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Submitted by

Nodira Tillayeva U1910041 001

Group : Senior

1 Monday,September 19, 2022










2 Monday,September 19, 2022



1. Describe the challenges of adding a block to a blockchain faced by the miners when mining a

If every miner adds the block to the chain, there will be many branches to the chain, resulting in
inconsistent state. Recall, the blockchain is a single consistent linked chain of BLOCKS

2. Describe the solution used to overcome the challenges of adding a block to a blockchain.

Miners compete to solving a PUZZLE to determine who earn the right to create the next block. In the
case of bitcoin blockchain, this is a computation of PUZZLE using the central processing unit & it is CPU
intensive. Once a miner solves the PUZZLE, the announcement is broadcast to the network and the block
is also broadcast to the network. Then, other participants verify the new block. Participants reach a
consensus to add a new block to the chain. This new block is added to their local copy of the blockchain.
Thus, a new set of transactions are recorded and confirmed.

3 Monday,September 19, 2022

3. What is Proof-of-Work(PoW). State the need for Proof-of-Work(PoW) ?

Proof-Of-Work(POW) is the algorithm for consensus . to claim the right to form the next block.

4. What are the three major types of Blockchains? Give an example in each case.

 Type one - deals with the coins in cryptocurrency currency chain. Example, Bitcoin.
 Type two - supports cryptocurrency and a business logic layer supported by code execution.
Example, Ethereum.
 Type three - involves no currency but supports software execution for business logic. Example,
The Linux Foundation's Hyperledge

5. What are three major classifications of Blockchains based on the access limits.

 Public Blockchain
 Private Blockchain
 Permissioned blockchain

6. Distinguish between Bitcoin & Ethereum with help of Bitcoin Stack and Ethereum Stack

Bitcoin: Bitcoin blockchain is associated with wallet application for initiating transactions
Ethereum: Took a step towards transforming the blockchain into a computational framework that
opened many opportunities in the decentralized realm , supports smart contracts and VM.

4 Monday,September 19, 2022

7. Explain what is meant by a Smart Contract

Smart contract is a piece of code deployed in the blockchain node.

8. What is an EVM. State the purpose of an EVM.

EVM is An Ethereum Virtual Machine .Provides a run anywhere abstruction layer for the contract cod

9. What are the two types of accounts in Ethereum. Explain them clearly.

Externally Owned Accounts and Contract Accounts

1. Externally Owned Accounts or EOA are controlled by private keys.

2. Contract Accounts or CA are controlled by the code and can be activated only by an EOA.

10. Defina an Ethereum FULL NODE.

An Ethereum FULL NODE hosts the software needed for Transaction initiation, Validation, Mining, Block
creation, Smart contract execution and the Ethereum Virtual Machine, EVM.

11. Describe all the operations involved in the deployment of a smart contract aand in the
invocation of a smart contract.

1. Smart contract is designed, developed, compiled and deployed on the EVM that can be more
than one smart contract in an EVM.
2. When the target address in a transaction is a smart contract, the execution code corresponding
to the smart contract is activated and executed on the EVM.
3. The input needed for this execution is extracted from the payload field of the transaction.
4. Current state of the smart contract is the values of the variables defined in it.
5. The state of the smart contract may be updated by this execution.
6. Results of this execution is stored in the receipts.
7. A blockchain maintains both the state hash and the receipt hash.
8. All the transactions generated are validated.
9. Transaction validation involves checking the time-stamp and the nonce combination to be valid
and the availability of sufficient fees for execution.
10. Miner nodes in the network receive, verify, gather and execute transactions.
11. The in-work smart contract code are executed by all miners.
12. Validated transactions are broadcast and gathered for block creation.
13. The consensus protocol used is a memory-based rather than a CPU-based proof of work.

5 Monday,September 19, 2022

12. Describe all the operations performed by a Miner in an Ethereum Network.

STEP 1: A user writes and signs a transaction request with the private key of some account.

STEP2 : The user broadcasts the transaction request to the entire Ethereum network from some node.

STEP 3: Upon hearing about the new transaction request, each node in the Ethereum network adds the
request to their local mempool, a list of all transaction requests they’ve heard about that have not yet
been committed to the blockchain in a block.

STEP 4:At some point, a mining node aggregates several dozen or hundred transaction requests into a
potential block, in a way that maximizes the transaction fees they earn while still staying under the block
gas limit.

STEP 5: Eventually, a miner will finish producing a certificate for a block which includes our specific
transaction request. The miner then broadcasts the completed block, which includes the certificate and
a checksum of the claimed new EVM state.

STEP 6: Other nodes hear about the new block. They verify the certificate, execute all transactions on
the block themselves (including the transaction originally broadcasted by our user), and verify that the
checksum of their new EVM state after the execution of all transactions matches the checksum of the
state claimed by the miner’s block. Only then do these nodes append this block to the tail of their
blockchain, and accept the new EVM state as the canonical state.

STEP 7: Each node removes all transactions in the new block from their local mempool of unfulfilled
transaction requests.

STEP 8: New nodes joining the network download all blocks in sequence, including the block containing
our transaction of interest. They initialize a local EVM copy (which starts as a blank-state EVM), and then
go through the process of executing every transaction in every block on top of their local EVM copy,
verifying state checksums at each block along the way.

13. Describe in detail the Incentive model used in Ethereum Network.

Ethereum has specified gas points for each type of operation.  Mining process computes gas points
required for execution of a transaction.  If the fee specified and the gas point in the transaction are
not sufficient, it is rejected.  This is similar to mailing a letter with insufficient postage.  The letter
will not be delivered if it had insufficient postage.  The gas points needed for execution must be in
the account balance for the execution to happen.  If there is any amount left over after the
execution of a transaction, it is returned to the originating account. For example,  if a block
specifies a limit of 1 million 5 hundred thousand units of gas, and a basic Ether transaction fee is
21,000, this particular Ethereum block can fit about 70 plain Ether transactions.  If we add smart
contract transactions also into this block, that usually requires more gas, and the number of
transactions for this block will likely be lower.

14. Define Gas points

6 Monday,September 19, 2022

Are points required for each type of operation. Can be gathered by mining process. If you have
insufficient points transaction will be rejected. Must be in account balance

15. Define the following :

Gas limit is the amount of gas points available for a block to spend.
Gas spent is the actual amount of gas spent at the completion of the block creation.

16. What are Uncle or Ommer Blocks in Ethereum Blockchain? Compare the Uncles blocks
with Orphan blocks in Bitcoin..
There may be other miners who also solve the puzzle besides the winner. These miners will solve the
puzzle, but didn't win the block are called Ommers.  The blocks created by them are called Ommer
Uncle blocks are created on ethereum-based blockchains, and they are similar to bitcoin’s orphan block.
 Uncle blocks are created in Ethereum blockchains when two blocks are mined and submitted to the
ledger at roughly the same time.  Only one can enter the ledger as a block, and the other does not. 
They are similar to Bitcoin orphans, but have an integrated use, unlike their Bitcoin counterparts. 
Miners are rewarded for uncle blocks in the Ethereum system, whereas orphan blocks in Bitcoin were
not rewarded.  At times, two different miners may generate a block simultaneously.
This happens due to the working mechanism of the blockchain, which may not accept the newly
identified blocks into the blockchain instantaneously.  Due to this delay, a situation arises where
another miner solves for the same block and tries to add it to the network chain, which results in a
temporary and unsettled state of the blockchain network as the various nodes try to build a consensus
about which of the newly identified blocks to continue with and which one to reject.  The rejected
ones are those which have a relatively lower share of proof of work (POW) and constitute the uncle
blocks, while the ones with the larger share join the blockchain and work as a normal block.

17. State the reasons for including and incentivizing Uncle blocks in Ethereum Blockchain.
Ethereum incentivizes uncle block miners for several reasons: ➢ To increase the number of transactions
on the blockchain, ethereum allows for the creation of more uncle blocks as a byproduct of shorter
block times. ➢ Valid uncle blocks are rewarded to neutralize the effect of network lag on the
distribution of mining rewards. ➢ Incentivizing uncles helps to decrease the centralization of incentives
where large mining pools with high computing power end up claiming the majority of the rewards
leaving nothing for individual miners. ➢ It also increases the security of the network by supplementing
the work on the main blockchain by the work done in mining uncle blocks.

18. Provide the values in the following fields in TWO blocks recently added from the
Bitcoin blockchain by visiting the website : (TWO
BLOCKS added to BITCOIN Blockchain any date before 19th of the September 2022)

BLOCK #754,373

7 Monday,September 19, 2022

(i) Hash(Block Hash) -
(ii) Confirmations - 1
(iii) Timestamp - 16 sep. 2022 г., 21:31:37
(iv) Height - 754,373
(v) Miner - F2Pool
(vi) Number of transactions - 3,387
(vii) Difficulty - 32,045,359,565,303.15
(viii) Merkle root -
(ix) Version - 0x20200004
(x) Bits - 386,451,604
(xi) Weight - 3,998,299 WU
(xii) Size - 1,419,106
(xiii) Nonce - 3,656,057,671
(xiv) Transaction volume - 80,395.6727
(xv) Block Reward - 6.50265673 BTC
(xvi) Fee Reward - 0.25265673 BTC

BLOCK # 754,372…….
(i) Hash(Block Hash) -
(ii) Confirmations - 2
(iii) Timestamp - 16 sep. 2022 г., 21:11:05
(iv) Height - 754,372
(v) Miner - SlushPool
(vi) Number of transactions - 1,424
(vii) Difficulty - 32,045,359,565,303.15
(viii) Merkle root -
(ix) Version 0x2133e004
(x) Bits 386,451,604
(xi) Weight 3,993,334 WU
(xii) Size 1,210,543
(xiii) Nonce 2,629,697,647
(xiv) Transaction volume 2,238.7411
(xv) Block Reward 6.40305209 BTC
(xvi) Fee Reward 0.15305209 BTC

19. Define the following fields in a Bitcoin Block & indicate their purpose.
i) Hash
A hash is a function that converts an input of letters and numbers into an encrypted output of a fixed
length.  A hash is created using an algorithm and is essential to blockchain management in
cryptocurrency.  Hashing requires processing the data from a block through a mathematical function,
which results in an output of a fixed length.  Using a fixed-length output increases security since
anyone trying to decrypt the hash won’t be able to tell how long or short the input is simply by looking
at the length of the output.  The blockchain only contains validated transactions, which prevents

8 Monday,September 19, 2022

fraudulent transactions and double spending of the currency.  The resulting encrypted value is a series
of numbers and letters that do not resemble the original data and is called a hash.

ii) Timestamp
iii) Height
The block height of a particular block is defined as the number of blocks preceding it in the blockchain. 
The very first block on a blockchain is called the genesis block.  It has a block height of zero, as no
blocks precede it in the blockchain.  The total height of the blockchain is taken to be the height of the
most recent block, or the highest block, in the chain.  Block height is also calculated as the length of the
blockchain minus one.

iv) Miner
Validation and consensus process are carried out by special peer nodes called miners. These miner peer
nodes are powerful computers executing software defined by the blockchain protocol.
v) Number of transactions
vi) Difficulty

The difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to mine a Bitcoin block, or in more technical terms, to find
a hash below a given target.  A high difficulty means that it will take more computing power to mine
the same number of blocks, making the network more secure against attacks.  The difficulty is adjusted
every 2016 blocks (every 2 weeks approximately) so that the average time between each block remains
10 minutes.  The difficulty comes directly from the confirmed blocks data in the Bitcoin network

vii) Merkle root

A Merkle root is the hash of all the hashes of all the transactions that are part of a block in a blockchain
network.  A hash tree, or the Merkle tree, encodes the blockchain data in an efficient and secure
manner. It enables the quick verification of blockchain data, as well as quick movement of large amounts
of data from one computer node to the other on the peer-to-peer blockchain network.
viii) Weight
Block weight is a measure of the size of a block, measured in weight units.  The Bitcoin protocol limits
blocks to 4 million weight units, restricting the number of transactions a miner can include in a block.

ix) Nonce
A nonce is an abbreviation for "number only used once," which is a number added to a
hashed—or encrypted—block in a blockchain that, when rehashed, meets the difficulty
level restrictions.  The nonce is the number that blockchain miners are solving for. 
When the solution is found, the blockchain miners are offered cryptocurrency in

x) Transaction volume

xi) Block Reward

Bitcoin block reward refers to the new bitcoins that are awarded by the blockchain network to eligible
cryptocurrency miners for each block they mine successfully.
xii) Fee Reward

9 Monday,September 19, 2022

20. What is a Genesis block?

The very first block on a blockchain

21. What is a Coinbase transaction.

Transaction zero, index zero of the confirmed block is created by the miner of the block.  It has a
special UTXO and does not have any input UTXO.  It is called the coinbase transaction that
generates a miner's fees for the block creation.

22. Provide the values in the following fields in the TWO recently added blocks from the
Ethereum blockchain by visiting the website : (TWO BLOCKS
added to ETHEREUM Blockchain any date before 19th of the September 2022)
BLOCK # 15550018

i) Block height 15550018

ii) Timestamp Sep-17-2022 01:24:59 AM +UTC
Transactions 92 transactions and 31 internal contract transactions in this block
iii) Mined by
iv) Block Reward 0.128079912910778374 Ether (0 + 0.247614483636432136 -
v) Uncles reward 0
vi) Difficulty 58,750,003,716,598,352,816,469
vii) Total Difficulty 58,750,003,716,598,352,816,469
viii) Size 55,141 bytes
ix) Gas Used 7,328,478 (24.43%)

x) Gas Limit 30,000,000

xi) Extra Data Illuminate Dmocratize Dstribute
xii) Hash 0x56c7b77a88e19396e5f5acfcc40ffb249d3645ca4db487f56add8cde881b2a2c
Parent Hash 0x4121075613a363e0226b636dc11be92938a46c79c51d8a4ab937ef15b4ed3f6b

xiii) Sha3Uncles
xiv) StateRoot
xv) Nonce

BLOCK # 15550014
i) Block height 15550014

10 Monday,September 19, 2022

ii) Timestamp Sep-17-2022 01:24:11 AM +UTC
Transactions Transactions 278 transactions and 38 internal contract transactions in this block
iv) Mined by
v) Block Reward
0.07266956789006383 Ether (0 + 0.34649188235285395 - 0.27382231446279012)
vi) Uncles reward 0
vii) Difficulty 58,750,003,716,598,352,816,469
viii) Total Difficulty 58,750,003,716,598,352,816,469
ix) Size 58,784 bytes
Gas Used 21,037,540 (70.13%)
x) Gas Limit 30,000,000
xi) Extra Data 0x (Hex:Null)
xii) Hash
xiii) Parent Hash
xiv) Sha3Uncles
xv) StateRoot
xvi) Nonce

23. Define the following fields in a Ethereum Block & indicate their purpose.
i) Block height
It is a current number of the block in the blockchain

ii) Timestamp
Time when this block was added to the blockchain

iii) Transactions
An Ethereum transaction refers to an action initiated by an externally-owned account, in other words an
account managed by a human, not a contract. For example, if Bob sends Alice 1 ETH, Bob's account must
be debited and Alice's must be credited. This state-changing action takes place within a transaction.

iv) Mined by
Shows us which account created a block and added it to the block chain and got a reward
for it
v) Block Reward

Is a reward that account gets for creating a block and adding it to a block chain
vi) Uncles reward
When two accounts build and try to add a block to a block chain in nearly the same time,
account that was later is gets uncles reward
vii) Difficulty

11 Monday,September 19, 2022

Ethereum mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is
referred to as the difficulty of Ethereum mining.
Ethereum difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid
solution to solve the next Ethereum block and earn the mining reward.
viii) Total Difficulty
Is The accumulated sum of all blocks difficulty till the block you queried.

ix) Size
The size of a block equals the amount of data it stores.

x) Gas Used
Gas used is the actual amount of gas used at the completion of the block creation.

xi) Gas Limit

Gas limit is the amount of gas points available for a block to spend.

xii) Extra Data

xiii) Hash

A hash is a function that converts an input of letters and numbers into an encrypted output of a fixed
length.  A hash is created using an algorithm and is essential to blockchain management in
cryptocurrency.  Hashing requires processing the data from a block through a mathematical function,
which results in an output of a fixed length.  Using a fixed-length output increases security since
anyone trying to decrypt the hash won’t be able to tell how long or short the input is simply by looking
at the length of the output.  The blockchain only contains validated transactions, which prevents
fraudulent transactions and double spending of the currency.  The resulting encrypted value is a series
of numbers and letters that do not resemble the original data and is called a hash.

xiv) Parent Hash

Parent hash,is the Keccak 256-bit hash of the parent. (previous) block's header.

xv) Sha3Uncles
The combined hash of all uncles for a given parent.

xvi) StateRoot
the root hash of a specialized kind of Merkle tree which stores the entire state of the

xvii) Nonce

12 Monday,September 19, 2022

number that can only be used once

In Ethereum, every transaction has a nonce. The nonce is the number of transactions sent from a given

24. Provide the following units in equivalent of Wei and Ether(ETH)

Wei 1 WEI 10-18 ETH
Kwei 10³ wei 10-15 ETH
Mwei 106 wei 10-12 ETH
Gwei 9
10 wei 10-9 ETH
Microether 1012 wei 10-6 ETH
Milliether 10 wei
10 -3 ETH

25. Suppose a block specifies a limit of 3 million 5 hundred thousand units of gas, and a basic
Ether transaction fee is 21,000, Compute the number of plain transactions that can be
included in a Ethereum block.
3500000/21000= 166

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS – Write the answer a, b, c, or d in the box
provided against each question.

26. Did Bitcoin enable a centralized or a decentralized system for exchange of value? A
a) Decentralized b) Centralized

27. Validation, Verification, Immutable Recording, and _____ lead to Trust and
a) Coins b) Tokens c) Consensus d) Algorithms

28. Who introduced the digital online cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin? D

a) Nick Szabo b) Wei Dai c)Hal Finney d)Satoshi Nakamoto

29. A blockchain enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital currency without any

intermediaries such as bank. True or False?
a) True b) False A

30. A block in a Blockchain has a header and _______________.

a) Transactions b) Inputs c) Bitcoins d) Digital Ledger

31. What does UTXO stand for?

13 Monday,September 19, 2022
a) Unspent Transaction Xeroxed Output
b) b) Unspent Transaction Xeroxed Output
c) Unspent Transaction Output
d) Unspent Trade Offer

32. A transaction generates new UTXOs for transferring the amount specified in the input
UTXOs. True or False?
a) True b) False

33. Miners are computers that execute ____.

a) operations defined by users B
b) operations defined by the blockchain protocol
c) operations defined by transactions
d) operations defined by mechants

34. The algorithm for consensus in the Bitcoin blockchain is called _____ protocol.
a) Proof of Work A
b) Proof of Worth
c) Proof of Elapsed Time
d) Proof of Stake

35. Transaction confirmation is independently performed by all miner nodes. True

or False? A
a) True b) False

36. Transaction 0 in every block in the bitcoin blockchain ____.

a) is for paying the miner fees. D
b) does not have any input UTXO.
c) is called the coinbase transaction
d) All of the above.

37. In a public blockchain, a participant can join and leave the blockchain as and when
they wish. True or False?
a) False b) True B

38. What is the genesis block?

a) The first transaction in each block D
b) Any block created by the founder
c) Any block created by the founder
d) The first block of a Blockchain

39. Which of these fields is present in a Bitcoin block summary?

a) Gas Limit
b) Difficulty

14 Monday,September 19, 2022

c) Gas Used
d) Private Key of the Sender

40. Where are the transactions recorded in a blockchain?

a) On a distributed immutable ledger
b) On a SQL Database
c) On a SQLite Database
d) On a centralized immutable ledger

41. What are UTXOs in a Bitcoin Blockchain?

a) These are rewards for miners C
b) These form the inputs and outputs for transactions
c) These are actual currency that is sent to the receiver of a transaction
d) These are transaction output that has been expended

42. What/Who are miners in a blockchain?

a) A person who just initiates a transaction in the blockchain D
b) An algorithm that you can use to calculate the next block in a blockchain
c) A person who receives money as the receiver of the transaction
d) Computers that validate and process blockchain transactions and solve the cryptographic
puzzle to add new blocks

43. These are transaction output that has been expended A

a)centralized trustless b)centralized trusted
c)decentralized trusted d)decentralized trusted

44. Miners’ Rewards for successfully completing 1 block halve every ……………….
Blocks, or an average of every ………….years
a) 200,000 & 4 b) 210,000 & 8 c) 200,000 & 8 d) 210,000 & 4 D

45. An ………. block is a block that has been solved within the Bitcoin blockchain
network but was not accepted due to a lag within the network itself.
a) Uncle b) Orphan c)Zombie d) Ommer B

46. Say TRUE or FALSE There is no reward for solving a block which is then
determined to be an orphan block. A
a) False b) True
47. Bitcoin supports an optional and special feature called ……..for conditional
transfer of values.
a)Scripts b) shell d) miners d) smart contract

48. What allows for the execution of code in the Ethereum Blockchain, while enhancing the
basic value transfer capability of the Bitcoin Blockchain?
a)Ethereum Virtual Machine Proof-of-Work b)Solidity c
c)Smart Contracts d)Byte-code

15 Monday,September 19, 2022

49. Solidity has data, functions or methods with modifiers, along with getter and setter b
functions. True or False?
a) False b) True

50. How many types of accounts are on Ethereum? c

a) 4 b)3 c)2 d) 1

51. The _____ can send transactions for ether transfer or they can send transactions to
invoke a smart contract code.
a)accounts (address) b)block headers a
c)algorithms d)blocks

52. What is the smallest denomination of cryptocurrency on Ethereum? b

a)Ether b)Wei c)Bitcoins Gas Point

53. ____ hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining, block
creation, and smart contract execution.
a)EVM b)External Account c
c)Ethereum full node d)Smart Contract

68. _____ receive, verify, gather and execute transactions. a

a)Miner nodes b)Ethereum Virtual Machine
c)Smart Contracts d)Smart Contracts

69. Any changes to the value of a state variable in a smart contract are stored on the
blockchain. True or False? b
a) False b) True

70. GASLIMIT is the actual amount of gas spent at the completion of the Block creation.
True or False?
a) False b) True a

71. What are miners who solved the puzzle but didn't win the block creation called?
a)Sisters b)Brothers c)Ommers d) Cousins

72. _________ are paid fees for the creation of a block.

a)Miners of a block b)All full nodes a
c)Receivers of transactions in the block d)Senders of transactions in the block

73. Which of the following is true about an externally owned account (EOA) in
Ethereum Homestead? c
a) EOAs execute code when triggered by a transaction.
b) EOAs have associated code with them.
c) EOAs can send transactions (ether transfer or invoke a contract code)

16 Monday,September 19, 2022

74. What is the correct sequence involved in a block creation:
1. Transactions validated a
2. Transactions Bundled & broadcasted
3. Transaction initiated
4. Block added to the local chain and propagated to the network.
5. Proof of work consensus problem solved
a)3,1,2,5,4 b)5,3,1,2,4
c)3,2,1,4,5 d)1,2,3,4,5

75. One Ether is equal to ………

a) 106 b) 109 c) 1012 d) 1018 d

76. External Owned Accounts (EOA) are controlled by ____.

a)Public Key b)Hash of the first transaction by that account
c)Public Key and Private Key d)Private Key d

77. What is the differentiating factor between the Ethereum Blockchain and the Bitcoin
blockchain? b
a)Currency Exchange b)Smart contracts
c)Wallets d)Distributed ledger
78. ............., then ............ methods devised by the blockchain and implemented by the peers
provide the collective trust needed in a decentralized system.
a)Validation, Verification b)Validation, Centralization a
c)Verification, Centralization d)Validation, mutability

79. If a block specifies a limit of 1 million 5 hundred thousand units of gas, and a basic
Ether transaction fee is 21,000, this particular Ethereum block can fit about ....... plain
Ether transactions.
a)70 b)90 c)100 d)140

80. If basic Ether transaction fee is 21000 units, gas price per unit is 200 Gwei, Compute
the transaction fee to be paid in ETH(Ether).
a) 0.0042 ETH b)0.042 ETH c)0.000042 ETH d)0.00000042 ETH a


17 Monday,September 19, 2022

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