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Assignment By: Saad Ahmed 20212-29132

Management Organizational Dynamics

Submitted to: Sir Azeem Siddiqui

BCG Matrix:
BCG Model is a portfolio planning model which is based on the observation that company’s
business unit can be classified in to 4 categories. These 4 categories can be described as Star,
Question Mark, Cash Cows and Dogs. It is also based on the combination of market growth and
market share relative to the next based competitor.
Star: operate in high growth industries and maintain high market share. Stars are both cash
generators and cash users.
Question Mark: It the branch that holds low market share in fast growing markets consuming
large amount of cash.
Cash Cows: It is the most profitable brands and should be milked to provide as much cash as
Dog: It hold low market share compared to competitors and operate in a slowly growing market.

Cash Cow (Low Growth, High Market Share)
Candyland: Chilli Mili and other jellies are considered to be the Cash Cow of company.
Bisconni: Chocolate Chip and center filled biscuit are the Cash Cow of the company.
Coca Cola: Coca-Cola is one such example of Cash Cows. This product is sold across 200
countries in a mature beverage industry.
Apple: MacBook has a consistent market share and a steady revenue, making it a Cash Cow for
the company.
Samsung: Electronic Appliances has a steady revenue for the company and making them a Cash
Cow of the company.
Dogs (Low Growth, Low Market Share)
Candyland: Their Coated Chew category has a very low growth in the past years and has a very
low market share as well. So Yums, Sour Yums these products are considered to be the Dogs for
the company.
Bisconni: The Zeera, Coconut and Peanut Biscuits of the company are considered to be the Dogs
as they have not a single digit growth and the market share of this category is also very low.
Coca Cola: Diet coke, a Coca-Cola product, is on such example of Dogs. It was launched with
the motive to offer consumers relatively healthier beverage option in terms of calories consumed.
However, the brand has not been able to fetch consumers’ interest, which led to declined sales of
this business unit.
Apple: iPods are considered to be the Dogs for the company as they once was the star products
but as the iPhone were introduced they backfire and eventually the company had to nearly
discontinue this product in a long run.
Samsung: Samsung wearable has not been in shine as their other product are. The wearable of
the Samsung are considered to be the Dogs as they have a very low market share and not a
steady growth as well.
Question Marks (High Growth, Low Market Share)
Candyland: Candyland Puff category has been a question mark as the product category has a
very high growth in the past years and the low market share has hold them in the Question Mark
category for the company.
Bisconni: Bisconni Cakes has been in the growth since their launch and the market share has
been considered as low as there are competitors there as well. Bisconni Cakes Rollies is a
question mark for the company.
Coca Cola: Fanta, a Coca-Cola product, is one such example where the business units can be
seen as a question mark. As the brand has not been able to gain widespread popularity similar to
Coke. Therefore, the brand is losing its popularity.
Apple: Apple Tv has been a question mark product of the company.
Samsung: Samsung Computer Appliances has been a question mark for the company as they
have a high growth rate but a very low market share compared to others in the market.
Stars (High Growth, High Market Share)
Candyland: Chocolate Category is the largest category and has the highest growth and market
share of the company. There Star Product include Now, Paradise and Cloud9.
Bisconni: Bisconni Chocolate filled Biscuit has been the largest to ever grow and the highest
volume include this category of the company and the market share as well. The Star Product of
the company is Cocomo (Mujhy bhi do).
Coca Cola: The bottled water Kinley, a Coca-Cola product, is one such example of Stars. This
example is suitable here because the mineral water industry is still viewed as a gradually
growing segment on an international scale. The rising population would require more bottled
water to fulfill the needs of the people.
Apple: Apple iPhone has been a Star for the company because of the un-defeating market share
and the highest potential growth every year for the company has been generated by the iPhone
Samsung: Samsung Mobile Phone and LED Unit are the Star among the industry which not only
has the massive growth every year but also the highest market share in the industry as well.

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