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The Strange Voyage of Sindbad

The answers of short questions

1. Write the character sketch of Sindbad.


The Character Sketch of Sindbad

Sindbad was a fictional sailor. He had fantastic adventures going to magical places, meeting
monsters and finding treasures.

2. Why did Sindbad auction all his household goods?

Answer: Sindbad auctioned all his household goods in order to get an opportunity of accompanying
merchants who trade by sea.

3. Why did he spend night in a little cave?

Answer: He spent the night in a little cave in order to protect himself from the attack of the giant
snakes roaming outside.

4. Identify the speaker or narrator of the story “The Strange Voyage of Sindbad”.

Answer: The speaker of the story is Sindbad himself who narrates his story in first person.

5. What is the theme and setting of the story?

Answer: The setting of the story is strange and unknown islands where nobody resides. Only animals
are found. The merchants sail there in order to find precious diamonds and jewels.

The theme of the story is the adventurous doings of Sindbad who is finally rewarded with a lot of
precious diamonds for his practical wisdom.

6. Who threw the large pieces of raw meat on the diamonds? Why?

Answer: The merchants threw the large pieces of raw meat on the diamonds. When they threw the
meat, the diamonds would stick to the pieces. When the eagles pounced upon the meat and carried
it off to their nests, the merchants would scare the eagle away and secure the treasure.

7. Pick out at least three transitional devices from the text.

Answer: A transitional device is a word or a group of words which join sentence, ideas and
paragraphs together. Some examples of transitional devices from the text are: as soon as, then,
meanwhile, at last etc.

Story: The King and the Spider

JAN Brothers Books, Photostat & Photo Studio Mayar
Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. Once, he was defeated by his enemies. He ran away from the
battlefield in order to save himself. He hid himself in a cave. There he saw a spider trying to climb its
web. Every time the spider tried to climb; it fell to the ground. It made nine unsuccessful attempts
but did not give up. He tried hard and at last he reached his web. The king received a lesson of
courage from the spider. He gathered his scattered army and attacked his enemies. On this attempt,
he defeated his enemies and saved his country.

Moral lesson: Try, try again.

Application for Sick Leave


The Principal

AIPS Mayar

Subject: Application for Sick Leave


With most respect, it is stated that I am suffering from fever and the doctor has advised me
to take rest. Therefore, I cannot attend the classes. So, kindly grant me leave for two days.

I will be grateful to you for this act of kindness.

Your Sincere


Roll No ------

Class ---------

Section ------

JAN Brothers Books, Photostat & Photo Studio Mayar

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