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Exam Paper Q2

a) Mixed economy has both a private sector and a public state sector.

b) Public sector is government owned and controlled businesses and organisations

c) Best foods is in a tertiary sector, they providing take -away meals services. Foodnice is in
secondary sector, they providing pies and soups processing business.

d) The secondary sector is declining in importance is because in economically developed

countries, they bought in manufacturing goods from other countries instead of produce locally,
majority of the worker they employed are mainly focus on tertiary sector.

Secondary sector’s output of goods and services are declining which means the secondary
sector is delcining importance in that country.

e) Business decision in private sectors are for efficiency as they are not only concerned about
government popularity, they intent to increase the efficiency of the operations as a result
increase the profit of the company. However, workers working in private sector could be
made redundant for the sake of profit.

<<< Advantages and disadvantages of public sector>>>

<<< Conclusion>>>
I think foodnice should be in private sector because …………………
Exam Paper Q2

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