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1. Which holds true to standardized tests?

A. They are used for comparative purposes
B. They are administered di erently
C. They are scored according to di erent
D. They are used for assigning grades
Standardized tests are created by a team—usually test experts
from a commercial testing company who consult classroom teachers and
university faculty—and are administered in standardized ways. Students
not only respond to the same questions they also receive the same
directions and have the same time limits.

Criterion-referenced standardized tests measure student performance

against a speci c standard or criterion. 

Norm-referenced standardized tests report students’ performance

relative to others. For example, if a student scores on the seventy-second
percentile in reading it means she outperforms 72 percent of the students
who were included in the test’s norm group. A norm group is a
representative sample of students who completed the standardized test
while it was being developed. 

2. A negative discrimination index of a test item

tells that particular test item lacks _____.

A. objectivity

B. reliability

C. content validity

D. construct validity
The item analysis is an important phase in
the development of an exam program. In this
phase statistical methods are used to identify any
test items that are not working well. If an item is
too easy, too difficult, failing to show a difference
between skilled and unskilled examinees, or even
scored incorrectly, an item analysis will reveal it.


1. Item Difficulty Index - measures of the proportion of examinees

who responded to an item correctly

2. Item discrimination Index - measures of how well the item

discriminates between examinees who are knowledgeable in the
content area and those who are not.

4. Distractor Analysis - provides a measure of how well each of the

incorrect options contributes to the quality of a multiple choice

Once the item analysis information is available, an item review

is often conducted.


For an item that is highly discriminating, in general the examinees who responded to
the item correctly also did well on the test, while in general the examinees who responded
to the item incorrectly also tended to do poorly on the overall test.

The possible range of the discrimination index is -1.0 to 1.0; however, if an item has
a discrimination below 0.0, it suggests a problem.

Negative Discrimination Index - overall the most knowledgeable examinees are getting
the item wrong and the least knowledgeable examinees are getting the item right. A
negative discrimination index may indicate that the item is measuring something other
than what the rest of the test is measuring. More often, it is a sign that the item has been

0 - 0.2 – not discriminating

0.2 - 0.4 – starting to become discriminating

> 0.4 – strongly discriminating because in practice, it can be di cult to obtain a DI

greater than 0.4.

1.0 - perfect discrimination (all high performing students got the correct answer and
all low performing students did not

Validity tells you how accurately a method measures something. If a
method measures what it claims to measure, and the results closely
correspond to real-world values, then it can be considered valid. There
are four main types of validity
• Construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it’s
intended to measure
• Content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to
• Face validity: Does the content of the test appear to be suitable to
its aims
• Criterion validity:  Do the results accurately measure the concrete
outcome they are designed to measure?

3. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found

out that more from the lower group got the test
item # 6 correctly. This means that the test item

A. has a negative discriminating power

B. has a lower validity

C. has a positive discriminating power

D. has a high reliability

4. You want to teach concepts, patterns,

and abstractions. Which method is most

A. deductive method

B. problem solving

C. direct instruction

D. indirect instruction
5. Which can enhance the development

of spatial intelligence?

A. hands-on demonstrations

B. environmental study

C. concept miming

D. concept mapping
6. Which of these is not an indicator of a

supportive learning environment?

A. high drop-out rates

B. warm and friendly atmosphere

C. students take personal responsibility for

their learning and behavior

D. increase in student bonding activities in

7. Which of the following statements is/are not true about

I. Feedback is the most important factor in


II. Only those that can be objectively measured should

be taught.

III. Assessment should follow a developmental pattern.

IV. Identifying systematic errors committed by students

should be the basis of remedial instruction.
A. II only C. III and IV
B. IV only D. I and II
7. What can the teachers in one school do to

maximize their community resources to ensure

that e ective instruction is employed at all times?

A. Have a learning resource center of materials

prepared by teachers.

B. Request the school to purchase materials.

C. Require students to bring materials for their


D. Let a company/agency sponsor the building of

a resource center.

9. In a multiple choice test item with four options and
out of 50 examinees, which was the most e ective

A. the correct answer that was chosen by 6


B. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees

C. the option that was chosen by 2


D. the option that was chosen by 12 examinees

10. To reduce electronic waste, implement a
recycling system. Which belong to an e-
waste recycling system?

I. Repair

II. Reuse

III. Upgrading of existing equipment

A. I, II, and III C. I and II

B. I only D. II only
11. After scoring, Teacher G got the di erence  

of the highest and lowest scores in each class. 
What did she compute?

A. standard deviation

B. mean

C.  range

D. median

12. Which of the following is NOT an

e x a m p l e o f a t e a c h e r ’s
nonverbal communication?

A. eye contact

B. gestures

C. pauses

D. voice

13. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of

Professional Teachers, which is not mentioned

about teachers?

A. possess dignity and reputation

B. with high moral values as well as

technical and professional competence

C. LET passers

D. duly licensed professionals

Preamble of the Code of Ethics of

Professional Teachers

Teachers are duly licensed professionals who

possesses dignity and reputation with high moral values
as well as technical and professional competence in the
practice of their noble profession, and they strictly adhere
to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.
14. You want to engage your students in a small
group discussions. Which topic lends itself to a
lively discussion?

A. the exclusion of Pluto as a planet

B. the meaning of the law of supply

and demand

C. the law of inertia

D. rules on subject-verb agreement


15. Teacher X subscribes to the idealist

philosophy. This means that the teacher believes
that knowledge arrived through _________.

A. trial and error

B. concrete experience

C. experimenting

D. reasoning

Idealistic philosophy in education emphasizes
'the exaltation of personality', which is the result
of self-realization, achieved by spiritual
knowledge, self-discipline and digni ed teacher.
Idealism assigns a very important place to the
teacher who is respected as a guide, and

16. Analytic scoring uses the_________

judgement of the student's work.

A. evaluation

B. performance

C. standard

D. criterion

17. Teacher N teaches in a remote barrio. In order not to

incur salary deduction, she does not le her leave of
absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she uses
that amount, which is supposed to be deducted from her
salary on account of her absence, to buy pencils and
paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is Teacher N right?

A. Yes, the poor students are bene ted.

B. No, the end does not justify the means.

C. Yes, the amount is little compared to the millions

of pesos stolen by corrupt government o cials.

D. Yes, she is not the only one bene ted by

her actions.

18.According to Piaget's stages of cognitive 

development, between ages 12 and 15, 

children  reach  formal operational stage. What

are they capable of doing at this stage?

A. can focus on only one aspect of a

situation or event

B. can solve abstract problems and

think deductively

C. can reason inductively or deductively

D. can do multi-tasking

19. To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches

you should use are variety and choice. What does this mean?

I. Make use of a variety of teaching methodologies

II. Consider learning styles and so allow students some

options on how to go about assignments.

III. Allow for more exibility in activities.

IV. Do away with routines, rules, and procedures. 

A. I and II
B. I, II, and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, and IV

20. Which of the following is true about ICT?

I. The use of ICT has negative e ects

II. The use of ICT has a lot of bene ts.

III. The use of ICT is e ective only in

industrialized countries.

A. I and II

B. II only

C. III only

D. I and III

21.Teacher R, a science teacher, makes sure all 

eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper 

behavior for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory

supports Teacher R's practice?

A. Vygotsky’s

B. Glasser’s

C. Piaget’s

D. Bandura’s
Willliam Glasser’s Choice Theor

Choice theory posits behaviors we

choose are central to our existence. Our
behaviour (choices) are driven by ve
genetically driven needs: survival, love and
belonging, freedom, fun, and power.
Survival needs include food, clothing,
shelter, breathing, personal safety,a nd
security and sex (having children). The
four fundamental psychological needs are
Belonging/connecting/love, Power/
signi cance/competence, Freedom/
autonomy, and Fun/learning

22. Which should you use more if you want to
counteract the spirit of destructive
competition among your students?

A. community involvement projects

B. listening activities

C. self-evaluation activities

D. concept miming

23. When curriculum content is fairly
distributed in each area of discipline, this
means that the curriculum is ______  .

A. sequence
B. balance
C. integrate
D. continue

24.Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak

 in comprehension. To further determine in which

particular skills her pupils are weak which test

should Teacher B give?

A. Aptitude Test

B. Placement Test

C. Diagnostic Test

D. Standardized Test
25. 1. In constructing test items the teacher
considers the alignment of _______________
with assessment.

A. content and process

B. monitoring and evaluation

C. instructional objectives

D. instructional materials

26. Teacher B wanted her students to learn the electoral

process in action. So, they stimulate a copy of the real
thing completed with coming up with their own
quali cation of candidates, manner of campaigning,
and canvassing of votes. With this, the
students learned from ________.

A. contrived experiences

B. direct experiences

C. purposeful experience

D. demonstration



Direct purposeful experiences – These are rst hand experiences which serve
as the foundation of our learning. We build up our reservoir of meaningful
information and ideas though seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. In
the context of the teaching-learning process, it is learning by doing.
Contrived experiences  – We use of a representative models or mock ups of
reality for practical reasons and so that we can make the real-life accessible to
the students’ perceptions and understanding.  For instance a mock-up of Apollo,
the capsule for the exploration of the moon, enabled the North American Aviation
Co. to study the problem of lunar ight
Remember how you were taught to tell time? Your teacher may have used a
mock up, a clock, whose hands you could turn to set the time you were instructed
to set
Dramatized experiences  — By dramatization, we can participate in a
reconstructed experience, even though the original event is far removed from us
in time. We relive the outbreak of the Philippine revolution by acting out the role of
characters in a drama



27. The Education Act of 1982 categorically

states that it is a teacher’s to refrain from
making deductions in scholastic ratings for
acts that are clearly not manifestations of
poor scholarship.

A. obligation

B. right

C. prerogative

D. responsibility

SEC. 16. Teachers’ Obligations

Every teacher shall:

1.Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in

accordance with the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school.

2.Be accountable for the e cient and e ective attainment of speci ed

learning objectives in pursuance of national development goals within the
limits of available school resources.

3.Render regular reports on performance of each student and to the latter

and the latter's parents and guardians with speci c suggestions for

4.Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth

and advancement and maintain professionalism in his behavior at all times.

5.Refrain from making deductions in students' scholastic ratings for acts that
are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.

6.Participate as an agent of constructive social, economic, moral, intellectual,

cultural and political change in his school and the community within the
context of national policies.
28. Research on teacher-e ectiveness practices

has shown that _______.

A. directions should be few and best delivered in a

casual manner

B. planning has little impact on student learning

C. questioning strategies are ine ective

monitoring techniques

D. teaching procedures on classroom routines early

in the school year are essential

29. A student with a percentile score of 80
means that the student scored  .

A. higher than 80% of the members of

the group

B. better, relative to the competencies


C. high in all the skills being tested

D. 80% of the speci ed content

30.With a computer, you can organize 

information about trees and planets. 

Which tool should you use?

A. spreadsheet

B. database

C. word processing

D. desktop publishing

31.Which of the following is a right granted to parents as provided in

B. P. 232, Sec. 8:12?

A. The right to receive, through primarily competent instruction,

relevant quality education in line with national goals and conducive to
their full development as persons with human dignity.

B. The right to free expression of opinion and suggestions and to e ec
tive channels of communications with appropriate academic and
administrative bodies of the school or institution.

C. The right to organize themselves and or with teachers for the 

purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of matters relating to

the school programs.

D. The right of institutions of higher learning top determines on

academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and
what shall be the subject of the study and research.

Chapter 2
SEC. 8. Rights of Parents.—In addition to other rights under existing
laws, all parents who have children enrolled in a school have the
following rights:

1. The right to organize by themselves and/or with teachers

for the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of
matters relating to the total school program, and for
ensuring the full cooperation of parents and teachers in
the formulation and e cient implementation of such

2. The right to access to any o cial record directly relating to

the children who are under their parental responsibility.
32. Which of these are the two most important
knowledge and skills that a teacher needs to be able to
provide teaching-learning opportunities that develop
problem solving and higher order thinking abilities?

I. designing, planning, implementing, documenting, and

reviewing learning experiences.

II. impact of cultural, social, and political in uences

in education.

III. meta-cognitive processes

IV. methods of identifying students' learning needs

A. III and IV C. I and III

B. II and III D. I and IV

33. Bruner's theory on intellectual development
moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. Applying Bruner's how should you teach?

A. Begin with the concrete.

B. Begin with the abstract.

C. Be interactive in approach.

D. Do direct instruction.

34. When asked about her order, a little girl tells

the waiter "'yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget's

theory in mind, what is the little girl's
behavior called?

A. pre-operational egocentrism

B. conservation

C. reversibility

D. transudative reasoning

35. If one asked to develop himself to the

fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy
according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

A. Safety needs

B. Belongingness

C. Physiological needs

D. Self-actualization

36. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing

the development in your pupils' ability
to write
A. portfolio assessment

B. scoring rubric

C. interview of pupils

D. self-assessment

37. Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates that

the evaluation of the learner's work should be
based on merit and quality of academic  ________.

A. marks

B. evaluation

C. performance

D. Results

38. Which is a classroom application of Vygotsky's idea

of sca olding?

A. Give the learner the necessary assistance until

she can be on her own.

B. From the start, leave the learner to herself

because she has the power for self-learning.

C. Don't spoil the learner by doing what she ought

to do.

D. Give the learner a task that challenges her ability.

39. At the preoperational stage of Piaget's
cognitive development theory, the child can see
only his point of view and assumes that
everyone also has the same view as his. What is
this tendency called?

A. transductive reasoning

B. animism

C. Egocentrism

D. conservatism

40. The adoption of national language directed by

the Philippine Constitution is designed
primarily to ________.

A. facilitate communication among diverse

linguistic groups

B. do away from colonial mentality

C. o cially adopt Tagalog as national


D. counteract elitism

41. The Department of Education directed that
the lowest passing grade is  % and the lowest
failing grade is  % in the report card.

A. 70 - 60

B. 75 - 70

C. 75 - 65

D. 70 -50

42. If you use Pygmallion e ect to explain

why children coming from depressed areas
cannot read, to which do you attribute the
poor reading performance of this particular
group of children?

A. poor expectation from depressed areas

B. lack of motivation

C. ine ective teaching methods

D. lack of reading materials

43. Student R gave a wrong answer. Teacher W
said "Wrong! You are way o ." As a consequence
other students in the class were afraid to answer 

questions. Which of the following is illustrated by 

the event?

A. ripple e ect

B. halo e ect

C. severity error

D. central tendency error

Ripple Effect - the continuing and spreading
results of an event or action.
44. Which is a selective reading technique
meant at getting important facts
very fast?

A. silent reading

B. skim reading

C. oral reading

D. scanning

45. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says

"Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's di cult. I don't
like it. I can't do it.) To which factor can you attribute
his perceived inability to perform the task? To a factor

I. within him

II. outside his control

III. which is stable

IV. within his control

A. I and IV C. I only

B. II and III D. IV only

46. You were assigned to handle a multi-grade
class. What instructional materials must be
utilized to provide for the needs of each level?

A. di erentiated materials to cater to

di erent levels

B. multi-sensory materials

C. colorful, useful, and durable materials

D. materials of high level thinking skills

47. What is the initial step that a homeroom
adviser must do at the beginning of the class?

A. Get to know each member of the class.

B. Prepare a seat plan.

C. Secure the class list.

D. Memorize the names of the students.

48.Having a mock presidential election, complete
  with debates, discussion of issues, and voting, 

teaches students ____________.

A. the decision-making process

B. the skill to win in debates

C. the art of winning in an election

D. the skill to persuade

49. Teacher R observed that one of her students

excels in activities requiring strength, speed,
exibility, balance, and hand eye coordination. 

According to H. Gardner, such natural intelligence 
can be identi ed as .

A. bodily-kinesthetic

B. intrapersonal

C. interpersonal

D. verbal-linguistic

50. The search for related literature by accessing
several databases by the use of a telephone line
to connect a computer library with other
computers that have database is termed ______.

A. compact disc search

B. manual search

C. on-line search

D. computer search

End of session. @teacheraonlinereviewcenter Ruel Atun

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