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English Assignment

Yuri and Victor's Adventures in Paradise Forest
Once upon a time there was a child named Yuri, Yuri had a friend who had been Yuri's
friend since childhood,his name is Victor. The two of them have been friends since
childhood and now they are 7 years old. Yuri and Victor are friends because Yuri and
Victor's mother are best friends since their childhood. Yuri's mother was named Yuria
and Victor's mother was named Victoria. One day, Yuri's parents invited Yuri and Victor
to go to the forest for a picnic, the forest was often visited by Yuri and Victor's mother
when they were playing together. Because Victor's parents were always busy, Victor
often goes to Yuri's house to play together.
The next day Victor and Yuri went with their families to the forest. The forest was called
the 'Paradise' forest. When Yuri and Victor entered the forest the air in the forest was
very cold and Yuria's face was very sad and the animals there looked unhappy and
there’s a lot of trees that died there. Then Yuri asked his mother "Mother, why do you
look sad?" then Yuri's mother just smiled and said "you will know soon boys, I hope you
can change this all yeah?" Then Yuri and Victor just nodded in confusion.
When Yuri and Victor had finished eating they asked Yuri's parents for permission to
play together with the animals there. While they were playing suddenly something flew
and shone like a beetle but had a face and body like a human's.It has small and red
long wavy hair and it turns out to be a fairy. The elf wrote her name, 'Bloom', Bloom
pulled Victor and Yuri's clothes as if he wanted to show it somewhere after that Yuri and
Victor followed him. After that they entered the portal and reached a place full of ice and
also there everything freezes like the animals, trees and flowers.
Seeing that Yuri and Victor were surprised and asked Bloom "What happened to this
forest?" The fairy told everything to Yuri and Victor "This forest used to be a beautiful
forest where the birds sang, the trees grew very large, the flowers bloomed and all the
creatures in it lived happily. This forest also has a kingdom inhabited by there is a
goddess named 'Flauna'. Flauna is the goddess of floras and faunas in this forest. But
now the goddess Flauna is being imprisoned by an evil witch from the ice kingdom who
wants to rule over the forest of Paradise. And your mothers Yuria and Victoria used to
be children who often visit the goddess Flauna while playing in this forest. Yesterday I
went to visit Yuria and asked her for help to save the Paradise forest but humans who
are 16 years old and above are not allowed to enter the portal to this kingdom so Yuria
told me to call you and save this forest “.Hearing all that Yuria and Victor understood
why their mother had brought them to this forest and They promise to help Bloom save
Paradise's forest.
Bloom was very grateful and then gave them thick clothes so they wouldn't get cold
while inside the portal.They’re given wings to fly and a magic wand that could emit fire
which was created by Bloom because Bloom is a warm fairy whose job is to maintain
the temperature in the forest. Because the witch is an ice witch, her weakness is fire but
Bloom can't do it alone. After that, Bloom takes them to the castle of the goddess
Flauna. They enter through a secret passage that only Bloom, Yuria, Victoria and the
goddess Flauna know. After that they searched for the goddess Flauna and found her in
the dungeon passage of the castle of the goddess Fauna and was guarded by a 3-
headed ice dog.
Bloom tried to defeat the dog but failed and was helped by Yuri and Victor and finally
succeeded. When the goddess Flauna wanted to be released from the dungeon
suddenly a witch came and said "If you take out the goddess then all of you and the
forest this will freeze to death and become an ice kingdom" hearing that the four of them
were shocked but Victor accidentally attacked the magician and was assisted by Yuri.
Seeing that Bloom quickly removed the goddess Flauna from the prison. After the
goddess Flauna was successfully removed, the ice witch's magic accidentally bounced
and was hit by Bloom so that Bloom froze. Seeing that the goddess Flauna told Yuri and
Victor to back off and stay away from the fight between the goddess Flauna and the ice
witch, seeing the goddess Flauna in trouble Yuri and Victor helped the goddess Flauna
defeat the ice witch and finally succeeded as well.
After that Bloom was melted and turned the forest into a beautiful and happy again.
Goddess Flauna, Bloom and all the animals thanked Yuri and Victor for helping Yuri and
Victor for helping the Paradise forest to be like it used to be. Goddess Flauna and
Bloom said to visit her more often if they’re bored then they said goodbye and also the
goddess Flauna gave her greetings to Yuria. Bloom took them back then Yuria hugged
Yuri and Victor with tears of joy for saving the beautiful forest and hugged Bloom also.
Then they went home and they all lived happily ever after.
~The End~

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