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Good afternoon everyone welcome to our

presentation. Were here to discuss the
communication for work purposes
So lets start with the acitivity first.
 Business letter
 A business letters is a formal document often sent
from one company to another or from a company to its
clients, employees and stakeholder. For example:
business letters are used for professional
correspondence between individuals, as well. The
purposes of business letters are to inform, instruct,
request, inquire, remit, order, advice, correct, and to
question. But the main purposes of business letters is
to convey information. The basic purpose of business
letter is to convey information regarding business
 So we have a 6 parts of business letters
1. Heading- sometimes it is necessary to include a line before
the date with a phone number, fax number, of email
2. Inside address/recipient’s address- it is always best to
write a specific individual at the firm which you are
3. Salutation- The salutation (or greeting) in a business letter
is always formal. It often begins with “Dear(Person’s
name).” once again, be sure to include the person’s title if
you know it 9such as Ms., Mr., Mrs., or Dr.), if you’re not
sure about the person’s title or gender then just use their
first name.
4. Body of the letter- is where you write the details of your
business letter start with a short introduction explaining
why you are writing them. The introduction should be one
or two sentences and should have the must important
details. The rest of the body includes the details of your
letter. It includes the introduction, body, and the
5. Complimentary closing- is a short and polite remark that
ends your letter. The close begins at the same justification
as your date and one line after the last body paragraph.
Capitalized the first word word of your closing.
6. Signature block- In a letter, the signature block includes
your signature in blue or black ink in between the
complimentary close and your typed name and title. It
should contain your name, title, company, company
address, phone, fax, email and website.

So again, the 6 parts of a business are:

heading, inside address/recipient’s address,
salutation, body of the letter, complimentary
closing and signature block. So let’s proceed to
the formats of a business letter.
The first one we have a block
1. Block- The most common layout of a business letter is
knbown as block format. Using this format, the entire
letter is left justified and single spaced except for a
doble space between paragraphs.
2. Modified block- in a modified block business letter, the
heading, complimentary close, the signature, and
identification are aligned to the right. Address,
salutation, the body, and closure are aligned to the left.
First sentences of a paragraphs are indented.
3. Semi-block- is the same as the full block format is the
same as the full block format, except the paragraphs
have indentations. If you don’t like the look of the single
line between your paragraphs, you can opt for this

Memos- A memo is a short official note that is sent by one

person to another within the same company or
organization. Memos have a twofold purpose: they bring
attention to problems, and they solve problems. They
accomplish their goals by informing the reader about new
information like policy changes, price increases, or by
persuading the reader to take an action, such as attend a
meeting, or change a current production procedure.

Formats of memos-
The format of a memo follows the general guidelines of
business writing. A memo is usually a page or two long,
single spaced and left justified. Instead of using
indentations to show new paragraphs, skip a line between
sentences. Business materials should be concise and easy
to read.

1. Audience orientation- When writing a note, always

keep the audience and their requirements in mind (or any
message for that matter). If the memo is to be posted
and circulated inside the business, it should be clear and
concise communication at all levels without any
ambiguity. Management may be familiar with an acronym
or shorthand, but not all employees may be.

2. Professional, formal tone- Memos frequently contain

announcements, and the sender may be speaking on
behalf of the whole business. Always speak in a
professional manner.

3. Subject emphasis- The subject line of a memo

often states the topic and should be descriptive, clear,
and brief. Use "Thanksgiving weekend schedule" rather
than "holiday observance" in the subject line if the memo
is announcing the observation of a particular holiday, for

4. Direct format- Memoranda are generally always

direct, however some written business communication
provides for an option between direct and indirect styles.
The aim is instantly and explicitly stated, followed by an
explanation or supporting details.
5. Objectivity- Memos should have an objective tone
without personal bias, preference, or interest on display.
Avoid subjectivity.

That’s all for our discussion for today thankyou

for listening!

Hello! Good morning everyone our discussion
for today is all about the Material or Economic

Always be yourself and have faith in yourself
do not go out and look for the successful
personality and try to duplicate it. To be
yourself in a world that is constantly trying to
make you something else is the greatest
accomplishments. What you think of yourself is
much more important than what people think
of you.
So let’s define first:
What is consumer behavior?
 Consumer behavior refers to the consumption or
purchase of goods and services to satisfy the personal
needs and wants of an individual or to satisfy the needs
and wants of others. In simple words, consumer behavior
is the study of how consumers make decisions about
what they need, want, and desires and how do they buy,
use, and dispose of goods.

Factor that can influence consumer behavior

 There are several factors that can influence consumer
behavior, these would include: situational, social,
personal, cultural, psychological, and economic factors.

 Situational factors- physical factors such as a store’s

layout and design may have an influence in what you
buy. If you caught yourself lost in grocery store or
wonder why the bread is not beside the milk, theseare
strategically placed there so you will wander longer
around a facility, hence, the more you will spend. Store
locations also influence behavior. They are temporary in
nature and include physical factors such as a store’s
location, layout, colors, music, lighting, and even scent.
Companies try to make these factor as favorable as
possible. Other situational factors include holidays, time,
and mood of the consumer. Preference changes and may
go for beautiful clothes, shoes and other belongings.
Adults may be more practical deliberate in what and how
they purchase they need in their life. Personal factors
refer to personal characteristics that influence a buyer’s
decision include age and stage in life

Personal and self-concept

Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic
patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The study of
personality focuses on two broad areas: One is understanding
individual differences in particular personality characteristics,
such as sociability or irritability.

Examples of personality can be found in how we describe other

people's traits. For instance, "She is generous, caring, and a bit of a
perfectionist," or "They are loyal and protective of their friends."

When we say bagay it means; its suitable, looking good, appropriate,
Applicable and fits for you.

Fashion and lifestyle

Fashion provides human the sense of expressing themselves and
lifestyle is an way the people live. So in simple words Fashion and
Lifestyle is a way along with that it’s an essence of life.

Uso or trending
Their motivation to buy isn’t about ownership; it’s about what the
product means to them. In most cases, that acquisition is driven by
the urge to upgrade themselves.
 Personal factors- age is very significant factors in a
person buying behavior there are changing needs wants
and as a person grows into different stages of life. Their
taste and lifestyle in clothes, furniture and recreation
essentially vary through time. A child may prefer colorful
tops, skirts and as an adolescent cycle, occupation and
economic circumstances, personality and self-concept,
and lifestyle and values.

What is Neoclassicism?
 Artistic and creative movements that reflect qualities
of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, culture and
art. Neoclassicism (also spelled Neo-classicism) was a
Western cultural movement in the decorative and
visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture
that drew inspiration from the art and culture of
classical antiquity. The primary Neoclassicist belief
was that art should express the ideal virtues in life and
could improve the viewer by imparting a moralizing

Antiquity (ancient times)

History of Neoclassicism
 As the term implies, neoclassicism is a revival of the
classical past. The movement began around the middle
of the 18th century, marking a time in art history when
artists began to imitate Greek and Roman antiquity
and the artists of the Renaissance. Apart from Diderot,
(Denis Diderot (1713-1784) was a French writer,
philosopher and art critic), other art critics desired a
“better” kind of art that followed the styles of past
masters like Nicolas Poussin (French, 1594–1665),
Michelangelo (Italian, 1475–1564), and Raphael
(Italian, 1483–1520) (they are painter) who were very
much influenced by the classical world.

Johann Joachim Winckelmann, founder of modern

archeology and art history, praised the Greeks and
believed them to be as close to perfection as possible.
Following Winckelmann’s words, many artists began to
study Greek architecture and create classically
inspired works of art. In 1738, excavations of Pompeii
and Herculaneum (town and city of Italy) led to the
finding of well-preserved, colorful paintings, mosaics,
and pottery. These discoveries only fueled artistic
fascination and curiosity for antiquity, and artists
began to use this new knowledge of the past in their
art, creating their own “new” classical style that was
extremely different from the Rococo (characterized by
lightness, elegance, and an exuberant use of curving
natural forms in ornamentation) a style popular during
the early to mid-18th century. One such artist was
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French, 1780–1867).
His painting of Oedipus and the Sphinx (it is a painting)
(1808) represents a scene from the classical Greek
plays of Sophocles. Oedipus, the protagonist of the
plays, finds himself face to face with a Sphinx, who
asks him the now-famous riddle: It walks on four legs
in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the
evening. Aside from the subject matter drawing
inspiration from Greek culture, the physical
characteristics are traditionally classical: beauty,
harmony, balance, and line. The use of strict horizontal
and vertical lines, clearly seen in Oedipus’s stance, is
a very important neoclassical characteristic that helps
create a harmonious and balanced composition.
Though Ingres’s image of Oedipus does not portray the
idealized human form essential to classicism, his
depiction of the male figure agrees with
Winckelmann’s idea of “imperfect nature.” Perfection
lies within the imagination, and the image one creates
in reality is only the idea of perfection. The discovery
of preserved ancient artifacts also played a huge role
in the Decorative Arts of the time. Josiah Wedgwood
(British, 1730–1795), one of the most famous English
ceramic manufacturers of the 18th century, founded
the Wedgwood company in 1759, which produced
classically inspired jasperware, creamware, and black
basalts, formed using simple geometric lines, and
decorated with frieze-like scenes reminiscent of
ancient Greek and Roman pottery. John Flaxman
(British, 1755–1826), a prominent neoclassical
sculptor, illustrator, and designer, began working for
Wedgwood around 1775. His oeuvre includes
illustrations for classical literature like the Odyssey,
and designs for classically inspired decorative works
of art produced by Wedgwood, and monuments for
military heroes and nobles. Neoclassicism was also an
important movement in America. The United States
modeled itself on the ancient civilizations of Rome and
Greece, both architecturally and politically.
Neoclassical ideals flowed freely in the newly formed
republic, and classically inspired buildings and
monuments were erected. Washington, D.C. is still
decorated with these white marble façades, imitations
of antiquity, and portraits of presidents sculpted in the
manner of Roman emperors and glorified in colossal

Neoclassicism and the Arts

 Neoclassical art, also called Neoclassicism and
Classicism, a widespread and influential movement in
painting and the other visual arts that began in the
1760s, reached its height in the 1780s and ’90s, and
lasted until the 1840s and ’50s. In painting it generally
took the form of an emphasis on austere linear design
in the depiction of Classical themes and subject
matter, using archaeologically correct settings and
clothing. Neoclassicism in the arts is an aesthetic
attitude based on the art of Greece and Rome in
antiquity, which invokes harmony, clarity, restraint,
universality, and idealism. In the context of the
tradition, Classicism refers either to the art produced
in antiquity or to later art inspired by that of antiquity,
while Neoclassicism always refers to the art produced
later but inspired by antiquity. Classicizing artists tend
to prefer somewhat more specific qualities, which
include line over colour, straight lines over curves,
frontality and closed compositions over diagonal
compositions into deep space, and the general over
the particular.

Neoclassical Painting
 Neoclassical painting emphasized stark linear design
in depictions of classical events, characters, and
ideas, as well as historically accurate settings and
clothing. The increased scholarly interest in ancient
antiquity that evolved throughout the 18th century
aided its rise significantly. The classical revival, also
known as Neoclassicism, refers to artistic movements
that draw influence from ancient Greece and Rome's
"classical" art and culture. During the 18th century,
the prominent styles were Baroque and Rococo. With
its emphasis on asymmetry, vivid colours, and
decoration, the latter is often regarded the polar
opposite of the Neoclassical style, which is built on
order, symmetry, and simplicity. Painting, sculpture,
decorative arts, theatre, literature, music, and
architecture all fell under the umbrella of
Neoclassicism. Classical music flourished at this time,
and Jaques-Louis David's paintings became associated
with the classical renaissance. Neoclassicism, on the
other hand, was most powerfully felt in architecture,
sculpture, and the decorative arts, where ancient
models in the same medium were relatively plentiful
and accessible. Sculpture, in particular, had a variety
of historical models to study, but the majority were
Roman reproductions of Greek originals.

Neoclassical sculpture
 As with painting, Neoclassicism made its way into
sculpture in the second half of the eighteenth century.
In addition to the ideals of the Enlightenment, the
excavations of the ruins at Pompeii began to spark a
renewed interest in classical culture. Whereas Rococo
sculpture consisted of small-scale asymmetrical
objects focusing on themes of love and gaiety,
neoclassical sculpture assumed life-size to
monumental scale and focused on themes of heroism,
patriotism, and virtue. In his tomb sculpture, the
Enlightenment philosophe Voltaire is honored in true
Neoclassical form. In a style influenced by ancient
Roman verism, he appears as an elderly man to honor
his wisdom. He wears a contemporary commoner's
blouse to convey his humbleness, and his robe
assumes the appearance of an ancient Roman toga
from a distance. Like his ancient predecessors, his
facial expression and his body language suggest an air
of scholarly seriousness. Neoclassical sculptors
benefited from an abundance of ancient models, albeit
Roman copies of Greek bronzes in most cases. The
leading Neoclassical sculptors enjoyed much acclaim
during their lifetimes. One of them was Jean-Antoine
Houdon, whose work was mainly portraits, very often
as busts, which do not sacrifice a strong impression of
the sitter's personality to idealism. His style became
more classical as his long career continued, and
represents a rather smooth progression from Rococo
charm to classical dignity. Unlike some Neoclassical
sculptors he did not insist on his sitters wearing
Roman dress, or being unclothed. He portrayed most of
the great figures of the Enlightenment, and traveled to
America to produce a statue of George Washington, as
well as busts of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin,
and other luminaries of the new republic. His portrait
bust of Washington depicts the first President of the
United States as a stern, yet competent leader, with
the influence of Roman verism evident in his wrinkled
forehead, receding hairline, and double chin.

 romanticism is a state of being romantic or
affectionate in a sentimental way, or an 18th century
movement in the arts and literature that emphasized
nature, imagination, emotion and the individual. An
artistic and intellectual movement originating in
Europe in the late 1700s and characterized by a
heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the
individual's expression of emotion and imagination,
departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism,
and rebellion against established social rules and
conventions. The spirit, attitudes, style, etc. of, or
adherence to, the Romantic Movement or a similar

 Any list of particular characteristics of the literature of
romanticism includes subjectivity and an emphasis on
individualism; spontaneity; freedom from rules; solitary
life rather than life in society; the beliefs that
imagination is superior to reason and devotion to
beauty; love of and worship of nature. Romantic
literature is marked by six primary characteristics:
celebration of nature, focus on the individual and
spirituality, celebration of isolation and melancholy,
interest in the common man, idealization of women,
and personification and pathetic fallacy.

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