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Dragon Rouge, Lilith letter four summary

The dragon invocation, and greater experiencing the influence of the dragon, was the most
unique and important happenings from letter four Lilith.
As the months previous, I started with more working in the astral world than previously in my
magic practice. So, without any real consideration, I performed my first few dragon invocations
starting from my sacred place internally. Often, from my sacral place, after preparation and
beginning of the ritual, I fly up, out, to other places etc. After the initial dragon invocation I was
still strongly on the ground, but I began to feel energy going up. Very distinctly, it felt like it was
raining up from the ground; I had never experienced this before. For the next few times, similar
experiences happened.
Then I began doing the dragon invocation from the outside. In most of my rituals, including
these dragon invocation, it is not a set altar or place. I create sacred space in places during my
day and do the rituals. So far I have only done the outside dragon invocation a few times, but it
is always exciting and often intense. For the few hours after, I have the invigorated feeling that
is motivating as well as focused.
Onward I go.

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