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NIM :B11.2020.06739

my experience is my experience is when lgo to the highest waterfall named sigura-gura, and while on the
we have to trevel long distances and whilr on the way we really enjoy the very beautiful scenery and on
the road we aloso have to stuggle not only with roads with holes in them and in addition to the weather
that is less supportive because of the rainand when I arrived at the highest waterfall in Indonesia my dear
and my friends were very amazed because of the beauty of the waterfall and all of them werw tired being
traveled in full by the of being traveled in full by the beauty of the waterfall.and in that place me and my
friend enjoy cup of caffee with fried bananas and ejoy the beautiful waterfall sigura-gura. That’s my
unforgettable esperience story thank you…

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