncertainties.
Such procurement individual benefits must be identified to foreign contractors that are provided by
domestic regulations7. Finally, four observations are made on what might have influenced the
Court’s rulings in recent years. In my paper I would like to present the history of the establishment of
the EU, describing the motives for its creation as well as the outcomes. An analysis of the historical
development of the political and economic integration of the EU is undertaken in order to determine
the growth, or, possibly decline, of the processes of the political and economic integration of the EU.
This acted more what as incentives and motivations to the laid back and lazy potential business men
and women to trade between the countries. The actual structure of the EU has developed as an
interaction between opposing ideologies of integration. In addition, a proposal was made, which
allowed any sector preferring to move its production out of Europe due to escalating costs to cause
carbon-leakage to receive 100% of their benchmarked share for free. Therefore, it is evident that
from that even although the EU ETS scheme has not been able to fully achieve its intended goals, it
has to some extent managed to promote and encourage companies to realize the need for including
environmental greening strategies in their strategic plans even though the negotiations for a global
consensus have progressively proved futile. What is the history of the institutional structure of the
European Union and how has the EU evolved over time? (Warleigh 2004). However, the reason for
analysing the process of integration from the point of view of different, and usually opposing,
theoretical approaches appears to be as important nowadays as it was during the decisive discussion
between federalists and functionalists (Schiek, 2012). This was done to come up with the common
ground by accommodating all the proposals to convince the restrained governments. Obviously, as
mentioned above, the members do not have to worry of the fluctuations of the exchange rate.
However as the same unit was introduced, the firms and the individuals could compare the prices of
the services, goods and resources all present across borders with no difficulty whatsoever. Moreover,
the government understands better the needs of her citizens. The European Coal and Steel
Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC) have been established for
political purposes. When the concept of european union was initially proposed, people thought it as a
simple regional cooperation to exploit the possibilities of globalization. By using our site, you agree
to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Accordingly, the Treaty of Amsterdam
significantly strengthened the powers of the European Parliament and made the European
Commission more politically accountable (Almond et al. 2002). Economic and Social Integration:
The Challenge for EU Constitutional Law by Dagmar Schiek (2012) discusses historical and current
perspective of the economic and political integration of the EU. While the governments provide the
necessary resources for formulation and implementation, the European Union oversees the
effectiveness of the policy. Economic stability of EU project is crucial because it promotes economic
development that results to prosperity and creation of job opportunities, and is a profound goal
enshrined in the economic and monetary management of the european union, as well as the Euro.
Second is the indirect costs on tactical decisions, which are incurred when the directly affected
company transfers its direct carbon costs into its merchandise prices. This allows interaction between
the government and potential suppliers in coming up with solutions with contractors. Public
procurement4 is a government activity that includes the purchase of goods and services in carrying
out its purpose. In ensuring advantages of this method, are only lost when necessary where other
methods are safeguarded. Accordingly, the European Commission is the executive wing of the EU
and an institution which exists to promote the overarching European interest. All sectors and levels
where the spending for procurement is represented by 10- 20 % of GDP and reaches 50 % of
government spending in its totality. Rules that prevent corruption like a limit to discretion by
institutions and entities that avoid abuse and favouritism is considered to curtail discretion.6
Achieving Value for money and the principle of integrity have a connection in the procumbent
process. This question points precisely to the problem of definition and identity of the EU law and of
Europe generally. This also means that you will not be able to purchase a Certificate experience.
In acquiring goods and works, it is more difficult in the public sector due to inefficiency that
prejudices such objectives. Ergo once has to bear with the fear of loosing precious value of his
currency and not being able to buy as much as they had wanted to before. The two methods of
procurement used are discussed and looks at the reasons as to why they were selected. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Value for money and other objectives creates a conflict
with another objective of equal treatment and transparency. This is the largest institution of the union
and it represents all the major political parties in the european union. The commission voted for the
proposal and submitted the draft for adoption in EP and the council who approved it. Their main
topic of debate was based on auxiliary principles, probable cost of implementation, non interference
with the national policies on immigration, and a constricted treaty base. WATER MANAGEMENT
IN THE EUROPEAN UNION By Location Water Management in the European Union
Introduction The policy of water management in the European Union is considered as one of the
most important policies ever made. Europe as a model was consistently a political agenda motivated
by political choices and objectives (Milward, 2005). The analysis takes into consideration the
implication of the establishment of the different instruments of the EU, like the ECSC, EEC, and
EMU, for the intensity of the political and economic integration of the EU. This shows that there
needs to be a balance between value for money, transparency, and discretion. The essay has analyzed
the guideline of UNCITRAL Module law that provides for guideline and rule for the objective of the
public procurement process. Article 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU) provides for the freedom of movement of workers who shall move freely within the
territory of member States and shall stay in the Member States for the purposes of employment. It
also allows the inclusion of a statement in procumbent where Article 28(3), where records must be,
presented8. The procuring entity may apply for an automatic suspension where it is applied to an
independent body or in a court of law.19. The procuring entity exercises discretion in suspension
matters in proceeding when a challenge is being heard. Indicators of Success Indeed, the new
regulations that lead to the harmonization of accounting operations in all the EU Member-States have
a wide range of positive implications that are supposed to improve the security of the stored data and
different editing processes that are common in this industry (Dabbicco, 2015). However, the reason
for analysing the process of integration from the point of view of different, and usually opposing,
theoretical approaches appears to be as important nowadays as it was during the decisive discussion
between federalists and functionalists (Schiek, 2012). It creates an opportunity for aggrieved parties
in submitting their complaints form entities. But in the 21st century, the european union again faces
issues due to the global downturn. Gert Svendsen’s (2003) The Political Economy of the European
Union: Institutions, Policy and Economic Growth, employing an interdisciplinary model, explores
how the present political and economic status of the EU will affect future performance and will
unfavourably influence policymaking. During the enactment of the Water Management Policy in the
European Union, the European Union of Water Management Associations had stinging issues at
hand that needed to be addressed in unity lest water management and conservation in Europe went
astray. And if there is a change, is this change due to a different attitude of the Court of Justice
towards international law. The major stakeholders in this policy are the European Union, the member
state governments, representative associations from the European countries, corporations and the
Europeans. On this journey, we focus on actual policy and present the views of various experts: how
easy is it to establish yourself in another EU-country. R. Hunja, “The UNCITRAL Model Law on
Procurement of Goods, Construction and. The major function of this parliamentary body is to air
matters of public interest in the european union. The Water Management policy was originally
intended to have its effects concentrated only around Europe. However, given that government
interventions through such activities as taxes influence the operations of companies in any given
open economy, thus, the impact of taxes on EU ETS cannot be exception as illustrated in below
figures. Today, the practice of water management in the European countries has been taken by the
seriousness everybody would expect it to have.

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