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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Division of Sagay City

This form is an Excel -based test prepared by the teacher for students under offline modality and low internet connectivity.

This tool is composed of six parts: Instructions, TOS, Questions,Difficulty Index, Mastery & Frequency Level and Action Plan to be
prepared by the teacher.


This sheet contains instructions on how to use the quiz maker offline for teacher.

Table of Specification
This sheet is how you crafted your test.


This sheet contains questions and learner's information that needs to be answered by the learner.

This sheet contains the key answers and scores obtained by the learners. It is protected by a password that only your teacher know.

Difficulty Index

This sheet is to determine the level of difficulty of the test with the scale of <=30% as Low level of Difficulty with
the interpretation as Easy; >30% and <80% as Medium level of difficulty with the interpretation of Moderate;
>=80% as High level of Difficulty with the interpretation of Difficult.

Mastery & Frequency Level

This sheet is for the Mastery level of the students on how much they have learned the topic with the scaling of 1-
59% as Not Mastered; 60%-74% as Least Mastered;75%-79% as Nearly Mastered; and 80%-100% as Mastered.

This sheet also contains the frequency level of the students with the scaling of: 0 as No Errors; 1-10 as Minimal
Errors; 11-25 as Marginal Errors and 26 - 50 as Further Errors

Proficiency Level

This sheet is for the Proficiency level of the students with the scale of : 91-100 as Highly Proficient ,81-90 as
Proficient, 71-80 as Not Proficient,61-70 as Low Proficient and or equal to. 60 as Not Proficient

Action Plan

This sheets is for you to craft a plan base on the results in Difficulty Index, Mastery & Frequency Level.

1. Open Microsoft Excel or any Spreadsheet (WPS version)
2. Click enable editing when the prompt appears.
3. Click Do not Update or Close button if another prompt appears.
4. Encode your TOS.
5. Formulate and encode your questions for the test.
6. Send student_quizmakeroffline file to your students
7. Gather all the answered test of your students.
8. In the diffiulcty index, encode your Subject, Grade level, Section, Quarter, Type of test, Number of
Takers and Number of Items, Test Items, Competencies and number of test takes.Copy the answers of
each students from the Summary sheet under the students_quizmakeroffline file to compute for the
difficulty index , mastery & frequency level.
9. Determine the Least Mastered Competencies based on the Frequency of error and Proficiencly Level.
10. Create an Action Plan based on the results

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division Office of Sagay City
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
1st Quarter Examination

LRN No.:

Grade &
Section :


Panuto: Read the following items carefully and choose the correct answer from the choices.
Question Your Answer
It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions
and learn from experience.

A. reflection
B. wondering
C. questioning
D. reasoning

Philosophy is derived from two greek words - philo (love) and sophia (wisdom). Literally, the
word philosophy means ________________.

A. love of God
B. love of wisdom
C. love of reasoning
D. love of reflection

What is the branch of Philosophy that studies the nature and means of human knowledge?

A. Metaphysics
3 B. Politics
C. Ethics
D. Epistemology

The question “How can I know the world?” falls under which branch of philosophy?

A. Ethics
4 B. Metaphysics
C. Epistemology
D. Logic

Imagine a group of friends looking at the same apple however they have different
perspective and outlook on the existence of the apple. The shapes, colors, sizes, vary unto
how it is viewed by a person. The question is what branch of philosophy should we use in
order to seek the truth or reality of the existence of apple?
A. Metaphysics
B. Deductive Reasoning
C. Aesthetics
D. None of the above
According to the importance of studying philosophy, what can it offer us?

A. Know the different philosophers and their philosophies in life?

B. See the downs and lows in the development and history of philosophy.
C. Survey the achievements of the different philosophers in various periods of history.
D. Enhances our minds, understand what we encounter every day, and value our

All dolphins are mammals. All mammals have kidneys. Therefore, dolphins have kidneys.
This reasoning is an example of __________________.

A. Inductive Reasoning
B. Deductive Reasoning
C. Fallacy
D. Either A or B

The first ballpen I pulled from my bag is red. The second ballpen I pulled from my bag is
red.Therefore, all the ballpen in my bag are red. This reasoning is an example of

8 A. Inductive Reasoning
B. Deductive Reasoning
C. Fallacy
D. Either A or B

Identify the type of fallacy of the following statement:

Before we begin the debate, everyone here should know that my opponent is a convicted

9 A. Argumentum ad Baculum
B. Argumentum ad Hominem
C. Argumentum ad Populum
D. Argumentum ad Traditio

Identify the type of fallacy of the following statement:

It is just right that you join our religious organization. That is, if you don’t want to suffer
eternal damnation.

10 A. Appeal to Force
B. Appeal to Pity
C. Appeal to person
D. Division

Identify the type of fallacy of the following statement:

This institution is incompetent. So every member of this institution is also incompetent.

A. Division
B. Composition
C. Accident
D. False Cause

The Correspondence Theory of truth asserts that truth must

A. be agreed by upon by two people

12 B. corresponds with experience and fact
C. be based on myth and reality
D. be agreed by upon by three people only

This theory of truth is the agreement of things with one another.

A. Pragmatic Theory of Truth

13 B. Correspondence Theory of Truth
C. Coherence Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth
The truth of a belief is tested by its satisfactory results when it is put into operation.

A. Pragmatic Theory of Truth

14 B. Coherence Theory of Truth
C. Correspondence Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth

"There are 10 coins in my pocket", is an example of _________________.

A. Correspondence Theory of Truth
B. Coherence Theory of Truth
C. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth

You can never know something is true until you can set up a test for that truth. If you
can't test it, you can't know it.

A. Correspondence Theory of Truth

B. Coherence Theory of Truth
C. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth

It is common error in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. It can be
either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack
evidence that supports the claim.

17 A. Argument
B. Reasoning
C. Fallacy
D. Premises

Which fallacy literally means hitting the person below the belt instead of focusing on the
issue at hand?

A. appeal to pity
B. equivocation
C. argumentum ad baculum
D. ad hominem

This fallacy is committed when one reaches a generalization based on insufficient evidence.

A. ad misericordiam
19 B. ad hominem
C. hasty generalization
D. division

It is the term commonly used to represent the entire human race.

A. Human being
20 B. Human nature
C. Man
D. Person

It is a general term which refers to the deepest and natural behavior of a person that
distinguish human from animals. It consists of collective traits that formed and considered
the very essence of humanity.

21 A. Human being
B. Human nature
C. Man
D. Person

Carlo is a tall person with brown hair and brown eyes. What aspect of the human person is
being described in the statement?

A. Cognitive Self
B. Psychological Self
C. Physical Self
D. Sociological Self
Marie is very cheerful and friendly to her classmates. What aspect of the human person is
being described in the statement?

A. Cognitive Self
B. Psychological Self
C. Physical Self
D. Sociological Self

Which of the following is NOT an essential component of the human person?

A. Conscience
24 B. Mind
C. Soul
D. Spirit

Which of the following BEST describes the concept of embodiment?

A. Human person is essentially his/her body and nothing more.

25 B. Human person is essentially his/her spirit and nothing more.
C. Human person is essentially the unity of his/her body and spirit.
D. Human person is essentially a separate entity of the body and the spirit.

Vincent loses his arm and leg due to a car accident. He loses a part of his physical body
which makes up his physical identity. Which of the following statements is true about the
concept of embodiment?

26 A. Vincent can still be considered a human person despite losing a part of his identity.
B. Vincent is not fully considered a human person since he lacks one aspect of his identity.
C. Neither a nor b
D. None of the above

A criminal who have committed a heinous offense can still be considered a human person
despite of his cruelty and inhumane act. The statement is ___________.

A. True, the dignity is still retained in spite of his actions because it is his inherent right.
27 B. False, the dignity of humans are removed once they don’t treat other people just and
C. Neither a nor b
D. None of the above

This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be taken away from him/her. It is
present from womb to tomb.

A. Dignity
B. Rights
C. Free Will
D. Reasoning

Human person has the capacity to surpass his/her limits.

A. True
29 B. False
C. Not all the time
D. It is a Fallacy

Facticity refers to the things in our life that is already given. Therefore, we can make use of
our facticity as an excuse for our difficulties and failures.

A. Statement 1 & 2 are true

B. Statement 1 & 2 are false
C. Statement 1 is true & Statement 2 is false
D. Statement 1 is false & Statement 2 is true
Human persons are temporal beings. Thersefore, it also corresponds to the fact that the
human body has limitations.

A. Statement 1 & 2 are true

B. Statement 1 & 2 are false
C. Statement 1 is true & Statement 2 is false
D. Statement 1 is false & Statement 2 is true

This refers to a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and
humanity’s place in it.

A. Environmental Philosophy
B. Frugality
C. Environmental aesthetics
D. Prudence

This view believes that man is the most important species on the planet.
A. Biocentrism
B. Anthropocentrism
C. Ecocentrism
D. Environmentalism

This view asserts that all organisms have intrinsic value and should be protected.

A. Anthropocentrism
34 B. Biocentrism
C. Environmentalism
D. Ecocentrism

This view places great value on ecosystem and biological communities.

A. Anthropocentrism
35 B. Biocentrism
C. Environmentalism
D. Ecocentrism

Which of these statements about humankind and nature is not true?

A. Humankind can use the resources without regard for the consequences.
36 B. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature.
C. Humans are capable of changing the environment.
D. Humans are stewards of nature.

This view advocates action to address environmental problems.

A. Anthropocentrism
37 B. Biocentrism
C. Environmentalism
D. Ecocentrism

This is refers to a moral approach in understanding the relationship between humans and
the environment.

A. Environmental justice
B. Environmental philosophy
C. Environmental aesthetics
D. Environmental ethics

Which of the sentences below does not reflect environmental ethics?

A. Humans must act together to solve environmental problems.

39 B. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities.
C. We should reflect on how our actions affect the environment.
D. We must uphold the welfare of the earth and everything in it.
This concept refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and the burden of
addressing climate change.

A. Environmental aesthetics
B. Environmental ethics
C. Environmental justice
D. Environmental philosophy

A development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.

A. Environmental Development
B. Green Development
C. Economic Development
D. Sustainable Development

Which of these statements is not related to sustainable development?

A. Human activities must promote the integrity of the earth.

42 B. Natural resources are to be used wisely and efficiently.
C. Resources must be conserved for other people.
D. Humankind must use up all natural resources.

Which of the following practices show a sustainable development?

A. A powerplant that uses coal to produce electricity

43 B. A fastfood chain that continue to use plastics and styro boxes
C. A supermarket that encourages the use of ecobags instead of plastics
D. A new construction of farm to market road in a protected lanscape

Human beings are stewards of God's creation. What do you mean by the word steward?

A. consumer
44 B. caretaker
C. destroyer
D. seller

Human beings are rational animal. Therefore, they are free to decide what they will do to
their natural resources.

A. Statement 1 & 2 are true

B. Statement 1 & 2 are false
C. Statement 1 is true & Statement 2 is false
D. Statement 1 is false & Statement 2 is true

Human actions has positive and negative effects on the environment. Therefore, humans
should practice prudence.

A. Statement 1 & 2 are true

B. Statement 1 & 2 are false
C. Statement 1 is true & Statement 2 is false
D. Statement 1 is false & Statement 2 is true

Sustainable development means a development that consider only the economic results.
One example of sustainable development is putting farm to market roads inside the
protected areas.

47 A. Statement 1 & 2 are true

B. Statement 1 & 2 are false
C. Statement 1 is true & Statement 2 is false
D. Statement 1 is false & Statement 2 is true

Which among the following is not an environmental issue?

A. Deforestation
48 B. Pollution
C. Overpopulation
D. Volcanic eruptions
As a senior high school learner, how can you help in mitigating the effect of climate

A. I will continue to buy Single-Use Plastic (SUP) products

B. I will use plastic bags instead of eco bags
C. I will recycle my used papers in school to lessen my trash
D. I will always buy new stuffs because reusing and recycling is a waste of time.

The following are activities that helped in preserving our environment, EXCEPT ONE.

A. Construction of Green Architectures

50 B. No Single-Use Plastic Events
C. Strawless Restaurants
D. Coal Powerplant for a Cool Future



Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division Office of Sagay City

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

1st Quarter Examination

Name: 0
LRN No.: 0
Grade & Section : 0
Date: December 30, 1899
Score: 0 No. of Items: 50

Item # Answer Correct Answer Remarks

10 0 A WRONG
11 0 A WRONG
12 0 B WRONG
13 0 C WRONG
14 0 A WRONG
15 0 A WRONG
16 0 A WRONG
17 0 C WRONG
18 0 D WRONG
19 0 C WRONG
20 0 C WRONG
21 0 B WRONG
22 0 C WRONG
23 0 A WRONG
24 0 A WRONG
25 0 C WRONG
26 0 A WRONG
27 0 A WRONG
28 0 A WRONG
29 0 A WRONG
30 0 C WRONG
31 0 A WRONG
32 0 A WRONG
33 0 B WRONG
34 0 B WRONG
35 0 D WRONG
36 0 A WRONG
37 0 C WRONG
38 0 D WRONG
39 0 B WRONG
40 0 C WRONG
41 0 D WRONG
42 0 D WRONG
43 0 C WRONG
44 0 B WRONG
45 0 C WRONG
46 0 A WRONG
47 0 B WRONG
48 0 D WRONG
49 0 C WRONG
50 0 D WRONG



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